Killer Concept - The Russian Dovakhiin - the video of his power
"The Russian Dovakhiin"
The Power:
IDI (イディ) NA (・ホ) HUI (イ) - the Russian Dovakhiin charges his Shout, then stuns survivor (or throws him) for 3s/6s/throw and 4s stun. The stun time is proper to the time of the charge.
CY (ブラ) KA (イ) BLYAT (ト)- You insist great fear among the survivors. Every time you got pallet slammed, you shout CY (ブラ) KA (イ) BLYAT (ト), making the survivor scream constantly for 3/6/9 seconds.
Stop hittin' him, you damn gopniks! - Slavic Benedict shouting at his fellow survivors.
RU (ル) SH (シ) BI (ビ) - Your devotion do the Entity, and the Greycykas fills you with power. Everytime the survivors complete the generator, you shout RU (ル) SH (シ) BI (ビ) get 10%/20%/30% speed boost for 20/30/35 seconds.
Oy blin, believe me, this is a good tactic! - Vlad persuasing his teammates.
GET (水) VOD (を得) KA (る) - The thirst is your greatest enemy. Everytime when you hang survivor on the hook, the Entity rewards you with the bottle of vod HEALTH POTION, making you do actions 10%/15%/20% faster for 30/40/50 seconds.
Cyka blyat, where is my vodka, Dimitri?! - Dovakhiin calling for his drink
The Weapon: his weapon of choice - broken bottle of his favourite drink.
Appearance -
His favourite outfit - the polyamide armour, necklace and ring of power, and of course, the cat-swift runners.
If this isn't added the game is lost...
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We need a Russian Dovakhiin, I feel empty without him.
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Months have passed and we still don't have Russian Dovakhiin as a playable character, what a shame...
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Ungh, Hoo-ah Huh!
Ungh, Hoo-ah Huh!
Ungh, Hoo-ah Huh!
Ungh, Hoo-ah Huh!
Ungh, Hoo-ah Huh!
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin,
Wahdein vokul mahfaeraak ast vaal
Ahrk fin norok paal graan
fodnust vok zin dro zaan
Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal!
Huzrah nu kul do od wah aan bok
Lingrah vod, ahrk fin tey,
boziik fun do fin gein!
Wo lost fron wah ney dov,
ahrk fin rey liik do jul,
voth aan su ley kwahro nit faal krein!
Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah,
do vedviing ko fin krah,
Tol fod zehmah win kein mez fun dein!
Alduin, feyn do jun, kru ziik vokun staadnau,
Voth aan baaalok wah diivon fin lein!
nuz aansul, fent alok,
fod fin vul dovah nok,
Fen kos nah lot, mahfae raak ahrk ruz!
Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot,
nuz aansul, fent alok,
fod fin vul dovah nok,
Fen kos nah lot, mahfae raak ahrk ruz!
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin,
Wahdein vokul mahfaeraak ast vaal
Ahrk fin norok paal graan
fodnust vok zin dro zaan
Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal!