
Will the devs ever do something about it? It legit ######### sucks when an entire team quick-switches when you're playing as Killer. When it happens, you know you're just gonna run in circles the entire match. I just leave the match. Devs made rank totally worthless anyways.


  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    Quick switching removes the option for the killer to take what they think may be a challenge, and it's also the reason most people use quick switching.

    I've found that I appreciate the challenge, as someone who plays killer. I do wish that I had more of a warning for when I was going against a squad that'd be trying hard :pirate: Perhaps check profiles, for now.

    +1 for character switch cooldown, or perhaps limiting character switches to the first 30 seconds of a match countdown?

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    @ZiNc said:
    Quick switching removes the option for the killer to take what they think may be a challenge, and it's also the reason most people use quick switching.

    I've found that I appreciate the challenge, as someone who plays killer. I do wish that I had more of a warning for when I was going against a squad that'd be trying hard :pirate: Perhaps check profiles, for now.

    +1 for character switch cooldown, or perhaps limiting character switches to the first 30 seconds of a match countdown?

    Hey uh, unrelated question, but I was just victim of an exploit and then harassed after being FORCED to leave the game, where can I report this? I have evidence recorded.

  • ObscuredbyFog
    ObscuredbyFog Member Posts: 94

    Personally i think that once survivors are in the lobby, they should only be able to change appearance and offerings. That would speed up lobby times for sure.

  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Hey uh, unrelated question, but I was just victim of an exploit and then harassed after being FORCED to leave the game, where can I report this? I have evidence recorded.

    Currently only via the in-game report system! There's been a couple threads requesting a submission system on the forums. Hopefully we see something to that end, soon. Sorry to hear this happened! :(

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    @ZiNc said:

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Hey uh, unrelated question, but I was just victim of an exploit and then harassed after being FORCED to leave the game, where can I report this? I have evidence recorded.

    Currently only via the in-game report system! There's been a couple threads requesting a submission system on the forums. Hopefully we see something to that end, soon. Sorry to hear this happened! :(

    Oh, so they're just gonna get away with this. Pretty good job so far, devs.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    While I hate last second switches as a killer...

    I do love last second switching FROM flashlight Claudette TO Pizza Dwight. I kind of like that opportunity to make someone laugh and give a sense of relief to someone who thought it would be a rough game and instead gets a memer. My inbox gets 10x more positive/funny convos going since starting this. 

    On a more serious note, People wouldn't need to last second switch if they didn't get dodged so often. I can't rock any prestige clothing without dealing with non stop dodges (even solo queue with no item).

    So as much as it sucks (and is the reason I have Perma Franklins running), it happens for a reason.
  • ObscuredbyFog
    ObscuredbyFog Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2018

    What about this.. as survivors you have 30 seconds in the lobby to change survivor, items, or add ons. After 30 seconds this gives time to change offerings and customization but removes sudden death flashlight or BNP team. And the killer still has time to react.

    To be fair, I think what you bring into a lobby should be locked. Maybe give a chance to remove, but not equip another.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    @ObscuredbyFog said:
    What about this.. as survivors you have 30 seconds in the lobby to change survivor, items, or add ons. After 30 seconds this gives time to change offerings and customization but removes sudden death flashlight or BNP team. And the killer still has time to react.

    I would agree, but dodging would have to be addressed as well. The reason people feel the need to do so is because they'd get dodged if they didn't. I don't think anyone should be picking and choosing who they go up against. All that accomplishes is abusing the matchmaking system to artificially raise your rank higher than it should be, making those types of matches all the more common.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2018

    @RuneStarr said:
    While I hate last second switches as a killer...

    I do love last second switching FROM flashlight Claudette TO Pizza Dwight.

    I've never met a non-toxic survivor that isn't new into the game.

    @Peanits said:
    I would agree, but dodging would have to be addressed as well. The reason people feel the need to do so is because they'd get dodged if they didn't. I don't think anyone should be picking and choosing who they go up against. All that accomplishes is abusing the matchmaking system to artificially raise your rank higher than it should be, making those types of matches all the more common.

    Yes we SHOULD be picking who we go up against; the current situation of the game forces us to, unless we're masochists. Devs made it so survivors have the upper-hand in 90% of situations. SWF groups are not fair. It's not fun to play with that Bloody Claudette that just runs in circles every game. Killers wouldn't dodge if survivors didn't bully the killer every game. We don't dodge cause we like to, we dodge cause we don't wanna go through the same stressful and unfun experience that devs allow the survivors to put us into. Being able to change your loadout on the loading screen would only be a bandaid fix.

    Edit: Who's this fella that is just down-voting every single post I make? What did I do to you? Kill you in-game? Do you think I was being tahxic?

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32

    Of course we should decide who we play against! There's no abuse avoiding a game that you know is going to be hell for you.
    Last min swaps is abuse IMHO. It's cowardly.
    IF you want to bring in a lightsaber then do it. I'll equip FD and let's go for it. That's a fair battle. Even all 4.

    If one guy does this, I make sure he gets 4K max. Don't care.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,001

    @AsianMammoth said:

    Edit: Who's this fella that is just down-voting every single post I make? What did I do to you? Kill you in-game? Do you think I was being tahxic?

    Hi there! I downvoted this post. I thought Peanits gave a great and balanced assessment of the problem by pointing out both sides of the issue, only for you to ignore it, call all your opponents "toxic" and insist that your experience is the only one that matters because everyone else is a coddled bully.
    I didn't find that very reasonable or supportive of honest discussion, so I down-voted. Mind you, I'm not sure this comment of mine is particularly constructive either, but since you were concerned about the downvote, I thought I'd explain myself. I haven't downvoted anything else you've posted, so I'll also happily reassure you that no one is stalking you. Afaik.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited May 2018

    @Peanits said:

    @ObscuredbyFog said:
    What about this.. as survivors you have 30 seconds in the lobby to change survivor, items, or add ons. After 30 seconds this gives time to change offerings and customization but removes sudden death flashlight or BNP team. And the killer still has time to react.

    I would agree, but dodging would have to be addressed as well. The reason people feel the need to do so is because they'd get dodged if they didn't. I don't think anyone should be picking and choosing who they go up against. All that accomplishes is abusing the matchmaking system to artificially raise your rank higher than it should be, making those types of matches all the more common.

    Easy then. Lock in Survivors from switching at the 30 second mark, but also lock in the Killer at the 30 second mark from dodging, or he incurs a massive 5 minute penalty. This way he cannot dodge, but he may change his build in accordance to any last second switches.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    @Peanits said:

    @ObscuredbyFog said:
    What about this.. as survivors you have 30 seconds in the lobby to change survivor, items, or add ons. After 30 seconds this gives time to change offerings and customization but removes sudden death flashlight or BNP team. And the killer still has time to react.

    I would agree, but dodging would have to be addressed as well. The reason people feel the need to do so is because they'd get dodged if they didn't. I don't think anyone should be picking and choosing who they go up against. All that accomplishes is abusing the matchmaking system to artificially raise your rank higher than it should be, making those types of matches all the more common.

    Then your gonna have to get rid of killers being able to see the survivors pretty much then and well..as things stand currently, trying to force killers to play against what they know is going to be a miserable experience is gonna more than likely just chase more killers away from the game again, I'd suggest really that we fix the reasons killers feel so underpowered to where they feel a need to dodge instead of punishing them in the similar way of why killers feel such a need to camp to win half the time.
    I mean too be fair, Why punish killers for wanting to have fun when the game itself already currently punishes them for this same reason? We might as well just be putting them on leashes and collars if we're gonna punish them for wanting to play the way they want.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Peanits said:
    On one hand, I don't like that people can do it and potentially prevent you from using something like Lightborn to counter flashlights or Hangman's Trick to counter toolboxes. But on the other hand, I know that the reason why they're doing that in the first place is because they're going to get dodged if they don't. So I guess the fairest compromise would be to automatically take off items when switching survivors, but also penalize people for dodging. That way nobody's cheesing the system.

    I really don't even see this as equivalent. Lobby dodging affects WAY more people than just the toxic SWF flashlight Squadettes...

    There are times I spend over 15 minutes in and out of lobbies! It is SO sad that the devs isn't doing anything to address this.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Peanits said:
    On one hand, I don't like that people can do it and potentially prevent you from using something like Lightborn to counter flashlights or Hangman's Trick to counter toolboxes. But on the other hand, I know that the reason why they're doing that in the first place is because they're going to get dodged if they don't. So I guess the fairest compromise would be to automatically take off items when switching survivors, but also penalize people for dodging. That way nobody's cheesing the system.

    I really don't even see this as equivalent. Lobby dodging affects WAY more people than just the toxic SWF flashlight Squadettes...

    There are times I spend over 15 minutes in and out of lobbies! It is SO sad that the devs isn't doing anything to address this.

    Basically put, When killer can actually feel like killers without using Billy or nurse only, then you'll see less dodging, but until then any form of punishment is likely not gonna stop dodging and if the punishment is brutal in anyway, you can just pretty much expect to see yourself stuck waiting for lobbies longer, not because of killers dodging but because alot of killers went too different games where they are not punished for wanting to have fun and enjoy the game as well.
    The fact people will even make it clear they want killers punished for not wanting to be bullied all round and made to feel miserable is pretty shameful in it's own.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Peanits said:
    On one hand, I don't like that people can do it and potentially prevent you from using something like Lightborn to counter flashlights or Hangman's Trick to counter toolboxes. But on the other hand, I know that the reason why they're doing that in the first place is because they're going to get dodged if they don't. So I guess the fairest compromise would be to automatically take off items when switching survivors, but also penalize people for dodging. That way nobody's cheesing the system.

    I really don't even see this as equivalent. Lobby dodging affects WAY more people than just the toxic SWF flashlight Squadettes...

    There are times I spend over 15 minutes in and out of lobbies! It is SO sad that the devs isn't doing anything to address this.

    Basically put, When killer can actually feel like killers without using Billy or nurse only, then you'll see less dodging, but until then any form of punishment is likely not gonna stop dodging.

    ??? Lobby dodging to change killers? What are you getting at? I don't play at high rank.

    An exponentially increasing increment for lobbymaking would be more than enough deterrent to prevent lobbymakers from dodging... At least I would be able sit in matchmaking and do something afk before settling in a lobby rather than reset queue every couple minutes.

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2018

    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    @Science_Guy said:

    @AsianMammoth said:

    Edit: Who's this fella that is just down-voting every single post I make? What did I do to you? Kill you in-game? Do you think I was being tahxic?

    Hi there! I downvoted this post. I thought Peanits gave a great and balanced assessment of the problem by pointing out both sides of the issue, only for you to ignore it, call all your opponents "toxic" and insist that your experience is the only one that matters because everyone else is a coddled bully.
    I didn't find that very reasonable or supportive of honest discussion, so I down-voted. Mind you, I'm not sure this comment of mine is particularly constructive either, but since you were concerned about the downvote, I thought I'd explain myself. I haven't downvoted anything else you've posted, so I'll also happily reassure you that no one is stalking you. Afaik.

    So we're down-voting opinions we disagree with? Alright then. I didn't ignore his point, in fact, I explained why I think he's wrong. There would be no need for dodging if survivors weren't so toxic.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

    How is lobby dodging and "fun game" (I'm going to assume you mean bullying survivors) related?

    How do you know they're going to bully you/troll? Because they load in at the same time? Because they're dressed the same? Items? Names? Weird outfits?

    Like honestly, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it feels like walking on egg shells and tiptoeing between landmines to find a damn match sometimes. There needs to be a yelp or commendment system for survivors, because 95% of the games I play are perfectly fine.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2018

    @Visionmaker said:

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

    How is lobby dodging and "fun game" (I'm going to assume you mean bullying survivors) related?

    How do you know they're going to bully you/troll? Because they load in at the same time? Because they're dressed the same? Items? Names? Weird outfits?

    Full bloody outfit + flashlight, if multiple players joined at the same time, or a name such as "Looped Till Daylight"... Or maybe we just played against that player before.
    I lose nothing for dodging a potentially unfun and stressful game. So why not? Blame the toxic people in the community for making me this paranoid.

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32

    @Visionmaker said:

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

    How is lobby dodging and "fun game" (I'm going to assume you mean bullying survivors) related?

    How do you know they're going to bully you/troll? Because they load in at the same time? Because they're dressed the same? Items? Names? Weird outfits?

    Like honestly, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it feels like walking on egg shells and tiptoeing between landmines to find a damn match sometimes. There needs to be a yelp or commendment system for survivors, because 95% of the games I play are perfectly fine.

    I agree with you and feel your pain. I play survivor for relaxing fun, never toxic, don't use DS and I'm hopeless with a flashlight. Still get dodge lobby on/off
    But, this discussion was based on last min swap out's. I can 99.99% say that game will be hell if they get their way. So when a killer even get's a whiff of it they are out of there. It's just not worth it.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2018

    @AsianMammoth said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

    How is lobby dodging and "fun game" (I'm going to assume you mean bullying survivors) related?

    How do you know they're going to bully you/troll? Because they load in at the same time? Because they're dressed the same? Items? Names? Weird outfits?

    Full bloody outfit, flashlight, if multiple players joined at the same time, or a name such as "Looped Till Daylight"... Or maybe we just played against that player before.
    I lose nothing for dodging a potentially unfun and stressful game. So why not? Blame the toxic people in the community for making me this paranoid.

    I probably should've mentioned, but no one wears prestige or uses flashlights. One person max has an item, by choice. We all main different characters or switch off to do dailies. No one has a weird name.

    The only thing I can be accused of is wearing Nea's DLC skins because I wanted to support the game and make Nea look snazzy. And playing with friends, which seems counter-intuitive.

    Honestly I would not mind if dodging killers would temporarily put dodged survivors on blacklists for two or three searches either, if it doesn't do it already.

    I do think it would be productive to have a "Avoid Player" and Commend option just like Overwatch has.

    @boogiewoogie said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Forcing killers to play games would only reduce the killer count or induce more DC's at start.
    Survivors need to realise their "fun game" and YouTube highlight reel isn't another persons fun game. It's really that simple and the devs are fully aware

    How is lobby dodging and "fun game" (I'm going to assume you mean bullying survivors) related?

    How do you know they're going to bully you/troll? Because they load in at the same time? Because they're dressed the same? Items? Names? Weird outfits?

    Like honestly, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it feels like walking on egg shells and tiptoeing between landmines to find a damn match sometimes. There needs to be a yelp or commendment system for survivors, because 95% of the games I play are perfectly fine.

    I agree with you and feel your pain. I play survivor for relaxing fun, never toxic, don't use DS and I'm hopeless with a flashlight. Still get dodge lobby on/off
    But, this discussion was based on last min swap out's. I can 99.99% say that game will be hell if they get their way. So when a killer even get's a whiff of it they are out of there. It's just not worth it.

    It seems simple enough to fix. IMO, both should be looked at ASAP.

    Regular players shouldn't have to suffer from crap queues, and lobbymakers shouldn't have to deal with BS or toxic/frequently reported players. I really want to push for a reputation system.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    @Visionmaker said:
    Regular players shouldn't have to suffer from crap queues, and lobbymakers shouldn't have to deal with BS or toxic/frequently reported players. I really want to push for a reputation system.

    I agree. But sadly things are the way they are because devs didn't take care of their game correctly.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @AsianMammoth said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    Regular players shouldn't have to suffer from crap queues, and lobbymakers shouldn't have to deal with BS or toxic/frequently reported players. I really want to push for a reputation system.

    I agree. But sadly things are the way they are because devs didn't take care of their game correctly.

    I think part of the problem is that we don't know if there's any action being taken on players we report. Beyond directly speaking to a moderator/BHVR representative, we have no evidence that efforts to flag abuse/cheating/exploitation actually does anything. The lack of confidence in the system feeds into player negativity and cynicism, and further reduces use of the report system. This also gives everyone confidence that they can say and do whatever they want without repercussion. By the time anyone steps in to correct the behavior, it might've gone too far.

    I don't entirely blame BHVR because it's a small organization compared to a highly competitive playerbase, but you'd think there would be a bit more communication and focus on it. Toxicity is at the forefront of complaints right next to imbalance, after all...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited May 2018

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Will the devs ever do something about it? It legit [BAD WORD] sucks when an entire team quick-switches when you're playing as Killer. When it happens, you know you're just gonna run in circles the entire match. I just leave the match. Devs made rank totally worthless anyways.

    I've discussed that matter with Horvath.
    He told me they were considering a 15s timer after locking up the survivor for the killer to gear himself accordingly.

    Proof : https://imgur.com/a/nbQQhxG