Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.




  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    "lol yeah right, to appeal to the low end of the totem pole killers?"


    "Hell no, you tunnel you're trash."

    Or... OR! I just couldn't find anyone else? Cause that would be implying I was camping?

    "You camp? You're trash. It's why it's such a controversial topic."

    I camp when the gates are opened and I did poorly/the survivors outplayed me in a match. Sure I was trash in that ONE game, but stop assuming those that camp or tunnel are automatic trash.

    "The crap killers do it, and you can all make excuses on "iTs a coMpeTitIvE gAme aNd wE hAve tO eLimiNate thE opPonEnt.""

    I'm not making that excuse, however I will say some people are more competitive then others. Why is that a bad thing?

    "At the expense of everyone's experience."

    Killers aren't here for the Survivor's fun, likewise Survivor's aren't here for the Killer's fun. Do whatever you want.

    "You can be GOOD and not tunnel, or be complete trash/desperate and tunnel."

    I probably would be inclined to agree with you if you hadn't grouped everyone together. You are hurting yourself here.

    "Learn some skill, it's not hard. It's easy taking the easy route and go for the person who just got unhooked, give them a crap experience, but there's a challenge when you go for the person who unhooked. Why are you afraid of another chase? "iM oN a TiMe cruNch bEcauSe Im geTtinG geN ruSheD" well that's your fault. Don't take it out on the person who just got unhooked, that's just sad."

    I have skill, I've done everything to earn my kills. What I do with my prey is none of your business. If I slug them because I want them to entertain me more then that is my call to do so. If I want to get them out of the match faster, I can validly do so. It all depends if the unhooker isn't a immersed survivor, meaning I will chase the fresh prey if possible, but I won't tell you to hold your breath. What's sad is that you are acting like you're a child.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Brady, do you understand how scoring works? I'm going to assume you don't and break it down for you.

    When you rescue somebody, you get 1k points. You get another 500 if they stay alive 10 seconds.

    Additionally, the entire survivor team loses one benevolence level when somebody is hooked, and get it back if they are unhooked. The person who does the actual unhooking gets TWO benevolence levels for the unhook, but they LOSE two levels if the person is downed in less than 10 seconds.

    To me, it seems more disrespectful to the person getting farmed by not taking the opportunity to punish the rescuer by denying them this rank and 1/3 of their potential bloodpoints.

    Just letting the victim go free only encourages the behavior.

  • keenko
    keenko Member Posts: 62

    If 3 gens are down and all 4 survivors are alive, you’re completely justified to cull the herd and tunnel to eliminate a guy. Tunneling right off the bat is bad manners tho.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    These people aren't going to see reason man. They take what happens in a video game at the personal level. You can't argue with something that insists legitimate gameplay actions as disrespectful.

    Btw, if you sack the quarter back it's disrespectful. You should always let him get the pass off.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    lol you say "iTS noNe oF yoUr bUsiNesS" yet rant your butt off about your playstyle as if you're not allowed to be judged.

    I'm not judging your playstyle, I don't know who TF you are to begin with, all I'm asking is not to be a douche to other players. Is that honestly so much to ask for?

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @weirdkid5 LOL too bad last season LBs were actually getting flagged for sacking the quarterback.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    If something is allowed within the confines of the gameplay rules, you taking it at a personal level is a machination of your own creation and you should chill out.

    Like you are literally trying to insult players that are simply trying to win lol it's quite comical. The entire point of a video game is that there is a winner and a loser, and sometimes when you lose it is frustrating and anger inducing. This is an inherent thing with any game in general. The frustration stems from feeling like what happens is unfair.

    However, it is completely fair. I will explain why. For one, if you got downed and hooked, that's your own fault. Two, this isn't the type of game where you are always in a position to be able to save a teammate, nor always in a position to be able to leave the hook as a Killer. We are assuming someone is trying to WIN, and not playing casually by leaving the hook. Sometimes it IS better to camp. We are assuming someone is striving for victory.

    So what this boils down to, is that you don't like people who play to win, aka, the people who seem sweats, tryhards, etc. Words from your own fingertips.

    Basically, what I get from all of this, is that ultimately you blame the other player for you own failures (getting hooked in the first place) and you seek to push that aggression onto the player based on the way they play the game.

    I must say, that actually makes you quite the bigger douche than they are. This conversation is absolutely pointless.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ReneAensland I was just answering your points. I honestly don't care if you judge me or not, I'm just saying, what I want to do is not really your concern.

    You don't know who the OP is, yet you decided to go on the attack by insulting people regardless. It doesn't matter if you know me or not, this is a place for discussion. And currently we are discussing.

    It actually is a lot to ask for, people are douchebags. When I play, I play trying to be as 'fair' as possible without actively making the game un'fun' for myself. Unfortunately, I'm not repaid in kind, and I get t-bagged, flashlight clicked, etc. Tell survivors to stop being [Bad Word] and the killers will follow. Or is it the other way around?

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    I play to Win.

    All the time, but I play fairly and win.

    Almost always. And I can provide proof if you're going down that path. Console and PC.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Okay, getting t-bagged and flashlight clicked is different. You have a valid reason to be a complete dick and do what you want. Just don't go out and be a blatant dick for no reason.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ReneAensland I tend to not do that, and that is where we can find common ground. However, I find concern when you insult everyone who plays to win.

    Please think before you write these things, I'm saying this so you don't get so much heat for no reason.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Whatever you deem fair is irrelevant as you are simply a player within the game. Your self made rules of no camping and tunneling are entirely your own creation. Do NOT push the way you choose to play onto other players. That is actually toxic af.

    If you got to Rank 1 without camping and tunneling, then good for you bro. I honestly could care less. I got to Rank 1 Survivor without looping and using any perks. It doesn't change the fact that looping is an accepted part of the game now and it doesn't change perks like DS being super annoying. But they are still fair because they exist in the game.

    Case in point, camping and tunneling is fair because it has a counter and a downside: genrushing and less points for the killer.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about. You are mad people aren't playing the way YOU play. You need to accept that this isn't YOUR game, and your self made rules you attempt to impose onto other players will only make the game more mundane, as every single match would involve 0 tension that you are going to be Hunted down like a wounded rabbit to a hungry wolf. Personally, I LOVE that feeling. I absolutely bask in the feeling of being tunneled and at the brink of defeat, because when I succeed in getting away, the elation and victory I feel is unlike any other.

    If you stopped looking at the game in such a 1-dimensional way, you might have more fun.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2019

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with tunneling in any circumstance whatsoever.

    Do Survivors say to themselves "Oh man, we're pumping out these gens too fast. Better slow down to make it more fun for the Killer"? No? Then why should you slow down on your one objective, killing?

    And honestly, I'm glad when both parties try to complete their objectives as fast and efficiently as possible with all tools and tactics available to them. People in this game are getting too soft, too worried about hurting the opponent's feelings because you decided to play the game.

    Play to win, all of you. Killer and Survivor.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I don't even understand your point that you're trying to make anymore... you're just telling me that by finding a certain way to play disrespect I'm somehow butthurt over everything and that's not the case. The OP asked what it was that people thought of of tunneling, and I put my opinion out there saying I find it a dick move, nothing more. I still say good game, I still move on, but you know when someone repeatingly happens that I find unenjoyable, I simply move onto games like Smite or Overwatch and find some enjoyment there. I'm not sensitive.

    When at all did I say that I take that form of disrespectful personal?

    I'm not continuing any talk with you because I'm not going to be told of how I act when you've never played with, or against me.

    I'm not continuing this conversation any further as it is futile and pointless trying to discuss with you.

    You aren't wrong, by any means.

    Though let me ask you this, 2 years ago when there wasn't any Emblem system to punish hook farming, hook camping, etc. What would you argue then?

    But I mean, it's still a dick move. Still a one you can make and I'll still say gg.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    I think it's pretty obvious I Love getting heat.


  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    lol made up rules that half of the community (reddit and steam) also agrees on but the forums are killer sided you want to maintain your clique of "anything to benefit the killer."

    I'm a killer main who wants balance for both sides. That's all.

    It's not all about me, me, me.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Sorry, but just because other people agree with you doesn't mean you are right. You are appealing to an ad populum argument here. You're a killer main, however, I'm a survivor main that says tunneling is fine. So how will you respond to that?

    Again, tunneling is fair. Another reason it is fair is because the other Survivor makes a bad save, and loses points if the person is down. This is why perks like Borrowed Time were made, as well as the buff to Adrenaline that heals you when you are unhooked if the gens are powered.

    There are ways around tunneling that exists within the game, yet you are still calling them unfair. I also want balance for both sides.

    I also want both sides to pull their heads out of their asses and accept how the game is played after 3 years of existence. Looping, tunneling, gen rushing, camping, these are core game mechanics. Both sides need to deal with these things because they aren't going away. Solving them with self made rules like no tunneling also doesn't solve the problem, it just makes the game more 1-dimensional by removing player choice to tackle problems in the best way they choose.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2019

    Determining what should and shouldn't be considered unhealthy gameplay (unless for downright toxix behavior, which is common sense) is the dev's job, not ours.

    Just like they patched out facecamping and harshened the camping penalties. Boom, you don't pip if you camp. They deemed camping unhealthy, they made the changes to make it even less efficient than it was.

    If they deem tunneling unhealthy (which I think they should, to some degree) it's their job to introduce mechanics and punishments to make it suboptimal. Because right now, if the target makes themselves easy, it's optimal gameplay to erase someone from the game, period.

    I like DS's new design because of that. It makes tunneling more dangerous and you actually might shoot yourself in the foot by doing it.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    I guess with the new MoM changes You kind of have to Tunnel a survivor off hook if want to avoid MoM since if you don't they'll get 2 stacks for an unhook..... Seriously, Who's making these changes?

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192

    Nothing wrong with "opportunistic tunneling". If some megamind survivor does a garbage unhook 2 seconds after you hook someone it's not the killer's fault, even though I'd still probably slug the unhooked and chase the unhooker because it completely disables 2 survivors instead of one without even accounting for whoever goes to pick the slug up. Same with if you're not in a chase and an unhook happens (in which case you might as well go back there), but the unhooker vanished into the darkness and you only see the unhooked person. That's just bad luck on their part.

    Hardcore tunneling, as in combining straight up hard camping with tunneling or obsessively proxy camping and pretending every other survivor is a figment of your imagination is a pretty bad habit. Just like mindlessly camping makes gens go by at lightning speed, a smart team of survivors will apply the same punishment if they realize unhooking the person will just speed up their death even more.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited June 2019

    "Though let me ask you this, 2 years ago when there wasn't any Emblem system to punish hook farming, hook camping, etc. What would you argue then?"

    Depends on the state of the game, although I'd be more inclined to go after the guy doing the stupid rescue in that case. Ironically, with the point and emblem changes, I'll almost always go for the "Tunnel" now on a unsafe unhook to punish the rescuer. When it happens to me, my anger is always directed at the rescuer, not the killer.

    Back to mental shackles or imaginary rules....

    To you folks - Look, I get it, I used to be just like you. Angry when people didn't play fair. It made it a miserable slog to play ANYTHING. It wasn't this game exactly, it was back when Battlefield Bad Company 2 was a thing and the Carl Gustov was looked at as "cheap".

    But one day I read something that freed my thinking, and I stopped caring. I started using the CG until I got bored with and moved on. When others used it, I was no longer angry.

    I've been like this for years now - just accepting "Everything that is not a hack or an obvious exploit is fair play" has made the hobby enjoyable again.

    You have no control over how others play, only yourself. Getting angry because people don't play your way is just a waste of energy.

    If your the least bit curious what changed my opinion, here it is. Some of you I suspect already know it and either live it or despise it.

    Post edited by FrenziedRoach on
  • pungent_stench
    pungent_stench Member Posts: 131

    employing tunneling is to acknowledge the truth that you can not down survivors a second time without it. if you enjoy looking bad, have at it. killers that do such garner no respect from me.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Good thing my concern is my points, not your respect then

  • pungent_stench
    pungent_stench Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2019

    indeed. myself, i love the feeling of playing fair. as stated before by others, it is better to not infuse more toxicity into the game than is already here.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Who cares about your respect?

    1. It's a video game

    2. No one cares what someone thinks about them in a video game

    3. What you acknowledge as skillful is irrelevant. What matters is victory.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @weirdkid5 You are my hero.