Then fiasco with GF shows that the devs don't play the game at all not even test it



  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    @Peanits is there a reason why the devs don't allow the community to know their thought process and how they approach creating killers, powers ect. I asked you several times that devs like Ethan and Co could voice their thoughts and opinions so we all could get a better understanding and helping each other.

    What are the guidelines when creating a new killer, power or perk?

    What is their perception of the game and it's meta?

    What vision are they working towards?

    I strongly believe most of the hate or backlash stems from a lack of communication and understanding.

    If we get the whole picture, we can eradicate misconception and build a true fruitful and healthy rapport with each other and make this game amazing!

    Right now the community has learned that we only get a response if we flood the form with spam or review bomb. I don't like those practice and would rather have a constructive and open dialog with the amazing dbd team.

    I know it can be hard and it's a lot of work, but if you could repeat over and over again what would be the ideal way to communicate with you and how we can reach you and give us the feedback, that we get heard, that would be great.

    I know repeat yourself can be annoying, but with repetition you can create a habit inside the community.

    Right now we are stuck in a cycle of complain and flame...not what I am looking for.

    I beg you, be strong and communicate and excuse some unfortunate phrasing and misplaced words. See the community for what it is: engaged and caring.

    By showing and encouraging a proper way to discuss such matters we can change for the better.

  • LTheMaster
    LTheMaster Member Posts: 15

    He is right, when many people said that to change the miss penalty or the speed, you made a live streaming saying "We think what we made is perfect, so we will not change anything".

    GG Devs! You did a pretty good job so far!

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Peanits,@not_Queen Let's be honest here you don't listen to the community and you don't listen the killer i see how you and the others will go and answered in the post that prays you and leaves those posts that tell you how bad job you do and give you an idea on how to fix it. And when you do answer to that you choose one small part in post and target that so you and the others in your team avoid the post. So you say there are more people that play your game and working in DBD ok can you give us all the name of those channels on twitch, Dlive .... so we can see if they know how to play the game.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Peanits @not_Queen Still waiting for the names if you have any

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    For devs streaming the game?

    Just to name a few. There are plenty more who are playing without streaming and we won't be sharing their IDs to respect their privacy. A lot of people just want to play the game in peace without someone judging how they play.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072
  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    I think another question to ask is, 'are any of those devs consistently playing at Rank 1-4? If so, have they played as or against Ghost Face during the early testing phase?'. It feels like he was made to be played against the very low ranks in the way that he was designed.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Let the others have their privacy. Besides, Peanits isn't obligated to give out that kind of information (especially if said people have asked for their identity to be kept secret).

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Look normally will agree with you and normally i will say that devs don't play the game so much as the players but this logic work for FPS and other types of game. You see when you "fix" things and the only person you have to try them is you ( devs ) then you have a problem. BuT We HAvE the PTB" no we don't PTB is only there to say look players this is the things we gonna put in the game have a taste, and even if they change something the normally do it worst then before. We only ask to see what is the best your team can do in the game ( and of cores, we hope to see that for both killer and survivor) and we only ask the names from the channels they have not the real one.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    My issue is what certain people would do with information like that. If I was on the dev team and played the game, I would personally not want people to know. Should they have other testers? Yes. Should the player base know who they are? No.

    It shouldn't matter if a dev can play their own game. That's not their job, it's why game testers is an actual job. They make the art for others enjoyment, not necessarily their own.

    I have other gripes with the PTB as a console player.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Normally what they should do is to make the team to play with random survivors 1-2 time per week live in rank 5-1 to see what they can do and to test the game better. All this anonymous of core.