New survivor perk - You’re gonna regret it

Also it doesn’t stack, so if two survivors are hooked close to each other it only counts for one of the survivors, if that makes sense.0
Actually a good perk, but the values should be changed so it's not OP. To get 150% repair speed, you'd need to be using Left Behind, have all other Survivors dead, have no 5 incomplete gens, and be using a toolbox. So that 150% is a bit much, but lower it down, and you've got a decent perk.
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Make it 30% at tier 3. Also, it gets disabled if killer is chasing someone.
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The devs have tested this mechanic multiple times. The reason it, or any of its variations have made it into the game is because it's too broken and too abusable. It's not any better of a mechanic than it was when it was first introduced.1
ItsDaEmuDood said:
Actually a good perk, but the values should be changed so it's not OP. To get 150% repair speed, you'd need to be using Left Behind, have all other Survivors dead, have no 5 incomplete gens, and be using a toolbox. So that 150% is a bit much, but lower it down, and you've got a decent perk.
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DirtyNurseMain said:Your hope and courage is contagious. While on a hook, if the killer is within a 10/15/20 meter radius of you, all other survivors get 150% speed boost to all actions. In addition, for every generator completed, you gain 4/5/6 seconds to your sacrifice timer. Add any tweaks if necessary. Much love!1
Jack11803 said:
Make it 30% at tier 3. Also, it gets disabled if killer is chasing someone.
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I’m all for this. Legit sick and tired of these stupid changes and killers still facecamping.1
Make it so if the killer is close as you die (Close means inferior to 70 meters, according to survs), you get teleport at the exit gates as well. And instead of a bonus action speed, just make it so gens do pop up instantly as you get hooked, and everyone gets the points.
That sounds balanced.
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Till the game is not fixed for killers, there shouldn't be ANYTHING changed regarding camping.
(Leatherface-main ;3)
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Why not just make a perk where if the killer is within facecamping range of a hook (call it 5-10 metres) then that survivor can be unhooked 150% faster? Or something like the pig's traps where if a killer is within 10 metres of a hook, the entity stops summoning? Something simple and straight forward.
Never mind all this 150% to all actions rubbish. Why are suggestions always so out there and unbalanced when it comes to things like stopping camping or whatever.
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@StalwartXX said:
Why not just make a perk where if the killer is within facecamping range of a hook (call it 5-10 metres) then that survivor can be unhooked 150% faster? Or something like the pig's traps where if a killer is within 10 metres of a hook, the entity stops summoning? Something simple and straight forward.Never mind all this 150% to all actions rubbish. Why are suggestions always so out there and unbalanced when it comes to things like stopping camping or whatever. it actually stops camping? I mean, for such an ingrained tactic for most killers, it’d require an iron fist of F U to any form of camping to get it to stop. BBQ and chili didn’t do crap, even though they wanted it too, and people always defend it it because it “stops camping”. Only problem is that it doesn’t. At all
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I mean, at the end of the day the type of player who's happy to stand there facecamping a survivor for ages, theyre not going to be detered by something like BBQ and chilli. But you can't make a perk that punishes all the killer players who don't camp.
Going along with the OP, the moment a killer hooked someone with the perk at level 3 you'd have a burst of 150% extra to repair etc until the killer could move out of the 20 metre radius. If the average killer moves at about 4.6m/s then thats at least 4 seconds of 150% extra repair speed. And thats if the killer leaves in a straight line directly away from the hook. I'm assuming they mean a full 150% extra speed on top of the normal action speed. So all actions at 250% speed for 4-5 seconds.
It would also affect different killers different amounts. Where as it wouldn't affect Hillbilly and Nurse players as much as they can travel away and back much faster. Michael Myers or Huntress who move a bit slower are penalised more
Something straight forward like increased unhook speed if the killer is within a certain range would allow survivor's to counter camping better without the killers who don't camp being punished.
Then there's Trapper and Hag to think of as they're punished for taking any time to set up traps near a hooked survivor which severely weakens their ability to play reactively. They'd be forced into pre-trapping hooks and specifically using those hooks when they grab a survivor.
Meanwhile Doc with a range add-on can sit there spamming the shock and interrupting unhooks from outside the range. Huntress could do the same with Iridescent Heads.
While I can appreciate the need for a way to stop camping hooks as its unfun and unfair, I think it needs to be in a way that doesn't screw over the killers who don't.
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@StalwartXX said:
I mean, at the end of the day the type of player who's happy to stand there facecamping a survivor for ages, theyre not going to be detered by something like BBQ and chilli. But you can't make a perk that punishes all the killer players who don't camp.Going along with the OP, the moment a killer hooked someone with the perk at level 3 you'd have a burst of 150% extra to repair etc until the killer could move out of the 20 metre radius. If the average killer moves at about 4.6m/s then thats at least 4 seconds of 150% extra repair speed. And thats if the killer leaves in a straight line directly away from the hook. I'm assuming they mean a full 150% extra speed on top of the normal action speed. So all actions at 250% speed for 4-5 seconds.
It would also affect different killers different amounts. Where as it wouldn't affect Hillbilly and Nurse players as much as they can travel away and back much faster. Michael Myers or Huntress who move a bit slower are penalised more
Something straight forward like increased unhook speed if the killer is within a certain range would allow survivor's to counter camping better without the killers who don't camp being punished.
Increasing unhook speed is asking to be farmed or a complete snowball team wipe. His idea should just be weaker, and auto deactivate during chases
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I agree the auto-deactivate during chases would work and the boost should be much lower, like the 30% you suggested. That balances it out a lot more. I edited my last post with guff about different killers being affected differently by the way it is in the OP.
Yes increasing unhook speed would encourage YOLO saves, but then that's a separate issue that needs to be dealt with. Often when playing killer if someone get's sandbagged, i'll purposely leave them alone.