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The power is cool but I don't know if the devs can make a killer who changes into a survivor. I like the idea of setting fake survivors down on hooks but I think she should have the same thing for fake dying state survivors. The problem is an swf who will be able to tell where they are and if the are downed or not.
Hex: False Hope: I really like the idea of this perk but I don't know how effective it would be with how badly totems are hidden these days. I'd suggest to help incase the totem is destroyed early that all other generators lose 25% if the totem is destroyed.
Last Chance: This would be a bit strong, especially when the survivor doesn't have a counter to it. I think the hatch should be shown to both the killer and the survivor once it spawns for 3/4/5 seconds.
Phobia, Round, Metronome and Soothing Presence all need values for anyone to give proper feedback. The values are what determines if they are strong or not.
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Interesting power, but it needs some tweeks. There would be no point in faking injury or placing fake survivors if the S4tatus Hud did not show the same. As such here is an idea. Either: 1. When the match starts, 2. the first time any survivor enters a chase or downed (in case of being grabbed out of locker); five survivors will be shown (1. to all 2. to that survivor.) The names of other survivors will not be shown to survivors. Any time a survivor's status is changed (or yours) the positions of all other survivors on the Status Hud for survivors are moved randomly.
With this addition in games besides swf, your power would make the survivors second guess everything that the status shows and auras.
Hex: False Hope: You need some sort of variable for perk levels so here is a few ideas based on if extra gen is too strong or too weak:
- Too Strong: Decrease the chances of skill checks on that generator by 2/1/0% (skill checks work by % chance of trigger rolled per second. Base 8 on generator)
- Too Weak: Whenever a survivor fails a check on that generator reveal their aura to you for 2/3/4 seconds as long as you are out of 40 Meters.
- Another too weak: When a survivor is within 8 meters when the generator is completed or it's Hex Totem is cleansed, Reveal that survivors's aura for 2/3/4 seconds if your outside of 16 meters from that survivor.
Phobia: (Alternate Idea) While a survivor is within your terror radius, they will gain fear over time. When they reach 25 seconds of fear, if they are not in a chase they will stop and encounter a skill check. If they fail or is in a chase, they let out a scream revealing their aura to you for 2/3/4 seconds.
Last Chance Wasted (ideas): Reveals the Hatch's aura when standing within 24 meters. When you close the Hatch reduce the time of the End Game's Collapse by 5/10/15 seconds for each dead survivor.
Round: What I would make the range to be: 36/42/48 meters. I think it should not be too much more then Bonds, since if you know when the survivor is out of the terror radius then you can guess which way the killer went.
Soothing Presence idea: When other survivors are within 32 meters of you, You and those survivors resist the urge to scream and grunts of pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.
Reasoning: It is not very often that another survivor is within a short distance of you. So when such a scenario occurs, it should be very rewarding. Soothing Presence as you described would be a combination of two not all that strong perks that can only help others that may already have that benefit. As such giving the benefits to the bringer as well reduces the risk of not being useful in a match.
One Question: Why terror radius 35? Normal terror radius is 32 with a few at 24.
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I like the idea overall but I have several notes for you, espacially for the killer.
-Last chance wasted would need to have a growing diameter based on its perk level, making it a perk which will never be used (even if it has full map range on tier 3, since the end game collapse makes it a bit redundant).
-phobia is literally the doctors passive ability, which seems kind of boring to me (and also an improved version of whispers, so it would have a diameter of about 10 meters max to fit in with whispers, rendering it useless.
-Hex: false hope is a freaking nice idea and i love it. I can imagine the generator exploding at 30/40/50 % of max "health" to be balanced or maybe some other values but it needs percentage values of its total "health" to have its perk levels.
Im not sure if the Killer's power would be very useful as you would still emit a terror radius while crouching and pretending and unless compared with perks which blind survivors, her fake hooked survivor would also be useless. It definetely does not justify her 110 movespeed. she would need 115 to catch up imo.
I love the idea of a killer being that hard connected with the entity. It is fun, seeing its powers grow and i think the mori would also look nice.
The survivor just seems like a useless mix of jake, dwight and some generic stuff. Would seriously not waste my shards for these perks.
To sum it up:
nice ideas in general but not very well thought in the end, at least when it comes to the killer.