secret obsession offering ideas

I and others have seen that the secret offerings are not so secret not only becouse the little amount of secret offerings there are so maybe by little more secret offerings it makes it more realyable to use secret offerings. and in my example of ideas I have set the focus on obsession. my Ideas are:
killer and surviver
- there is an obsession in the game (this can throw of the other on a perk build)
- your chances of becoming the obsession is increased (slightly, moderatly) (this offering does not create an obsession)
- you will not become the obsession
- you will become the obsession (even when there is no obsession perk active)
- there will not become the obsession at the start of the game (to shut down some perks)
- the first surviver hit will become the obsession
- the obsession starts the closest to you
The problem is that there's already enough offerings in the bloodweb that adding a new type has to be pretty special, IMHO, to outweigh the drawback that not only it, but every other offering, is less likely to come up when you want it. Or it has to replace another offering.
I don't think just 'make an obsession even if there wouldn't be' or 'change chances of obsession' is enough to make it worth the cost though. Letting the killer shut down obsessions, and all perk effects that depend on them, entirely is potentially too much (although, as things stand right at the moment, I think the only survivor perk it actually effects is Object of Obsession, but then it becomes an offering that's solely devoted to one rarely-used perk, useless or actually harmful to the killer the rest of the time (if they have obsession perks of their own), so I wouldn't want it polluting my bloodwebs).
The one about making the first survivor hit the obsession is an interesting one and might make a good killer offering, but I'd want Dying Light to be revamped first, otherwise it would make it too easy to just tunnel the first survivor you find. And 'make the first survivor hit the obsession' seems like it might be better as a perk effect (not the only effect, but as part of a bigger plan).