New killer idea: The Magician and His Assistant

then4321 Member Posts: 234
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

These pictures are just to inspire what they might look like.

In the 1920's "The Great Lamorte" and his assistant, "Belle Ruse", were famous for performing truly astonishing magic unlike anything the world has ever seen. 

In solitude, Lamorte started to experiment with dark magic trying to understand the science hidden behind the mystery. As Months turned into years, he was no closer to unlocking the truth, yet unknowingly opening a window for the Entity to peer through. He had amounted a debt and would soon have to put on a show just to keep the loft where he work and lived.

Opening night, he was to perform various tricks, including the famous "Saw a woman in half", but something was off. The atmosphere was unusually dark and thick. As Lamorte sawed though the box, Belle Ruse's screens echoed throughout the hall. Lamorte, being unaware that her screams were not part of the performance, finished, completely severing her body in half. Her blood now seeping out the edges of the box onto the stage had stolen his gaze from the audiences applause. To avoid any panic, "The Great Lamorte" took one last bow, and the curtains were closed.

His main weapon is a dagger.

His power is called "Hat trick", a short ranged blink.

Hold M2 to channel for 2 seconds (can be canceled with M1)

During the channel an upside-down spinning top hat, hissing with smoke will appear 6 meters in front of the killer in the direction they are moving and facing.

Release M2 to activate blink. With a loud pop and a large cloud of smoke, the Magician disappeares and in the hats place, his Assistant appears for 2 seconds and is able to strike. After the 2 seconds are up, She disappears and the Magician appears in her place with a slight swing and movement cool down.

The survivors caught in the cloud of smoke have their vision obstructed and their aura revealed to the killer for 2 seconds.

After Hat Trick is activated, it has a 20 sec. cool down.


Magic Box

Turns 1/2/3 chests on the map into a magic box.

The appearance of the chest does not change.

When a survivor finishes searching through a chest, a loud pop and a puff of smoke injures the survivor one state of health.

If the survivor is injured, they are put into the dying state.


After a generator is completed, the killer gets a 3/5/7% movement speed buff for 4 seconds.

Curtains Closed

After the last generator is completed or the End Game is activated, all windows are blocked for 40/50/60 seconds.

This is just a concept and can be tested and fine tuned.

Post edited by then4321 on


  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Maybe Curtains Closed would be better at 30/40/50 sec.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Anyone have any thoughts, input, criticism?

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Just to add, I don't think Magic Box would notify the killer, they would be able to see that a survivor was injured or in the dying state by looking in the bottom left, but the killer wouldn't know where it happened. Unless, of course, they were in the area and heard it.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I love the concept but Magic Box would depend on whether survivors put offerings to call on more chests which could lessen the chance of the perk activating. And would the killer be able to call on the entity to reduce chests? If you reduce chests by 2, and the perk is 1/2/3 chest affected as you suggest, could be quite unbalanced. I don’t think this perk idea would work, too many variables. But I like the rest a lot, especially curtains closed.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Good point. Yes, the survivors chest offering would bring in a chest that is not affected by the perk, which is a good counter play, but they would need at least +3 chest in order to get a 50/50 odds if the killer has the max perk.

    The killer could bring an offering to reduce the chests, but I really don't think anyone that equipped the perk would want to reduce the chances for a survivor to take a hit.

    Thank you soo much for the input. Funny enough, I wasn't sure if anyone would like Curtains Closed Lol

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I suppose it would make use of those chest offerings more, I don’t speak for everyone but I’m not generally too fussed by using my offering slot for more chests when I’d rather prioritise BP.

    Curtains closed could help combat altruistic SFW who will go to immense lengths to make sure everyone makes it out and all swarm a hook, less looping end game is always a plus.
