Is it a bad idea to equip No Mither for game sense purposes?

So, I've realized that the main reason I run No Mither is not because of injury-based Perks or for the recovery, but for heightened awareness. Being unable to go past injured is always a lot riskier than being able to get healthy, and the stakes are a fair bit higher. This helps me to get my blood flowing and increase my game sense.

Is this a good strat? I still run Perks like Dead Hard and Resilience to go along with it, but is my primary reason noobish or faulty? Is it a bad strat to use risky plays to heighten my game sense?


  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    I’m going to say no because you should play how you want. I use to be an avid no mither user and I did it because survivor is too easy but boy let me tell you the amount of salt and being sand bagged by survivors and messages I’d get from people were ridiculous. People would blame me for them dying. yet I’d escape? And they had DS and self-care and SB (how does that make any sense?) I’d lose the killer in a chase, unhook survivors and yea some killers would have thanatophobia but that what? increases repair and healing speed by a couple seconds? So honestly I give props to you for using no mither I wish I’d still use it but I was just tired of the salt and sand bagging
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    A goos strat? Probably not, but do it if you want, go with No Mither and Object of Obsession if you want and sabo hooks while looking at the Killer.
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @StalwartXX said:
    As a killer main I whole heartedly encourage the use of No Mither :chuffed:

    Through my time on the forum, I've come to notice that many people propagate the primary difference between a Killer and a Survivor main as Surv mains being salty and Killers aren't.

    After sufficient research, both anecdotal and statistical, I'd like to propose a counter-theory:

    The primary difference between Surv mains and Killer mains is that Surv mains have the potential to be funny.

    (Yes, I made an entire analysis for a ######### roast. I play Dead By Daylight; you think I have a life?)

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    This perk whole point is to play on hard mode. Devs designed it for that purpose.
    So by using it to improve and get better, you're doing exactly what was intended.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Runiver said:
    This perk whole point is to play on hard mode. Devs designed it for that purpose.
    So by using it to improve and get better, you're doing exactly what was intended.

    I still want it buffed...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Runiver said:
    This perk whole point is to play on hard mode. Devs designed it for that purpose.
    So by using it to improve and get better, you're doing exactly what was intended.

    I still want it buffed...

    And I want 60% of the lame killer perks to be at least "Viable", and more than 4-5 killers out of 12 playable at a competitive level. But hey, we all have dreams man.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Runiver said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Runiver said:
    This perk whole point is to play on hard mode. Devs designed it for that purpose.
    So by using it to improve and get better, you're doing exactly what was intended.

    I still want it buffed...

    And I want 60% of the lame killer perks to be at least "Viable", and more than 4-5 killers out of 12 playable at a competitive level. But hey, we all have dreams man.

    I also want WGLF buffed

    clutches pearls OH MY GOD, HOW COULD YOU!?

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2018

    Ikr. The game is actually scary when you don't have infinite heals and stuff like that.
    It's a good strat if it somehow makes your senses better I guess. Play how you want.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @StalwartXX said:
    As a killer main I whole heartedly encourage the use of No Mither :chuffed:

    Through my time on the forum, I've come to notice that many people propagate the primary difference between a Killer and a Survivor main as Surv mains being salty and Killers aren't.

    After sufficient research, both anecdotal and statistical, I'd like to propose a counter-theory:

    The primary difference between Surv mains and Killer mains is that Surv mains have the potential to be funny.

    (Yes, I made an entire analysis for a ######### roast. I play Dead By Daylight; you think I have a life?)

    Funny is a very subjective thing. In my experience, neither survivor's or killers are any funnier than than the other.

    But on a serious note re the topic, I think No Mither can be a good perk if used right. It has some good synergy with perks such as Resilience and This Is Not Happening. It's also nice to have an extra challenge. I wouldn't recommend it for people who struggle to stealth or escape chases for obvious reasons.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited July 2018

    I use no mither if I want to meme around or if I want to take a break from using the crutch perks (dead hard aint one trust me) it makes chases fun.
    If you want a cool no mither build mine is:

    • No mither
    • Dead hard
    • Iron will
    • Resilience

    • No mither

    • Dead hard
    • Unbreakable
    • Tenacity
      My favourite is the first build.
  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    No mither triggers Thanophobia, it also just puts a big ass target on you. There's too many downsides to the perk to make it viable imo.

  • whyareyoutunnelingme
    whyareyoutunnelingme Member Posts: 35

    If No Mither didn't let the killer immediately know you were running No Mither (I see you David, nipples and all), it would me a much more viable perk.