Should Breakdown breaks hooks when saving?

So Breakdown breaks hooks... But only when YOU are saved.
Do you guys think it should also activate when you save a friend?
And before anyone says anything, Hangman's Trick.
Anyway, let's continue. Lol
Breakdown only makes you fat, not the person you are rescuing. :P
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I think that might be too strong if everyone was using it, like in an SWF. Hangman's is not worth thinking about.
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Everything is OP with a SWF group.
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breakdown is pointless af, the only reason why i sometimes bring it cuz it's kinda badass when i get saved then the hook breaks
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It really is one of those perks that I'd use a hell of a lot more if it DID more.
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When everyone is using it it wouldnt male a difference anyway.
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Hangman's is hardly a counter argument because no one's gonna run it regardless. It's use is worthless unless survivors play a specific way.
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My wife loves using breakdown. Every once in a while it comes into play for a wiggle out for someone else.
The aura reading is nice.
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Breaking the hook of a survivor you save should be a different perk all in itself, not included in Breakdown
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I would have to see it in practice. It may be a little too much power for one person, but you never know
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I feel like break down should permanently break the hook you were on (unless they have hangman's trick). I guess it could be OP with SWF, but something could just be implicated such as a limit to how many can be permanently broken
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how about you not only break one hook after get save, but also get one hookstate more? That would give you one life more, like mom. and everyone loves mom, right?
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You don't want that. The amount of hooks and the space between hooks can't support it. Hooks are spaced pretty far apart in such a way that you're rarely going to be near more than two hooks when you go down. Between 4 survivors regardless of SWF or solo that is a potential 8 hooks broken. A trial maybe has 8-10 above ground hooks and then 4 basement hooks.
Even with hangman's trick, which is a terrible perk, the amount of time survivors are safe would topple whatever balance the game had. You'd see a lot more killers slugging much earlier and you'd see a lot more games dc'd out of frustration. There is a reason we don't have permanent hook sabo anymore. It nearly killed the game within the span of a year.
Breakdown shouldn't activate when you save someone else. What you're suggesting is instant sabotage with no drawback or real risk to yourself. The only reason Breakdown makes sense in its current form is because it is hard capped to two uses and requires you got get hooked in the first place.
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I see it as the "Franklin's" shtick.
Don't like the survivors' items? Run Franklin's.
Don't like all the Jeffs with toolboxes? Run Hangman's.
It's all very niche, but that's the point.
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Except left behind.
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The difference is that unless it's specifically Jeff's, you can't really be sure. They could just as easily run 4 others with Breakdown for the same effect. Franklin's at least has more consistent useage
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All I know is that I don't think Breakdown wiill really be game breaking since there would be a hook close by.
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What does Breakdown have to do with SWF?
None of it's effects are more effective with a SWF team. The aura reading is for both players and the hook breaking is a mechanical effect that doesn't require coordination in order to be useful.