Ideas to fix the emblem system for the killers

DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

The emblem system for the killers is the worst and punish good killers. What i have thought is :


Make it so it's will give Bronze, Silver, Gold, Iridescent base on how long the game last ( you have the numbers) base on the rank you are right now ( games in rank 15 last longer than games in rank 1) and if you finish a game in which the gates haven't power up you get an Iridescent.


Make it so it only counts the chases that last at least 10 sec or you get a hit in those. Right now if you see multiple survivors and chase one of them you lose the other chases or if play killers like Fredy, hag, trapper... you lose the case if you use your power Fredy need to put as many survivors he can in the dream word but everyone is count as a chase hag and trapper need to put traps on the loops when they start a chase and that makes them lose it.


Make so it counts a point the hit from the powers of trapper and gives 2 points to the insta down killers or ability and perks. Why do you want to punish the killer for using the power correctly?


You reword base on how many survivors you kill no how many times you hook them." But this will promote camping" Well camping normally makes you lose the game and you get the at least amount of points and let's say the campers go in high rank they will back in the rank the belong in no time.

But i will like to hear why those ideas no gonna work @not_Queen , @Peanits