The state of Dead by Daylight is not Great...

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Hey, this will just be a vent of the past like 50 or so games I've had at Red Rank. And before you say "Oh its Red Rank, its supposed to be toxic, gen rushing, SWF, Bla bla bla" None of that matters what rank it is, the fact ANYONE can do this in any rank is amazing. (Also, if this is too long to read just hop off the post, I don't expect anyone who can't read more than 3 sentences to understand anyways.)

But we're getting off topic, here it goes. After I came back from my three month leave, I noticed things got a little more... toxic... than usual. Gen rushing was more of a problem, toxicity was on the rise, and general issues weren't being addressed. Put that on top of the fact people DC if you look at them the wrong way, and stuffs getting out of hand.

For one, Gen rushing, is this a problem indeed. With no secondary objective all Survivors have to do is put their best looper against the killer while the other 3 do gens, and even with killers like Plague that can vomit on gens, Legion and can multi hit Survivors, Pigs RBTs, it still becomes an issue.

Most of my games, I have to actually put a lot of effort into when not playing anyone other than HillBilly or Legion (Since Legions still easy to just farm people and sometimes 4k, doesn't mean hes fun anymore so don't take that out of context.) and I don't really want to use them, mainly because I know the outcome for most of the matches, and even if I lose it was still not fun even if I "won" so in-general nothing is fun about them. The fact of the matter is, we only have 2 killers (Nurse and Billy) that actually pose a threat on the board and only one of them puts a threat on the Survivors to heal, that would be Nurse, it rewards hitting people and allows her to follow it up easily (if you're good with her) and Billy can just Insta-Down everyone he sees.

Now I main Myers, but I haven't used him for awhile. That being said, he still struggles at Red Ranks (Give or take) depending on the team, and if its a SWF you just lose like what am I going to say? I had a SWF just 5 minutes ago, and I picked Legion and 4k'ed them. Its not fun that I HAVE TO DO THAT everytime I see a SWF. I shouldn't have to struggle with Killers that're not Billy or Nurse (Sometimes Legions easy to use for me also) but thats not the point...

The point is, we need something to counter this, we need a secondary objective, we need balancing to Gen rushing, we need SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Even another OP killer to match with Billy and Nurse, anything... You can't just let us play the same thing over and over again and expect it to be fun for years to come, that's not how it works.

Now allow me to spit some truth, everyone who isn't a Survivor main hates MoM, and everyone who IS a Survivor main either loves it, or just hates it so people stop talking about it. But the truth is, the perk isn't fun and has no counter, you can't say a free hit has a counter, the Exposed status effect doesn't go through it, and neither does Billys chainsaw. (Trust me, I TRIED A LOT) and top it off with DH and a SWF and you'll have the "Best game of your life" like seriously its so "fun" to face that.

People say its not that often you see if, but I literally see it like every-match and its annoying to face. And I know btw "bUT iTs gETting NeRf!?!" and the fact they released something out the door with no context to the current meta is amazing. You realize, yes all of you reading this, you realize in Red Ranks MoM is OP right? Give this to someone who can actually loop you around the map or waste your time for a gen or two, and its painful to deal with. MoM could cost you one or two gens when facing a SWF team, LET ALONE SOLO SURVIVORS. Like seriously... what were they thinking?

Also, toxicity, its more prevalent than ever and people who still do it are not punished. Report them, still see them, bla bla bla same shtick. It gets old, so I stopped even reading or leaving the post chat open for more than 3 seconds cause its getting old seeing such distasteful words come out of any humans mouth. Or in this came, being typed by any humans fingers...

This isn't a post to change hearts and minds on an idea, i'm not expecting ANY of this to change, and I don't expect anyone to remember this from a day or two now. Its just me venting on how "amazing" the state of the game is currently, and I sometimes wonder why I still play. I guess its because deep down, I actually really like this game, and the concepts and discussions people have on it. Its just a shame that its ended up this way, and since the communitys getting bigger... You'll expect a lot of people not being too happy about it 😁


Edited so people don't get mad over no TL;DR. The point is, Gen rushing is a problem, perks that didn't need to be released were released without testing or considering the current meta, toxicity is on the rise (again), SWF is still a problem (yes I know shocking), and Killers that're not Billy or Nurse struggle with this new current meta. Also, people have adapted to Ruin and every Mid-Tier Killers perks, so its only a matter of time before everyone wants a second objective as its getting old doing this same shtick over and over again.

Post edited by FireHazard on


  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    Do what I do. Go to the forum, read some really stupid retorts and get angry enough to leave for youtube and listen to some soul music before the high blood pressure makes your heart explode.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That doesn't fix the problem, that literally does nothing.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    It does for me. Most of what we say gets ignored or taken out of context. Hell, some even straight twist our words or lie to get a point across. Me listening to some soul music calms me down so it fixes the issue of imbalance. It lets me realize, this ######### is and will never be truly balanced so get use to it and find something to reduce the frustration of some matches.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @miaasma Don't you rock a SWF like most of the time I see you? And even if you don't I know who you are, you're not that good either.

    Besides the process of throwing shade back and forth here, you can't apply pressure with Mid-Tier Killers in some circumstances either. Play my Billy, play my Legion, you'll see I have no issue there, am I having fun though? No lmao, thats why I rarely use them outside of BP gain and or me being tired of using "fun killers" and losing with them.

    Of course I do well sometimes, and I do bad other times. But this was 3 months ago (and I faced you then also and did just fine if not better) and all of a sudden i'm "not as good as I think I am" I don't think thats the issue at all, I think its that people learned how to power through Ruin and other things now because we have no variety whatsoever. Its all the same thing, same matches, same tricks. For a Survivor they can improve, for a Killer using the same things over and over again you'll eventually just not do as well as you used to.

    The point is, what I vented are legit reasons to be angry, sad, disappointing, etc. You can't honestly think me using average killers including Myers can be improved on, you can't improve any of that its the SAME THING. For Billy, its easier to get around, with Nurse, a Pro nurse slaps every team all the time, and with Legion, people will just DC anyways cause they got tired of playing mend, heal, mend, heal, mend heal. And even if they don't its really fun having a game last way longer than it should every time right?

    What am I saying though, hes bad to play now right? And you're correct yes, he is. In the department of having FUN, now the only way to actually play him is to focus on what actually made him UNFUN to play.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I use Billy or Legion to reduce the frustration and even still I get bored of them after 2 matches or so, because having 2 Killers that can bail you out of the current problems of this game isn't fun. Its just boring, that's why people like @miaasma see me rocking Myers, Pig, Plague, Freddy, Spirit, etc.

    And before you say "Spirits Top Tier though" i'm not as good as I think I am with her, and most of my matches with her shows that. I don't have issues downing people, time management is the problem, and this plagues every Killer except Billy and Nurse because they can apply actual stress and pressure to the Survivors.

    In the right hands Spirit can also, just not in my hands clearly. But maybe one day, we'll have to see.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i solo queue far more than i swf but i play both

    how good or bad i am is irrelevant since i am not taking to the forums and blaming the game for my problems

    plenty of killer players regularly run mid tier killers at high ranks and do fine. have you thought about why you don't?

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Do you play killer? You can't judge his skills as a killer if you don't, or if you aren't doing better than him.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    of course i play killer, i main wraith but play a lot of billy, huntress, pig and leatherface

    even if this wasn't the case i can certainly judge his skills having personally played against him. i could be a rank 20 killer and it wouldn't invalidate anything i've said

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Just because you see others do better than me means nothing, you have zero clue if they're consistently doing good or if they're even running the same Mid-Tier killer every time.

    Running a main is different than MY situation, I do fine with Myers, does that mean i'll 4k everytime? No. I hardly use him anyways now, I branched out to every other M1 killer, i'm always on a different Killer, regardless if ones better than the other for me. But here's the thing, they ALL have this issue and only ones with powers that circumvent this can be expunged from that problem.

    And despite you playing killer also, you don't main it. I DO, so going from decent to pretty good 3 months ago to decent to trash doesn't make a lot of sense now does it? I'm doing exactly the same things I did before, what changed? Oh I know, people learned how to get around ruin, most Killers powers, etc. Why? Because nothings changed, its been the same things since 3 months, 5 months, 2 years, whatever. Nothings changed, of course the general populous is going to "git gud" like what?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Also @miaasma where else am I going to vent the frustration with the small glimmer of hope for some sort of change?

    I guess i'll just suffer in silence cause "nobody wants to hear it" why're you on this post then? I don't care if you don't want to keep hearing it, if it isn't me it'll be someone else anyways.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    you have every right to vent your frustrations here but this is an online forum, not a personal diary, and people can and will respond

    my intention in coming here was not to antagonize you and certainly not to dissuade you from expressing yourself but rather to point out that perhaps you could be performing better with these mid tier killers

    for the record, i know plenty of killer mains who play mid tier killers regularly and consistently do fine. do they 4k every game? of course not, but they spread pressure well and end chases quickly. they also make mistakes like everyone else and get punished for it. sometimes they kill everyone, other times they kill no one. tons of factors go into deciding these things

    your points about "getting around" ruin and killers' powers is also weird. when haven't people gotten through ruin?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @miaasma Through, around, same thing isn't it? The point I'M trying to make is, you can't "git gud" as some people have said when it comes to changing up how you play with mid-tier killers... CAUSE YOU CAN'T, what else are you supposed to do? Swing M1 a little faster? Mind-Game different? People who know all these tricks get around this anyways.

    You can't mind-game most loops unless a wall blocking vision of the other side is in play, otherwise there isn't a point unless you know that Survivor won't expect it.

    My point about you not being a Killer main also is that you wouldn't know how to apply pressure either if you didn't regularly play matches as a Killer like some of us do. Its easier said than done, and playing it "sometimes" doesn't count.

    You can't change up what Mid-Tier Killers do if you're limited to so many factors on certain tiles, and especially if its the shack cause its either mind-game the window, bait a vault, or just suffer through it till the pallet drops. A Survivor as I said before can improve against many different Killers, a Mid-Tier Killer CAN'T because you're limited to a lot of factoids that make up a chase and a tile.

    Your mentality (even if its not intentional because I know it isn't) is basically saying "git gud" and that's something we don't see eye to eye. Also yes, this is a public forum so I can post anything I want on it, the same should apply for you also. Does that mean you I shouldn't say anything cause it will "annoy someone" no? Its me pointing out huge issues with the game, this can apply to Killers and Survivors...

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    absolutely no one has said that applying pressure is easy, but it can be done; it is done all the time

    i'll give you an example: you're playing wraith on disturbed ward. you're chasing someone who runs to the (totally busted) asylum building. chasing this person at this point does nothing because a toddler can run that building effectively and waste a ton of your time. instead, cloak, drop chase, and patrol some of the more exposed generators. find someone else in a more compromising position and down them. at this point you may lose two gens, which is fine, because now you have someone on a hook and a vague idea of where their team is (much less vague if you run BBQ, which you should). intercepting someone going for the save means that now half the team is off gens with a third having to get off gens to get the save

    this is called applying pressure and it can be done with any killer. sure, it sounds simple, but dbd is dynamic and plenty of factors - map rng, perks, survivor skill, your own skill - come into play

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    Also you edited your comment above @miaasma and said it doesn't matter if you play rank 20 killer or not.... YES IT DOES, it means so much actually. It for one shows that if you're not in purple or red rank you have no idea what the issues I face are, and also it shows you're not a Killer main which I knew that anyways.

    Saying you play killer a little doesn't mean you know anything about maining it or the problems that come with it... Rank 20 is drastically if not laughable different from Rank 1-4 on how people play, what they do, or what the Killer does for that matter. Thats why I stick at red ranks, its where my skill set is, if you put me at Rank 20 i'll 4k every match and not complain once, why? Cause only noobs are at rank 20, and that makes sense...

    Its easier to view what a Killer does, doing it yourself is a different story Miasma.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i play equal parts killer and survivor, with maybe more emphasis on survivor

    it's very telling that you presume how much killer i play (or whether i play it at all) based on me coming down on this issue differently than you

    if you decide to use this approach rather than even considering how you can better play killer then this discussion is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a waste of both of our time

    can't say i didn't try

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    That simple? I doubt that any killer who play at red ranks chase someone into an unsafe spot without leaving them and going after gens. Otherwise they wouldn't reach that rank. Maybe sometimes if they are tilted. Still doing things like that don't give that much, it is hardly enough against a well optimised team.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Actually i'm going off of what you keep saying in response, cause a lot of things you say are things a Killer main wouldn't really say...

    It has nothing to do with your opinion vs mine, whether you believe me is up to you. But regardless its clear we won't see eye to eye because of this anyways so you're right on something that it would be a waste of both our times.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i never called myself a killer main, but i do play a lot of killer. does a person have to complain about genrush to sound like a killer main to you?

    i didn't come here to say "git gud", i came here because you seemed heated about the game and maybe needed some perspective to better enjoy it

    i've certainly had my moments of frustration where games seemed impossible and survivors seemed unbeatable (for the record, due to shoddy map design some games actually will be impossible on weaker killers). but on reflection i could point out mistakes i made and things i could have done better

    it's helpful in not thinking that playing killers that aren't nurse, billy or spirit is a fool's errand

    either way i hope you discover a new way to enjoy the game if this doesn't help

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I didn't say you said you were a Killer main... I said you say things that a killer main wouldn't say. And yes, Killer mains complain about Gen rush all the time on the forums... You see this constantly, but you'd know that if you came here consistently and i'm guessing... you don't.

    But thank you, I will try to improve on things despite that being somewhat... impossible... given the current meta............................................................................ And Mid-Tier Killers being Mid-Tier Killers..............................................................................................................

    Yeah... I'll go try that again I guess.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Regarding the OP: At least MoM is getting changed, so we soon don't have to deal with this anymore. But I'm also angry about how a perk like that could be introduced to the game in the first place.

    And the genrush is a big problem. More and more survivors realize how important it is for them to focus on gens and not waste time. Even if the survivors can't loop and go down fast, they will still win because gens are just done too fast. We absolutely need a 2nd objective. (Btw, here is my suggestion for a 2nd objective: )

    I think it's important to keep demanding for balance changes. I want this game to get better, more balanced and more fun, and to be successful for a couple more years.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    We shouldn't have to demand it, but it seems to be the only way they listen I guess.

    As for the rest of this, I agree... We need something to switch it up.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @FireHazard We shouldn't have to demand it, yes. In an ideal world, the devs would present us a balanced game. But this isn't how it is, so we have to keep asking for changes.

    The devs listened and took changes with MoM, so I have hope that we'll get a 2nd objective as well. We'll have to constantly show them that this is one of the most important problems this game is facing.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    You don’t have to be rude about it. Yes MoM is unbalanced, yes gen rush is a problem and yes killer is getting boring.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    So, survivors who do their objective is considered toxic now? Jesus what has the killer community fallen 2.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Is that like your response to anything that killers suggest to be changed?

    No, if you read the post you'd know what I said was toxic. Doing their objective isnt toxic, the problem is this game needs a NEW objective as its been the same one for 3 years now.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wasn't actually, this is pretty tame compared to people literally swearing and being toxic towards the devs for a change.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Pretty tamed compared to others doesn’t mean you weren’t rude. Some people just don’t have time to read your post.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Another sad truth is that, you can type that over and over again, but you will still have people deny the truth of the state of the game

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Yes pretty much everything you said is true. Survivors can rush the games very easily unless you play meta killer and perks like old MoM are stupidly strong in right hands.

    People just disregard these issues beacuse "not every game is like that" and "you're just a bad killer" but in reality, a lot of games are like that and with some low tier killers you just can't play better beacuse they're dependant on survivors playing bad.

    Unfortunately I don't see devs adding new objectives any time soon even when they are extremely needed. Maybe new Freddy will be good enough to be considered meta but most like not.

    Yet it's true that DBD is constantly getting better health wise. Devs have implimented many amazing changes during this last year so there is still hope yet. I'd say that you just have to wait, maybe give yourself longer break from DBD and come back mainly when new patches come out.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't know, tbh I doubt Freddy will be good either. Like look at Ghost Face? What was the thought process on that... His power doesn't even work, and they didn't see that in the testing phase?

    I guess we'll have to wait and see...

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Yeah Freddy probably won't be very good still but at least to me his new power seems like a lot of fun.

    I guess that devs were over afraid of giving killer good stealth ability when they deisgned GF. Good thing we have PTBs. Now he has chance to be playable when he releases if they buff/fix him accordingly.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I doubt that too, they had PTBs that improved killers, and look how Freddy turned out cause of that. Few days in he was "Too OP" so he turned into the exact reason they're reworking him.

    It better be good... for Ghost Faces sake...

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
    edited June 2019

    Actually it's a fact that there is NO good or strong killer at all (except nuse tbh). Killers only get hooks/kills because survivors make mistakes. You won't get any kills against a well organised SWF team (even without voice comm). But you will mostly 4K against potatoe survivors, that's why playing solo surv is mostly frustrating af. And that's the point, killers are used to their poatoe 4Ks but when they lose against people with brain they come here crying in the forum. But yes, toxicity is still a big problem and I hate to play against those people either.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    This game its kinda of survivor sided

    Gens are done way to fast some killers power are useless and alot of good pallets that can be looped now @FireHazard second objective needs to happend so that gen rush wont be an issue also the good pallet loops they are doing something so that survivor wont do too much of looping i personally think that they are going to the right track with the freddy rework he seems a legit and viable killer with alot of tools now some killers needs some buff plague needs a buff make the survivor cannot interact anything while they arr infected the only thing that they can interact its the fountains pig the only problem with this killer its her addons needs a full rework and needs to be better clown the only buff that it needs its less cooldown when he tries to trow bottles and reload bottles beeds to be less time LF devs mentioned that they can fix something and that its hes power cannot be holding no longer he will become a billy now the priority right now its making ghostface good and viable when they did good with him its time to them to do a second objective

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Get better i play killer and having no issues with genrush. Sorry i wont read after " gen rush is an issue". So i covered only that part from your post.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Then refer to the last thing I said at the start before you leave. It sounds like you main Billy which has no issue with Gen rushing, alright, who's next?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    I didn't come here to cry about issues that don't exist, I came here to discuss issues that DO exist. I always advocate for both sides, but the moment I step out of that mid ground and talk about one side people get all maaadd about it.

    Like for real, we have actual problems that're not being addressed, (Loops and MoM have been addressed I already know.) Its not just the Survivors that have issues also you know, I can't voice those opinions or something? While I don't think your intention was to come off as rude... but around the middle of your post it sounded like shade was being thrown from one side to another.

  • pungent_stench
    pungent_stench Member Posts: 131

    i have played since day one and have never seen it like this. 2 and 3 minute games as killer. this, at ranks 12-15. gen rush every game. all facilitated by mics. interest fading fast.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    A sad state we're in, and some people just can't see it. That's what makes it even sadder.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @megdonalds You described the situation correctly and then somehow got the wrong conclusion. Killers don't want their potatoe 4ks, they want a fair chance winning.

    A "very good" killer should win against a group of "good" survivors, that would be balanced. But that's not the reality, so things have to change.