Hallowed Blight Legion Skin

So for this I just... I have no idea. Just drew whatever looked cool. Looks like he got mauled by a nacho cheese bear. Ski goggles and mask because they hang out at that resort which I assume is a ski resort? Could probably find those laying around. Same with the jacket and snow pants. Fitting for a winter map.
I'm Hoping they do it again this year because I only started playing DBD around the last new year. And I really liked all the lore?? Anyway, really hoping they do new blight skins for the new killers especially my favorite boy. <3
While I was going through the blight skins from last year I noticed they all had that neat neon blood stuff. Except for Dwight who was just... a Victorian guy?? Is there a reason for that? Was he supposed to be Benedict Baker??
I guess you could call it blood but I believe it is just "dead" auric cells
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I love it! Maybe add a bit more mutations to his body since the blight is pretty strong and does major changes to the body. But all in all, it looks great!
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Cool work! I really like it! 😀
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This is awesome but I wonder how Legion's mask will look like if it were in the hallowed blight event 🤔
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What about the Clown, Spirit, Pig if the licence let them. I like the idea a lot, but more mutated somehow...more cheese? I think Legion would be hard to be made into a hallowed blight, because of how human they are. This is a great start!
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Looks really good! Thumbs up from me
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Wow, really enjoy the sense of story in the glow goo. It looks thrashed, but I particularity enjoy the oozing parts from his face and down his pant.
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yes, make this a thing
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I like that you tried, but to be honest it's a bit generic and not very elaborate.