The new new hatemail thread (no name shaming this time please)
It was the cornfield btw
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Proxi camped since they usually had someone near the hook.
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Killer camps and pip? In which universe?
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I would've told the guy to run DS and BT if he cared that much about camping
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@Judith exactly! I only black pipped.
@Killermainbtwm8 true, I’ll remember that next time.
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How can you even talk to people like that?You can't have a rational convo with someone who is tilted and blind. They will never see a reason. Especially when they are so clueless about the game in general with statements like that.
I would never allow to be messaged playing killer. I only allowed friend requests on my survivor profile since most people are nice.
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@TreemanXD wow what an immature little pickle -.- obviously very butt hurt
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I'm so glad I'm a PC user. lol
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If survivors are super altruistic and trying to bully the killer I don't mind being tunneled and camped to death because I understand them since I play killer. It is their fault. I meet lots of killers who don't even camp before people start swarming like flies without even trying to hide or wait for the killer to finish the hooking animation. Clicking their flashlights and doing monkey things.
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Just say:
"I love you."
For some reason it helps. Maybe not for all though.
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@TreemanXD Pfft.
I remember when I was young and toxic, like a few months ago. Now I generally don't care if a killer camps or tunnels. Now if they're toxic about it sure, I will message them.
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@TreemanXD solo survivor is pretty bad, trust me. The teammates are horrible.
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@TreemanXD console tends to have smarter players tbh. PC has a larger player base so it’s annoying to get potatoes.
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I also keep my messages open so I can report stuff like this.
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The problem with psn is you can make as many accounts as you want. Free of charge.
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You got 4 kills as Nurse on CONSOLE and that makes you trash?
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Didn't even intentionally tunnel him, went after him first and then he kept tripping my traps after unhooks.
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You're wasting your time by answering them.
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This is some spicy toxicity. A shame I don't know their names .-.
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You never will either ;D
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This. I don't understand why you people talk to them.
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Idk why I do, sometimes the conversation becomes rational.
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Again, take my advice guys.
Just say "I love you", and make some popcorn.
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I main Myers, the shirtless Myers request scare me.
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@TreemanXD Pffft.
I enjoy talking to folks who think they can phase me. It's less personal then here, since in PS I only meet them like once.
In the forums it's more personal as you always see people you talk to in different threads. I should probably take the forums less seriously then I do now, but that probably won't happen.
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(can’t delete quote)
I’d rather normal hate mail over fantasizing over Myers.(Not really my thing)
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Just post this to them.
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I play SWF and I have to disuade a guy on my squad from sending salt regularly lol it's a game, bro
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Myers that stay in Tier 1 are the bane of my existence lmao I struggle so bad against that
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Hmm, this is making me wanna turn on my messages again. I got sick of the spam so I set it to friends only. I still get the occasional friend request with hate mail tho XD
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@Judith Welcome to the new emblem system. I've said it before. You get rewarded more for camping, tunneling and slugging then you get for being nice.
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Actually when I'm tilted I try to rationally talk it out with the person (killer usually, but sometimes replying to fellow teammates who throw salt at me) to get an explanation of why they played like they did if it was especially dirty/annoying. After a while we seem to come to an understanding because we both stop being tilted and I've actually made some friends/met cool people by talking things out. It's always better to try and be rational.
I've said gg to a killer before and they started spewing toxic rants like "survivor tears, got killed by a low level doc" etc. (I ran him all game because he couldn't catch me until the very end, wouldn't give up either, where he proceeded to face camp/hit me on the hook, when I kobed he let me crawl to just before escaping at the gate but then hooked me and continued hitting but I didn't care much, had fun in the chase and my whole team got a free escape) guess they took gg as git gud or something, how is it my fault he threw the game to chase a survivor he couldn't catch easily and didn't defend gens at all. I just assume someone hurt him previously, didn't realise some people get more tilted if you try to be nice, it's not like I said gg ez or anything toxic it was a simple gg...I've done a similar thing with doc when I was fresh (minus the toxic hook part), I chased one nea for ages because she was really good and I wanted to learn and we both laughed about it in the end. Losing doesn't mean you can't be nice/say gg and move on.
I met him again as a hag and blocked him (didn't know it was him at the time) to save a freshly unhooked teammate on the way out of the gate and they sent me "bodyblock means facecamp next time" like...he's already facecamped me just for being decent in a chase...😂
That's how you know it's a generally annoying person by default, most people I've met just get a bit worked up and are actually chill/nice if you talk rationally with them. Recently made a friend because of it who is a godly huntress on console, they even offered to share tips on how to play her. People just sometimes get too invested, being rational helps but @TreemanXD these people seem beyond help...
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I was wondering when people would think gg meant git gud.
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When a killer starts being toxic in game (i.e. mori spamming, hitting on the hook etc) I tend to just think "you do you" and just let it go because they're probably just tilted from another match, no point taking on their bad mood and spreading the toxicity. GG has never meant git gud and I have no idea why people started suggesting this when gg ez is the typical toxic comment
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Now when someone sends me an insult, I hit them with this.... It's stupid but it works :/