Improving loading screen information

DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

So for ages the loading screen "Tips" have been unchanged but the game itself has changed A LOT and learning all of the perks and offerings for both survivor and killer, killer add-ons, end game collapse can be very overwhelming to players new and current. My suggestion would be to simply randomly throw in information about perks and what they do in all tiers and who the perk belongs to, add-ons that the killers have.

This will inform players about whats available in the game, understanding them to be able to identify them in a trial, or maybe they might see a perk or add-on they never knew about and be interesting in trying them out.

You could also use the loading screens to advertise new or old cosmetics, upcoming DLCs and events.

New players might still have no idea what the timer at the top of the screen means or why its triggered.

These are just some ideas to help not keep loading screens boring and keep players still engaged into the game even during a time where we all look away into our phones or tab into another window.


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Yes x1000!!! The current tips dont really help unless you're a new player such as "The Shape can level up by stalking survivors" keep those tips for newer players and stuff and just change them up. I agree with your idea 100%

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    Thank you for your response Peanits. I know dev news and new cosmetics are always shown in the beginning but some players just by pass it without looking or could even forget about it since it only pops up once. Advertising new AND old cosmetics could just be a small way to maybe help increase sales on them.

    Sure, not all add-ons may be note worthy and highlighting the more stronger ones would be worth the time instead. Till this day I'm sure you get players reporting scratch mirror players as "wall hacking I have the proof".

    But perks could definitely be something worthwhile.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    See, I'm an avid player for the most part and until you said that...I had ZERO idea that Hatch Grabbing was removed...thank the Gods I haven't wasted games trying to do so and jus close said hatch.

    Yeah this topic extends more than jus loading screen tips...if I didn't watch notable players (playing both sides) I would be FAR worse off on my experiences playing the game from my first time ever to today, tips n tricks and useful information... The game as a whole is very barebones on the info to explaining the game as a whole.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I wish they would in general use some high quality renders as background for the loading screen. Something to watch, something interested. Since forever I'm alt+tabbing to youtube during the loading screen cuz it's boring af and takes long. Just something to please the eyes, why not right? Other games have this aswell

  • shearhack
    shearhack Member Posts: 1

    I really wish more games would follow suit of dota 2 where they turned the lobby and loading screen practically into one making no load times to get into the game at all while choosing hero's and items. I'm not sure if that's practical because I think the killers are the hosts of the game I believe though.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That idea for advertising new cosmetics or DLC's with some art on the loading screen is a really good idea.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I want this because it's something new to read :P

  • Yohan
    Yohan Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2019


    In addition to the main suggestion (which I think has a huge positive impact), there is another helpful suggestion I'd like to make.

    I love to spectate matches after dying, and almost always I am curious to know about the perks I see my teammates using.

    It would be super helpful to see the description of perks WHILE watching the match, by moving the Cursor on them.

    Beside perks, the same idea could be used for any icon that shows on the screen.


    -The icon that shows on the right of the screen when The Shape tiers up.

    -The totems' names that show on the left of the screen, such as: Hex: ruin.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    Do I get a gold star for memorizing them all?😂

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    That would help new players/remind the regular people of perks/dlcs