A little idea for a Survivor

- I don't know if i should post this in this section of the forum, if not, sorry.
This is just an idea, but it would be interessing to see a survivor as bleak as the world they are trapped in.
Someone whose suffer from some kind of mental problem or syndrome, with a nihilistic personality, suffering from deep clinical depression. Tormented in life and captured, by the entity, right before it's death, which would be suicide.
A scrawny, shaggy person, preferably male, as depression affects more men than women.
Which the clothes would be akin to a hobo, although not a hobo, just someone whom broke all the mirrors in his house and see the daylight just everyonce on a sunday, maybe..
And his name, or her name, would be something like John Doe or Jane Doe, to reference someone whose head, doesn't see itself as important.
I would list the perks (more than three, some ideas, the ones that i think would be indispensable are marked with *) that would also be new to the game and befitting this character.
(All perks listed as lv3)
- *I Fear Not Death...: His last gaze been of death, in the real world, dulled the fear of it.
- - He could press the action button to SCREAM, revealing his aura for the killer for 20sec and blocking the killer capabilities of reading the other survivors aura for 10secs.
- Disturbed and Tormented: He can hear the terror aura of the killer for 12+m, but the terror aura can appear randomly for him, like the effect of madness 3 from doctor.
- *Hipersensibility: He is hipersensible to sensory stimulations, noises especially. Every action taken (fast vault, attack, breaking a totem, opening/closing chest, breaking a pallet, etc) will reveal the aura of the actor for 10sec. Meanwhile he is in this effect, he has an increased chance to have skill checks
- *I Wish To Be Free: Meanwhile he isn't strugglin, as being carried by the killer, all the other survivors have a bonus speed to their actions (reparing, healing, etc). If he doesn't struggle on the second fase of the hook (or the amount of seconds he could have be struggling and gave up) the survivos receive double this bonus.
- Enemies Abound: Plagued by paranoia made you a menance yourself. You gain a 20m terror radius, survivors and the killer that enter your terror radius for the first time has their aura revealed to you for 10sec. Has a cooldown of 30sec
- Isolationist: You cannot bear the presence of others, or even yourself. Survivors and the killer withing 20m of you, will disturb the speed of your actions. When you are alone, will increase the speed.
The whole idea of the survivor is that he doesn't mind dying, he is tired of life. He is tired of others and everything, so he behaves like that.
P.S: the first time i wrote a suggestion, if it's good or not, would appreaciate opinions.