Matchmaking on PS4 needs fixing

DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

Hello folks,

something VERY off has been happening since Friday, the matchmaking on ps4 is all over the place and it is quite frustrating.

I am not a good DBD player, I am a casual gamer who can decently compete at yellow ranks, maybe sometimes at green ranks, but yellow is where I belong.

I am not skilled enough, nor i want to invest the time to become, to face purple and red ranks.

The matchmaking should ONLY match people of similar skill levels, like yellow /brown, green /yellow and purple / red.

This terrible situation started to happen on Friday, and in the past this has always solved itself in a couple of days.

This time it's not happening, it is still the same time and time again

Can you folks do something about this?

It is very frustrating to verse people who are clearly out of my league.

Thank you

@Peanits @not_Queef


  • dpds
    dpds Member Posts: 52

    dbd on ps4 is a f*cking clown fiesta now

    almost unplayable at night times - 3+ minutes to find a lobby, 4 out of 5 lobbies have 300+ ping and/or killer quits the lobby right away or during the game when he starts to loose which causes you to derank because ranking system is very good (NOT). Actually you can derank even if you escape - what a f*cking joke.

    it's a bit better during the day but still takes too long to get into the game

    it was way better 1 year ago when i started playing

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I think BHVR should make the game free on consoles to help with the lack of players.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    When I was playing Injustice 2 on ps4 almost every my opponent was connected via WI-Fi. That is causing latency increase.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2019

    I think it's something different this time.

    I have always been able, more or less, to play dbd facing opponents at my level and finding matches in 3-5 mins.

    This time is different, it seems like it's the same experience of when they tried the new matchmaking system.

    Ranks all over the place, I just got stomped by a rank 3 Billy as a rank 12 survivor.

    Frustrating for me, boring for him...

    I hope this will be addressed before the double BP event on Friday @not_Queen

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I had this exact same thought yesterday where with SWF and Queue times, it's just a damn joke half the time. Had 2 high end Purple Ranks with fully loaded out Rare/Ultra items that have been playing WAY longer than I have, I could tell with how they played, ended up in a frustrating Match. I ended up with a 2k and decent points but that feels like the SEF sandbagged the solos at the end...but I only safety pipped despite having two higher experienced/rank players.

    Sure "Rank doesn't mean anything" crowd will pipe up, but the experience I ended up with AND the game more or less saying I lost/sucked, when this happens fairly frequently kinda gets to ya

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    It was free on October 2018 for Playstation Plus users(how i am able to play it)

    And it's free on Xbox for Xbox Gamepass this month i believe.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I feel you and I absolutely agree, some players simply have way more experience and understanding of the game and these players shouldn't verse casual players.

    Some people like to play competevily some just like to have a laugh and play "average".

    What's not OK is to have these two kinds of players facing each other as it is simply very unbalanced.

    I am an average yellow rank killer/average green rank survivor and I am happy where I am.

    I don't have the goal of being like Monto or Farmer John, I simply wish to have fun and usually let other people have fun as well.

    But getting stomped because the matchmaking is bugged isn't really inspiring.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Agreed, I'm pretty decent at the game but I feel where I place at is perfect, and when I VS others around my Rank (usually) it's a great time.

    My only issue and major concern are people that derank on purpose and end up bullying others, or SWF with a really low ranked Survivor friend and get matched lower. It's def a problem as some don't care about points or rank and want to troll others. I had as a Survivor game, a way too high Rank person, run around and sandbag me wherever I went and mind you I did safe Unhooks, didn't potato etc....there's just a lot of toxic players that do &have been taking advantage of the leniency this game provides for players

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    True, I agree, I also usually have a good time with people around my skill level and most of the time I end paired up with people around my level, but in the last week has been stomp after stomp.

    I am pretty chill when it comes to winning or losing, I mainly play DBD trying to earn as many BP as possible to unlock all I like and try new builds but this level of stomping was too much even for me hahah

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    Yeah, I got it 'free' on PlayStation Plus. By free, I mean free to play like Fortnite for example.

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