survivor chsurvival skill^^

n2njauwu Member Posts: 275
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

what would be good cheap perk build for going into purple rank but not sth op to be spoiled and then if i would play w/o it i would be bad

Post edited by n2njauwu on


  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    You are asking for a perk build that is good in purple ranks, but is not meta. And it has to be perks that you would miss if you didn't have it.

    Aside from this seeming contradictory, let's see what I can pull up.

    1.Solidarity for healing

    2.Empathy for information and heal locating

    3.Lightweight for evasion

    4.botany knowledge, pharmacy, buckle-up, Auto-didact for specializing in a healer styled character.


    4.quick and quiet, iron will, distortion for specializing in a evasive healer styled character.

    (This is just my opinion, and I didn't really place these perks up because you would miss them. The categories though.....those you would miss. Healing, information, evasion, specializing. These are things you may want to keep in mind when making a build. There may be other categories and ways to change to fit a build.)