Ghostface Buffed in One Week...Hello, Legion?

Nobu Member Posts: 139

The backlash from Ghostface not working properly has caused the devs to "fix" him in one week. Yet weeks and weeks since the devs completely destroyed Legion and no word. Why d the devs hate legion so much? They broke Legion out of existence but

fixed Ghostface in one week. Why devs, why won't you fix Leigon?


  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 267

    gosh so what . even if he is good which i dont think so but even so he is most boring killer in this game , and im pretty sure 90% of ppl prefer killer with fun power rather than get exhausted of legion after 1 game

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Legion is not weak, they are just boring to play as

    That's why the devs don't care

    I usually manage to get a 4k, but people who don't understand their power are easily bullied

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    i think because the forums blew up with that many comaplints etc they felt they had to do a fast re work, also they would loose money perhaps if not many were buying him?

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    They're my favorite killer currently (might go back to Huntress since rank reset) and I bought them with shards from just playing. As long as I can 'pay' for things I want with shards, I'm not spending my money (or lack thereof).

  • RicardiBacardi
    RicardiBacardi Member Posts: 77

    Because they want to sell Ghostface, they dont care about the people who gives opinions of Legion.

    They will buff Ghostface, but later in months they will nerf him, just like Legion, left to rot.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    They losing already money because of the Legion patch. Just in an unknown rate.

    I had thought - and I stil lhope - that they will rework the Legion after the overwhelming negative reaction to that patch.

    I mean... after the Legion patch, the DLC feedback on steam had go down to 18% positive and even when it still recovers, people will still hold the old Legion in their memories.

    Some people have stop playing the game since the Patch. A friend of mine as example, but also me and that means no income anymore via skins in the ingame shop (from us) and in that is not count in, the disappointed people that will buy this dlc, only to see that the advertisment video is wrong (because you can't do anymore the things with the Legion you see in this video!).

    Also, of course if someone ask us in real life about dbd, we can only tell the story how payed conetent got changed to a thing that is totaly different to what they have advertised.

    Maybe the Legion is now like the devs always wanted to see him. I am not saying anything against it, but this is not what the majority of the players want see into him and I think the last thing is a little bit more important. But thats maybe just me.

    I know that sound now harsh and I am sorry. Usually I try to defend devs. Hell... I have even speak good about Bethesda until they have it made impossible with their behavior at the Fallout 76 release and I will also today pre-order Cyberpunk 2077, because I have deep trust in CD Projekt Red and I even wish I could see Dead by Daylight on the same level as the last game/companie, but I can't as long as the Legion got not reworked back to at least the state before.

    TL:DR Would I have a wish free, I would wish that the rework get reworked, so that we have the old Legion back, buuut... Still with the necessary changes to make exploiting impossible and a rework of the purple addons, so that as example Franks Mixtape is not again so strong. I think its important that the playerbase can see, that the overwhelming part of the old Legion strength has come from addons and not from the killer himself.

    Edit: @ Nobu = btw. beautiful artwork. Even I like Julie more since I have seen Susie without a mask. Susie had just frighten me :). So evil how she looks.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I’m sorry but I feel the people complaining about Legion still are people who just frenzied survivors 3/4 times and never actually used an M1 hit ever

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    As a Legion without Addons, or just with brown/yellow ones you was not able to use always frenzy. So m1 was a common thing for those Legion's after the frenzy has go down.

    That's why I had write, that they should still rework the purple addons. Some survivors have only the exploiters in their head, or the mixtape users, but not the fair playing Legion's.

    To make it short, with the Legion pre nerf (without addons), you couldn't do more as 2 knife hits - in rar cases 3, with one full frenzy.

    Well at least as long the survivor/s were not afk.

  • Catbucket
    Catbucket Member Posts: 335
    edited June 2019

    Ghostface was heavily bugged and borderline useless aside from that. Despite constant comments that legion is useless now, they are one of the more common killers in the game at high ranks, just after nurse and billy, similar to spirit. They need some add-on reworks but that's about that, putting them in the same camp as most killers

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    It doesn't seem like much of a nerf. They weren't even decent as a killer before; most survivors just feared him for some reason. He was just very strong at tunneling.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    Tunneling is just another reason why a survivor will possibly die. In a horror movie people die also and dbd is a horror game (at least that is what you are expecting when you buying the game)... So what do they expect...?

    In times with secound chances perks and where you need 3 times to hook someone up before he dies, tunneling is more a problem for the killer as for the survivor in the most cases and high rank survivors know that.

    The cry for a Legion nerf was overreacting and imo lead by people who have hate the Legion. Those people have not care for balance, or for the opposite site. They just wanted to see the Legion gone, for forever.

    I would carry the burden to play the old Legion again, without purple addons and without the possibilty to exploit - just because on this way, this guys would be unmasked as the guys they really are - guys who spit venom at the Legion and the playerbase behind it because of their own hatred for the Legion and nothing more.

    So everybody would be able see, what kind of guys have lead the Legion-nerf discussion in the past.

    That all has the background that the Legion pre-patch was indead weaker as you have mentioned, but as said before, she had make more fun for at least the larger amount of the Legion player base (imo).

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Eninya starting a chase and then finishing it is not tunneling

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    I guess what Eninya had mean with tunneling, was the long or hard chases based on the higher addons, the Legion had before.

    I have seen also some videos on YouTube about the Legion. How to play them mostly, because the beginning by zero, with the Legion was a little bit rough imo.

    And the most tutorial videos I have seen there, the YouTubers had also use mostly purple addons and that is imo, what had backfire on the Legion, because I think that the most people had always the strengh of the Legion in their heads with purple addons.

    They had not remembered on the Legions which has play without addons, or just the brown/yellow ones. Chases like the most survivors have fear, were not possible without the higher addons imo.

    At least, I would really have a hard time to take someone serious who would call for a nerf, for the default/blank Legion pre-nerf. Not saying, that a Legion without addons was useless (how I said before she had make fun and was also able to kill someone), but she had counterplay to everything, how also every Legion player knows that had play the Legion pre nerf.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    ewwww legion EEEEEWWWWW

    fix legion wut hes good for the moment he got the change and ive seen alot that are good with it so i dont know why you say They broke Legion out of existence youre going in the wrong track he needs buff but for the moment he dosent need it ghostface needed more than legion if you didint play the ptb hes power was useless

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,433

    Legion is in a much better spot than they we're previously. At least you don't have to be completely brain dead to play them. They took way too long to down a survivor anyway, now they're one of the best tracking killers in the game, and they're great at stalling. Ghostface needed change because he was worst than Freddy m8. You could literally spin your camera around and you would make Ghostface's power completely useless. With Legion they actually made them BETTER but people still think he should revert back to the brain dead playstyle we all knew and hated

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,433

    The old Legion before took no skill and even if outplayed, you wouldn't get punsihed. A clip with Tru3Ta1ent shows this PERFECTLY. He keeps vaulting back a pallet over and over and The Legion keeps missing, they weren't getting punished for it. How ever even a killer like Nurse would at least get a stun. The Dev's stated that their vision for Legion was a killer that could run around and stab multiple survivors in a short amount of time. But what they released instead was a killer that could down a survivor with no real skill. Add-ons like Frank's Mixtape would make this an even bigger problem. This is also proven by the "Deranged Pursuit" achievement. Stab 1 survivor than another, come back to the first and down them. But the execution of this ability was very poorly made. The Legion we have now actually executes this vision almost perfectly. A killer that runs around stabbing multiple survivors, you get punished for making stupid plays

    The old Legion before took no skill and even if outplayed, you wouldn't get punsihed. A clip with Tru3Ta1ent shows this PERFECTLY. He keeps vaulting back a pallet over and over and The Legion keeps missing, they weren't getting punished for it. How ever even a killer like Nurse would at least get a stun. The Dev's stated that their vision for Legion was a killer that could run around and stab multiple survivors in a short amount of time. But what they released instead was a killer that could down a survivor with no real skill. Add-ons like Frank's Mix-tape would make this an even bigger problem. This is also proven by the "Deranged Pursuit" achievement. Stab 1 survivor, then another, come back to the first and down them. But the execution of this ability was very poorly made, Survivor's would tend to DC against Legion because they we're a pain to go against, because there was no counter play. The Legion we have now actually executes this vision almost perfectly. A killer that runs around stabbing multiple survivors, you get punished for making stupid plays and at least there's no way to exploit the power. Legion's power isn't meant to be used in chase. In fact you don't want to hold a chase too long with Legion, you want to stall the game. That's what Legion does now, stall.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    Always when I read something like braindead, I must chuckle.

    As would we play here a game with 15+ keys and also a extrem form of reaction needed.

    Imo, to be good with a specific killer, or survivor perk, you just need to spend some time with it ingame and like the killer/perk a bit. Then time will teach you anything necessary (and that is a good thing imo).

    The Legion pre nerf without addons was not lesser braindead as everything other in the game. Not saying that there is something braindead in the game, but I don't had see much difference between the Legion or other killers, or also surv. objectives and/or perks.

    And well... What Ghostface matters... So we are in a Legion thread. Don't think that it is a surprise, that people talk here about the Legion :). Who had thought this? Thanks for giving me a smile^^.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,239

    This whole thing is completely moot considering it implies that Ghostface was released, and then buffed...and that it was due to "complaints" that he was buffed. The truth of the matter is that hes on the PTB, a place for testing and public input. The people "complaining" about Ghostface were simply giving their requested input before Ghostface's actual release. Thing's changing and being tweeked on PTB before it hits the live version is how its SUPPOSE to be.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    You are to 100% right. I just wish they would had act on the same way to the time of the Legion patch on the ptb. Shortly after they posted in the forums the patch notes - there was a lot of complaining. Not that it had matters at the end :|

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,239

    @Talmeer IMO, the only room for complaint that I see is the button addons, since the devs have already noted that requiring you to stab someone twice for them to proc made them pretty much useless. They've already said they wanted to change that to 1 hit, so i dont see why that hasnt been done. The other things people are complaining about with Legion has nothing to do with time but rather the devs disagreeing. The devs dont think he needs the buffs people are suggesting or are sticking to their guns on different nerfs that got implemented to balance out his 4.6m/s buff.

    Even during the Legion patch PTB that was used to test out new Legion, he was still being tweeked. Just not in ways the people USING him liked. His fatigue addons got a nerf.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    @Shroompy and to your edited posting:

    -Things you descripe were ONLY possible with the purple addons and that was then a addon problem and not a problem of the Legion, or her abilitys. Vaulting over and over again? Stabbing someone over and over again? Have luck finding just 1 Legion who had done that, without addons (against actual valuable targets, so no afk ones). Maybe 1 of 100 and there is a reson for it: The frenzy time was to short. Only the higher addons had let you do things like that and I said already that they should not coming back.

    -Skill again... Really? It's nice to know that you hate the old Legion - otherwise you would be able to give a neutral answer - but that doesn't change anything on the skill thing.

    -The people dc to every killer. Even to the times back of the old Legion. When I had play Meyers back then - dc, When I had play trapper - dc, when I had play nurse - dc, when I had play huntress... Need I really to write here more? Dcing is no argument if it happens to EVERY killer and to basicly everything what a killer can do to a survivor.

    -Not every Legion, but how I see it - the majority had like a fast stabbing killer - there also out there horror movis with fast stabbing killers. Is it surprising that there are people that like that idea? It shouldn't...

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,433

    Have luck finding 1 Legion that would do that? Go on YouTube and search up any video of some one playing the old Legion. They would focus down one survivor until they we're downed. The old Legion had absolutely NO counter play. Also people tend to DC against Legion much more than ANY other killer I've ever seen. To the point where as soon as I applied Deep Wound, it was like dominoes. And no, it was no only possible with Purple add-ons. It was possible with base Legion.. All you need is eyes to follow where the survivor goes and keep vaulting the same window/pallet the survivor goes through. He needed change and he got it. Much more viable than he was before.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    I said without purple addons.

    The most YouTubers I have seen, have use those addons. I have even learn a bit about the Legion from a guy who had use the knife exploit (I have just never use the exploit, but his other hunting tips were good sometimes).

    The point of tunneling is: As a killer with a little experience, you always know if you gonna win this, or not. It's a pretty boring game mechanic imo. Nothing surprising happens there. It would maybe, if this game element would have something random in it, like a shoelaces open, so that the survivor falls to the ground for a 1% chance or so.

    On the killer site, that the killer maybe falls over a stone on the ground as example to the same random chance... But as long, as it is now in the game - you know as a killer if you gonna win this or not. The only question that comes up is: "Is it my time worth to hunt this survivor down, while his team makes the generators?".

    So... If a killer really goes tryhard on tunneling you have anyways a little chance to survive. That's why survivors tend to complain about tunneling all the time.

    If a Legion now with a limited high frenzy speed* hunts you down, or a Trapper hunts you down while he pushes you in a trapped loop spot, or a d3 Meyers... I don't see here much difference. The outcome is always the same: a survivor that then starts to wiggle.

    *limited because the default frenzy time of the pre Legion was not that long. It was long enough to stab 2-3 times someone, or either to vault 3-4 times if a survivor decided to play that little vault pallet game (aka. he vaults over a pallet, waits for a little time and then vaults again, Legions know what I mean).

    Maybe the people have tend a bit more to dc against the Legion as like by other killers - I can't confirm that. I have also play other killers sometimes, as mentioned before, and I had also their my dcs if I have actual try to kill someone.

    As Legion I had play the most time, but I also mostly play for fun on the frenzy abilitie and so my priority whas not very high to kill someone.

    Sure I have hunt those survivors, with my frenzy, sometimes with a m1 mindgame, with deepwounds and so on... But I had mostly not hook them up a third time, or have stop hunting them after I had enough fun for me with one survivor. You could say, I have pretty much ignored that killing objective to my times.

    So what is also left? If a killer really decides to tunnel you, he know he gonna win this. You wan't be able to survive this. Your only hope is, that the killer get at one point bored while he tunnels you, but that doesn't mean, that he wouldn't get you, if he had hunt you just a minute more. Or that he had just use you as entertainment until the moment, the other survivors have done something that tells him, their position (like firing up a generator).

    What you have seen mostly on YouTube are YouTubers that have use purple addons and/or the exploits and I need to say, sometimes they had really luck with their survivors. I have honestly sometimes question myself if they are not playing there against friends which they previously told, to run mostly straight forward or that they should make some mistakes, because that would be better for the video.

    You can me believe me when I tell you, that some things were not possible for a Legion without addons like it was for a Legion with potent addons.

    I have play such a Legion. I have seen what was possible in hundrets of games from first hand experience and not just from third person talk, and I have also mostly read my endgame-chat.

    My endgame chat was mostly fine. Sure sometimes I had a few pubescent kids in there, that have try to insult me, because I had play the Legion, but mostly my chat was ok.

    Other survivors have even mostly try to defend me, before I could write anything to that toxic guy. A small percent of m.orons will always exist.

    And to make it clear: It is wrong to support people which dc. It is wrong to support people which are toxic.

    If they start dcing, or if they start being toxic it is not anymore important why they have start to be like this. If you honestly start to do what those people want, you only make it worse for the whole game.

    And exactly that see we today in the game if I can trust this forums and also the steam forums.

    DCing people and toxic player that gone to far need to be banned, for the greater good of the whole community. If you don't do this, they will only go forward with their behavior and more and more people of the community will turn into guys like them.

    You should never .... NEVER .... support those people. Bhvr had make this mistake with the Legion patch amongst other things and now the game suffers under dcs to every killer, to every killer behavior, to every survivor behavior.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited June 2019

    They had ghost face license for a year don't know why they released legion as original killer when they were two chapters later going to release another original cloaked mask killer with a hunting knife. Guess the mask license is more profitable cause of what franchise most horror fans associate it with. Wish they focus on current content to entice new customers that its worth it.

  • SuddenButton
    SuddenButton Member Posts: 32
    edited June 2019

    @Talmeer Exactly I could not say it enough Legion needs to be be back how he was before the buff with decreased timer to mend and no depletion on unsuccessful attacks some legions like to spam attacks isn't it there prerogative to so also being able to see timer on mend gives awareness to the player if I know how much time if to the player falls I could choose to leave and come back to apply more pressure to the chase and if I should just break off from this survivor altogether to stop progression on generators and it's pretty much the hole idea of his power

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    You a right that many people know Ghostface, or better Scream, but there are also some other movies out there with masked killers like the Legion.

    As example, search on YouTube with "Smiley Trailer". I don't know if it would be ok in the dbd forums if I link directly to a movie trailer, rated over 16 or 18^^.

    Besides it, I really like the look of the Legion and man... Julie is the girl to ruin your life for. At least if her personality is great as her appearance.


    I wish also that the old Legion comes back but if we think serious about it, a few drawbacks should still stay.

    Just to take the air out of the wings, of the few people that are really hate the Legion but crying for 10.

    So I am fine with it, if they would bring the old Legion back, but without any chance that a Legion could exploit and also with no strong purple addons anymore.

    That would take the danger out, that the devs would ever again balance the Legion based on the opinion of haters. Because everytime a hater would cry again over the Legion, we could simple say: "It's not possible anymore thanks to the nerfed addons ;)".

    Imo, its better to be a bit weaker, as to have always to fear that the Legion get nerfed again. Besides, I had never use the pruple addons by myself besides a few testruns to look how strong they are. So... for me would it not really be a loss, if the purple addons would be crappy :).

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I have found the perfect Legion rework-rework hymn on YouTube :):

    "Give me sugar

    Give me something sweet

    I've spent a lifetime

    Feeling incomplete

    If I sound better

    Or if I've come too late

    Please reconsider

    I don't need much on my plate

    Just give me sugar"

    From the band "Garbage", the song "Sugar". It's a great song from a great band^^. I bet if the devs listen to this song 1 time with our poor Legion in mind, they will make the rework gone immediately^^.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    a good chunk of people enjoyed pre-patch legion, that doesn't mean it was okay for it to be in the game

    legion's only current problem is addons. if they address the addons and improve them they'll be a much better killer. lots of killers, like wraith, are mid tier with good addons

  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 267

    there is no hope for legion , seeing gf hitting live and already its stated he is getting nerfed , all i can say rip legion . soon they will make legion that if survivor start mending even for a bit it reset the timer of deep wounds :thinking:

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2019

    Aw... Companies tend to only show statistics if they are looking good... and well... I have my doubts there.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Pretty much. The time gained on vaulting is lost on the cooldown unless you vault a lot, in which cause you should rethink what you're doing.