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Dark Devotion, an amazing perk for Billy and Leatherface.

This is just my opinion but iv'e been playing around with Dark devotion recently on Leatherface and it's yielded excellent results. The fact that Leatherface has an insta-down in his power and has a 32 meter terror radius he benefits from this perk greatly, just 2 hours ago i got a gen grab on a survivor with Dark devotion, on Leatherface!

Now i haven't tried it on Billy because i don't play him but it's pretty much the same. If you have map knowledge of where people are you can get some easy downs off. The only counter is if the obsession decides to follow you instead of heal, but that person would have to have big balls to do that instead of going to heal.

What do you think? Do you think Dark devotion is a great perk on these killers? Any killer with a 32 Meter terror radius benefits from it, it's not really needed on a killer like Myers.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    I think it is a garbage perk on any killer. If it wasn't an obsession perk and worked on any survivor hit, it might be interesting. But hey, we are allowed to have different opinions. If you like it and have fun with it then more power to you.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    I think you experienced what I call "The Bubba Syndrome"

    All survivors playing vs LF are subject to suffer the "The Bubba Syndrome" in which they immediately disregard the killer's strength, their IQ drops by 80 points and start doing stupid stuff they wouldn't do against other killers.

    Grabbing someone off a gen with LF just means that guy was playing stoned, or suffering an acute case of

    "The Bubba Syndrome"