Who to level for perks/how to maximise BP


I only started playing recently and have now got my two starter mains. (Pig and Feng) to level 50, so now I want to start the grind of levelling for perks.

Feng I currently have Lithe, Borrowed Time, Alert & Decisive Strike (from Shrine). For her, I’m really not sure what I’d change. Borrowed Time I only really use on SWF, and Alert could be swapped for something better however i do enjoy being able to see the killer quite often. I’m fine for ‘evasion’ perks because of Lithe, so what else is worth levelling for? I considered Self Care, but I’m not sure. Is David WGLF worth it for BP?

For Pig.... I need a lot lol. I currently have Surveillance, MYC, H:NOED, and bitter murmurs, I think that’s the best of pig + all perks. I came up with some builds that I’ve tried in KYF and liked:

surveillance, H:DH, thanatophobia, PGTW/Nurses

surveillance, H:DH, PGTW, BBQ Chili

Overcharge, PGTW, BBQ, H:DH.

so.. what’s best to prioritise? BPs quickly for killer or survivor? Who (Hag, Nurse, Bubba, Clown (don’t be have the last 2 yet)) are easiest to start playing as & level?

Just some tips pls. I’m so overwhelmed with all this levelling up and blood points needing to be spent EVERYWHEREEE



  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited June 2019

    You can actually farm a lot with survivor. Usually you get more BP per game if you play killer. But if you play survivor and use Prove Thyself and We're Gonna Live Forever, you can max out Objective points very fast, and then some. Once Objective BP is maxed, just play boldly, get chased, and don't worry if you get killed. This just means your games are shorter, so overall your BP gain over time is faster.

    Borrowed time is also useful for getting those WGLF stacks. Just don't forget, a stupid save is still a stupid save, even with BT... try not to farm your teammates too much.

    EDIT: yea sorry just noticed you don't have WGLF yet. Get that first. It's a blessing.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213
  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    For BP, level up David King for WGLF. Also Dwight for Prove Thyself.

    Killers, level up Bubba for that sweet sweet BBQ. Potentially Hag for Ruin.

    Use Wraith and Doctor for ez BP gains.

  • itsDorkMagic
    itsDorkMagic Member Posts: 13

    As others have said, David King for WGLF is probably priority #1. If you play killer as much or more than you play survivor, BBQ & Chili from Cannibal probably should be next. As for survivor side, Dwight after David for Prove Thyself, which will also give you another excellent perk in Bond. From there it's honestly mostly gravy, but I'd go for Iron Will from Jake and Hex: Ruin from Hag after those.

  • Vlieger
    Vlieger Member Posts: 326

    The amount of stuff to unlock when you start playing fresh at this point is quite overwhelming. For BP farming I would recommend playing as Leatherface and using BBQ. Play him, and put BPs into him, until you can unlock BBQ as a teachable perk.

    Then try to get BBQ lvl 3 on a good BP farming killer such as Doc or Legion.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    what makes them good BP farming killers? Also thanks for the tips

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Not sure I want ruin but I definitely want Devour Hope so will have to tackle her eventually.

  • Vlieger
    Vlieger Member Posts: 326

    As a killer main.... I support your choice of not wanting Ruin and would suggest not relying on it. There are a couple killers that NEED it like Trapper and Hag because they need setup time at the start of the game, but other killers can absolutely do without it if you learn to pressure enough.

    As for why Doc/Legion for BP farming (and I saw someone say Wraith too): They are killers that are easy to complete their special scoring events. Doc can easily shock people repeatedly, Legion can easily hit people in Feral Frenzy, Wraith can easily uncloak and get a first hit. Some of the other killers are a bit tougher to get their special scoring events done which is where a lot of your extra BPs will come from.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    I personally like Wraith with BBQ for bp. Bc of how his power works, you constantly get points in every category without having to go out of your way. A surprise attack gives decent deviousness, hunting, and brutality. And survivors just don’t hide from you.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    What’s a special scoring event?

    but yeah, no a fan of ruin because of how quickly it’s eliminated, the second someone touches a gen and notices, everyone sets out to destroy it. DH is a little more subtle.

  • Vlieger
    Vlieger Member Posts: 326

    I'm just referring to a "Score Event" for the killer. Each killer has different actions that give them different point rewards. Most of which go towards the Deviousness category. But some killers just by the nature of their ability also make the other categories easier to fill too.

    This wiki page explains it better than I ever could probably and also lists all the Score Events and what category they fall into:
