Are they gonna Nerf ghost face? Please Tell me not

I Just Saw a truetalent vídeo with the Name "Please don't Nerf ghost face BHVR" Can someone Tell me that os true or not? I really Hope that's not true


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    They will, it’s just a matter of how far they nerf

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    edited June 2019

    I actually don't agree with this.

    I think he's pretty strong and when someone practices their strategy and gains perks to help that strategy he's going to be very strong.

    The only thing I think they'll end up nerfing will be his ability to stalk during a chase.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    More than likely, he just likes how Ghostface is now, and the title of his stream is basically telling the devs: "Just keep him like this, mkay?"

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Exactly this. He feels he’s okay now, a lot of streamers do but also feel even one change could make him unviable again

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited June 2019

    Its the detection rule ghostface will never work whilst the detection counterplay exists. As survivours are trained by default to keep an eye out for killers so breaking his night shroud will never scale into high ranks unless they make it extremely hard to do so.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712
    edited June 2019

    I hope not, that would be a big mistake . No one wants Ghostface to go back to how he was. I hope they keep these new changes, but build off of them in the future to make him even better. This is how he should have been from day 1. Only a few minor tweaks can be made to improve him further .

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    To be honest i see nerfs coming but it's because the detection is a little off.

    I main killer and even I can see that for survivors the detection is a bit off, they can be pointing and staring right at you and it wont count. Ghostface can also stalk in a chase because again while in a chase the survivors for some reason wont be able to detect him even though they're looking right at him a lot of the time.

    The main issue with ghostface is having a killers power rely on detection just makes them weak at base, Fixing the detection would make him weak but leaving it broken makes him strong. I don't see a middle ground being met to be honest.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Yep, that's another reason why that whole aspect should be removed, in my opinion.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    His still weak. By weak I mean being taken out of shroud I fear when he get to red rank there will be that one survivor running around always try break U out of shroud when survivors learn there up against gf they will do just that break him out none stop I see it already

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    I knew what was going to happen as soon as I watched the PTB gameplay. He was a weak killer, basically run around and M1, because his power was easily countered.

    So I thought "okay, he's gonna get a buff, but it will be too much and survivors will DC, just like they did with old Legion.... He only needed a couple changes, but Behavior did a few to many.

    From the PTB release, the changes should have been..

    First, Object of Obsession should still be able to see him, but not effect his power.

    Second, if he's leaning around a corner, the survivor needs to see his body in order to take him out of his power, not just his face.

    Third, (idk if this was the case already but) just add addons that extend the time the survivors need to look at him. Yellow .5 seconds more, green 1 second more, and purple 1.5 seconds more. (or something along those lines)

    And that's it. Having to put him in the center of the screen and hold him there in order to take the power down is going to be really buggy and almost impossible to do while in chase, because survivors need to be able to glance forward in order to navigate. So that needs to go.

    Stay safe out there.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited June 2019

    Based on No0b3 & Ohmwrecker's Video, Ghostface definetely needs a slight nerf. Like, don't get me wrong we all hated how the OG Ghostface in the 1st PTB was soooo weak.

    But, in his current buffed state he is now a secret, hidden, Unstoppable Myers/Pig.

    (Plus The preschool Map has the Hole in the ground bug in their videos lol...)

    Soo They are most likely going to slightly nerf him to be able to be combat-able.

    EDIT: Anyone who states otherwise only plays killer and rarely Survivor.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited June 2019

    He's already able to be countered, but the idea is that survivors need to actually put thought into it and commit to doing it. Lately, we've been getting killers that get countered by the same old #########. Loops and not being forced to deal with a killer's power. Ghostface is much better off, but he isn't exactly breaking the bank. He's got to put more work into stalking as it is on a per survivor basis. The exposed effect is tightly windowed at 45s. His power recharge is dismal as it is something like 20-30s. Survivors need to get used to centering their cameras now just like killers did when they released huntress.

    The devs even put in a sound and visual effect to show that you've got yourself lined up on Ghostface. You have to just look at him for a total of 1.8s to break his stealth. .3s for the buffer zone and 1.5 for the actual break. That isn't asking for much, but if you're in a chase with him you're going to have a harder time as it is harder to look and center while running. It isn't going to hurt survivors to feel a bit of pressure.

    Also he still has to respect palette loops and chase like any other m1 killer. It's like people are afraid survivors are going to shatter into dust if they have to put a little more effort into the game or have to feel a tiny bit more pressure than normal. Mean while you have people playing killer stressed out over trying to get at least a semi decent killer than feels somewhat powerful. We're three years in and it just looks like killers are frustrated with putting money in and not feeling power and survivors are treated so delicately that it almost borders on insulting their ability and intelligence.

    The worst part is a lot of vocal survivors play into that ######### and overall make the game worse for both sides. Killers turn into amusement park rides and every survivor game is m1 simulator.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    the detection is fine, you just have to stare at his face for 1.5 seconds to break his stalk.

    this is so survivors can't just insta break his stalk by quickly looking at him with a quick camera snap.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited June 2019


    You havent cracked ghostface power yet have you? I've been playing nothing but survivour and let me tell you ghostface power loses massive strength when you can just run behind some debris and deny stalk forcing them to lose time stalking and requires them to cross farther distances to catch up to you since stalking slows down the downing process. When he exposes me i have already reached a good loop and can begin the m1 killer looping tech handed down by our survivour forefathers.

    Hes an m1 killer who exposes you and they want to make it so his power gets switched off by survivours on the grounds that his power dosent turn off fast enough. Honestly you players make my life hell in high ranks because all i get is nurse and billy and frankly im sick of seeing every new killer who shows up in my ranks get kicked out by low rank survivour struggles.

    Were you watching noobs stream because if you did youll see he got stomped every game he didnt bring a mori. The vids he did dominate in were against green rank players no suprise he stomped them I could do that with freddy ffs. I'll say it again and again its not even the first week. Give him a 3 weeks at least when the survivours have found the playstyle best suited to deal with him.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    with addons you can straight up almost face stalk someone from 0 to full before getting revealed.

    You should be popping your power on cooldown almost everytime.

    The only time you wouldn't is to mind game the shack or similar insane loops so you can lose the stain and trick them easier besides moonwalking a corner / faking a stain direction.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    noob3 its just a survivor main just directly and sometimes can be toxic to the killers he dosent need any nerf he need some buffs that i already mentioned and ohm i dont know he dont play too much this game to understand it