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Additional changes to Ghostface

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
edited June 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have yet to play on the PTB post Ghostface buff but from what I've seen and heard it was all very, very good similar to how the Spirit was garbage on release but was buffed to high tier later down the line. 


At the end of the day, Ghostface is no Nurse, Huntress, Hillbilly, or Spirit, and doesn't have much going for him while his power is deactivated on cooldown. Making him much less effective for those thirty seconds, relying on personal player skill and regular mindgames around pallets / windows. Which against good and experienced survivors, is simply and absolutely no good. because of this I came up with a few more changes to Ghostface which could be made in addition to the ones which were already made, listed in terms of priority 

-Downed / hooked survivors should not be able to spot / detect Ghostface

I heard this was a bug, but watching some post-updated Ghostface gameplay and I'm still seeing it happen. This shouldn't be a thing plain and simple, and I don't think I have to explain my reasoning for why.

-Get rid of the directional aspect of his audio during stealth

I really dislike this part of his ability, the idea of giving survivors a small heads up that danger is really close makes sense. But by making it directional for a killer who is built for stealth just seems like a balancing decision made completely in the wrong direction. Ghostface isn't the Huntress where survivors need to hear where he's coming from because she can strike at range. His entire power is built on the premise of getting in close without the survivors knowing he is actually there, that's what a stealth killer is meant and supposed to do.

Those moments of genuine surprise and shock when a Michael Myers is standing right behind you or a Wraith uncloaking right next to you is the same thing that should be happening while playing Ghostface, and those moments won't be as frequent or surprising when you can tell which direction he's coming from.

-Remove the audio cue completely while crouched in Night Shroud

Similar to the idea of removing the red stain while crouched (changed now to be always removed, an absolutely amazing change which will open him up for more mind games mid chase) it makes a lot of sense that Ghostface should be much more stealthy while he is crouching. This change would make Ghostface a lot more fun to play as, as well as a lot scarier to survive against because it makes him play his role as a stealth killer that much more effectively. 

Not to mention, personally, I don't see too much use in the crouch mechanic at all. Sure it makes you more stealthy (technically) because you're harder to detect, but it comes with a huge trade-off, that being limited visibility. The main advantage of his power is the ability to expose survivors, which is really hard to do when you can't even see above the foot tall grass that covers most maps. As a result, I don't really see much incentive or reason to crouch at all, and this change would make mind-games as Ghostface that much more effective to pull off. 

-Revert the change made to cooldown on his power and reduce it back to the original 20 seconds (down from the now thirty).

I don't really understand why this change was made in the first place since he was in such a poor state before and he should really be able to switch in and out of Night Shroud during chases as quickly as possible, especially since Survivors are the ones who are forcing him out of it rather than him deactivating it personally. 

-Increase his movement speed while crouched up to match his base movement speed: 4.6m/s;115% (up from the current 3.6m/s;90%) or at least up to normal survivor speed (4.0m/s;100%)

If I'm not mistaken, they (the devs) said that Ghostface would move at the same speed walking or crouched sometime before the PTB went live I think and I went in fully expecting this to be the case only to be disappointed that it wasn't. It would provide more of an incentive to crouch (like I went over in my second proposed change) as well as make Ghostface more effective in terms of Stealth (being able to move more stealthily across the map more quickly) and mindgames around pallets and windows as well. 

I think most if not all of these proposed changes are reasonable even in conjunction with each other if all them went live together on top of the changes we already received. All I want is for Ghostface to be able to fill the role that he was made to fit as best and most effectively that he can, in order to compensate for the fact that his power may not impact the chase as significantly as killers like the Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress, or Spirit. 

Of course I could be completely off and wrong, like I said I have yet to try out the new, improved, updated Ghostface on the PTB and the changes that they have made so far could be more than satisfactory. If so, let me know
