Why are Survivors so reluctant to use their BPS during the Blood Hunt?

You pop a Streamers during a BloodHunt, everyone's happy.
You win the match though with a 4k-3k, nobody thanks you post chat or even says anything. Which either means they don't appreciate the extra 100%, or they left the chat because they got their BPs and that's all that matters. Not to mention everyone begs you to farm, but nobody pony's up streamers as well to give the Killer some BPs too, they just use cakes... Its kinda odd Survivors don't use BPS on a X2 Blood Hunt...
Also, people beg you to farm, despite you wanting to you know... play the game... So there's also that but that's off-topic. Also did I mention the toxic Survivors that BM you in-game and chat when you pop a streamers for them... That also...
Welcome to Dead by Daylight, Sherlock Holmes. Glad you discovered the secret s of this thing we call a game.
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Thank you, thank you. I'd like to thank my friend git, last name gud.
But in all seriousness, you gotta admit its kinda cheap...
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you expect people to thank you for throwing streamers? who cares?
i throw streamers all the time, i don't expect thanks for it
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I'm surprised survivors want to farm with you. This feels like purple ranks everywhere right now with a mix of red ranks occasionally thrown in. I'm already back to Fragile Wheeze.
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I've never been thanked for using streamers. Odd that you expect it...
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I don't expect it... The point was it would be nice...
Where did I ever say I expected the highest of praise for my streamers, and while the sentence led you to believe this, it never outright said that. The point also was that people oddly don't use streamers also, it'd benefit everyone in the match.
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I love using them and the killer ends up ruining my day and I get the least amount of points. Woohoo. This has happened every time I play them, double bp event or otherwise. I've even gotten 'I'm sorry' messages postgame. Does that count?
Or the killer goes super sweaty with BPS and none of the survivors actually benefit.... I'd rather you didn't do that then. Just do survivor pudding or something else instead.
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I mean, if the entire 5 players in the trial use BPS at the same time, making it 500% with 100% from BBQ and 2x from Blood Hunt, you'd be more inclined to not play sweaty. Or at least that's what i'd imagine some Killers would do.
But most times I put a BPS, and nobody contributes... Its kinda odd since its a X2 where people are expected to use them now.
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i save up all my BPS as killer for burning exclusively on Mother's Day, 4th of July, Veteran's Day, and Christmas.
The rest of the year, I don't burn that stuff. It's just a good way to make the survivors gen rush.
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So true.
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I must be unlucky. I don't really give an offering anymore, but I know that I don't have enough BPS for all the games I play. It'd be different if someone asked so I could politely say that I don't have any more, which would be the truth. My bps are going to my killers.
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I mean,they don't HAVE to thank you.
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Idk it depends, every experience is different.
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This is also a good point. I only need to level up Meg ~9 levels per chapter when survivors get something, so I generally end up only going through 49 survivor bloodwebs per new survivor. After like 10 games at the end of that I'm out of items again.
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What a bizarre thing to complain about.
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No, it'd be nice though wouldn't it? But no, they don't. I don't expect it, but the point is it'd be nice...right?
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Or they died and moved onto the next match and you're crying because people aren't willing to wait a few minutes to say TY when they could just go get more points.
What a useless thing to complain about.
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Isn't it?
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@SenzuDuck Why're you the most negative person on the forums?
Nothing you ever say is positive.
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My comment isn't inherintely negative at all, you just see it as negative because it points out a reason why people aren't going to stick around and thank people after every match, and also just how weird it is to expect that.
Lets not forget how this post is just a negative post in and of itself, you can hardly complain about negative comments in it, you are BEING negative.
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Nah @SenzuDuck We can all agree anything you say points out the "idiocy" in everyone around you excluding yourself.
This post isn't even supposed to be serious, its kinda like a "shower thought" post. Nothing I said was negative, I never made fun of anyone, never said anyone was "crying" or "salty" I never did any of that.
You come in here basically saying "Oh what a stupid thing to complain about, what an idiot am I right guys?" and now that i'm calling you out for it you get defensive about it...
Every time we talk, i'm always trying to be level headed about the conversation, but you seem to just low-ball me.
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i mean you did just call them ungrateful and cheap for not explicitly thanking you for throwing an offering
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@SenzuDuck Regardless though of my feelings towards how you word things or come off towards anyone, i'm gonna ask @MandyTalk or @Peanits To close or delete the post, as its clearly just gonna cause fights at this rate.
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You do have a point, but I think of it as some kind of "shock factor" when you read the title.
Its something to drive the point across, its better than saying something like "Survivors don't use BPS on X2 and I don't know why" Its less wordy you know?
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I don't think you undertand what defensive is, you create a negative post, and then get upset when people make "negative" responses, I only gave you a reason as to why people wont thank you, I'm certainly not going to wait around for the match to end just to say thank you.
and I never once called you an idiot, stop trying to play victim and make me look bad, it's boring.
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I must be weird cuz I never expect a thank you from anyone when I play killer. I mean, I did it for me and my points.
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I never said you called me an idiot, I said what you said as a response basically was implying that i'm an idiot for even complaining about this.
The post isn't even negative, its just a discussion about something that I recently have been facing today. I can change the title if you want if that makes it "negative" and hey, i'm gonna do it right now.
And no, you didn't just give me a reason why people would thank me. You literally say that i'm "crying" and that what i'm complaining about is "pointless" and it kinda isn't pointless when the point of it is discussing why Survivors hold onto BPS, and are less inclined to use them.
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I mean, I guess as the Killer you're the "bad guy" and deserve no praise for killing the Survivors.
But from like, a fellow players standpoint its kinda odd nobody thanks you for using them. I do it when someone does it, its just the little things I suppose. You shouldn't expect it to happen, but its nice if it does right?
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"You come in here basically saying "Oh what a stupid thing to complain about, what an idiot am I right guys?" and now that i'm calling you out for it you get defensive about it..."
You implied i called you an idiot right here.
"And no, you didn't just give me a reason why people would thank me."
Yes I did, I literally said "Or they died and moved onto the next match"
"The post isn't even negative, its just a discussion about something that I recently have been facing today. I can change the title if you want if that makes it "negative" and hey, i'm gonna do it right now."
How is your post not negative? It's not a "discussion" at all, you ask no questions it's just two paragraphs of you complaining about survivors. Did you even read your own thread or just go into autopilot trash talk survivor mode?
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to respond to what i believe you wanted your original post to convey, i've noticed survivors using BPS in my killer games. sometimes it's more than one at a time. maybe you're just getting unlucky? i haven't seen a huge disparity in BPS use between killers and survivors so far during this event
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A discussion doesn't need to be a question. He(?) brought up a certain idea that may affect other people. As someone who had a differing view, I did not feel attacked. I feel like I could have a civil discourse and
you kind of ruined it.1 -
he offerend no way of having a discussion, just two paragraphs of bashing survivors.
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"Or they died and moved onto the next match and you're crying because people aren't willing to wait a few minutes to say TY when they could just go get more points. What a useless thing to complain about."
This entire thing you said is negative towards the post at hand, and it basically is as if you're calling me an idiot for even discussing it. And before you said it, I said calling, "calling" I didn't say you called me an idiot, I said its like you're calling me it without directly saying it.
"Yes I did, I literally said "Or they died and moved onto the next match"
Read the rest of what I said, I was saying that, THAT wasn't all you were trying to say in that sentence. Yes, that was the main point of your post, but not without driving home the fact that i'm apparently "crying over something so pointless"
"How is your post not negative? It's not a "discussion" at all, you ask no questions it's just two paragraphs of you complaining about survivors. Did you even read your own thread or just go into autopilot trash talk survivor mode?"
No actually, it was more of a comment on how Survivors seem to not really thank anyone for using BPS. It wasn't a post about me DEMANDING A THANK YOU, it was about me wondering why nobody ever thanks you, or even uses BPS even on a X2. This post had nothing in mind with trash talking any players of this game, or Survivors as a whole. Maybe YOU need to read it more carefully...
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@SenzuDuck Stop derailing threads with negativity please.
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Odd, I saw it a lot back in the Moonrise event. And I've played what, 50 Killer games using BPS and puddings a like. Perhaps i'm just unlucky and this entire post is meaningless I guess? I have no idea...
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yea, my comment was TOTALLY off topic, lmao.
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And yet here you are having a discussion....
Plus, other people commented and he commented back, so it's not a monologue. It was thought-provoking enough to reply.
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@SenzuDuck I think its time to stop, lets just drop it already and move onto other discussions if you don't want to be a part of this one.
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i forget what happened during the moonrise event, i just remember people from both sides hating it a lot lol
i don't doubt what you're describing is your own experience, it just doesn't reflect mine is all
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Lol if people have streamers they use them most of the time, if someone used a cake its not because they dont want the killer to get BPs.
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@miaasma I don't remember a single event being well received while it's live.
Now if you look back a lot of people love the bp events/Halloween/summer events....
But praise it DURING? Hell no lol.
In a few weeks people will be saying "double bp when".
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i know a lot of people loved the christmas event, and the BBQ event last year was well received too IIRC
on the flip side, i think most people will agree that the previous halloween and moonrise events were bad even in retrospect
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No, I know that it doesnt. I'm just like... explaining mine vs yours you know.
The moonrise event was also like mixed btw, it was better than the Hallowed Blight mess, but it wasn't really that great still because of the lamps.
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Oh I know that, but its just odd as it would benefit not just the Killer but the Survivor as well actually. Because if one person uses BPS and everyone uses a cake/pudding, you'll only have everyone getting 200% instead of like 500%
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@Bbbrian2013 You're so right, most events that're live are "bad" until its gone, than suddenly its "amazing" looking back.
Except the Hallowed Blight event, that was just Honey Bee Simulator, where you collect nectar and get a vial, than die on hook while 5 gens are still untouched.
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No chance of me running streamers unless it's a killer I know
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But... how would you know... if they don't tell you its them through a DM or something...
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I burn streamers on every survivor I have but it feels like the killers wants to ruin it for me... tunnel, camp... meh haha
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I mean, I'd expect this in a regular game.
But during an event you'd expect more Killers playing... less "serious" I guess?
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I’ve gotten a lot of DMs asking to farm. But a lot of killers go super sweaty try-hard when they see a streamer too. Some people are so mad at themselves that they want to ruin others’ lives.