Why do people hate the idea of having Ranked and Unranked?

It's something I really don't understand.

Every time I have mentioned it or seen someone else mention it here, it gets down voted, but I don't really see comments explaining their position.

Nearly every competitive game in existence has a way to play both Ranked for competitive and a mode to play Casual for those who enjoy playing the game but don't have the goal of being the best. The reason for this is to allow both kinds of players the opportunity to enjoy they game.

DBD doesn't do this.

There is only a Ranked mode that everyone has to play, regardless if they play solo or with friends, regardless if they play for fun or to win and reach Rank 1. It's a portion of the problem with the 'toxicity' in DBD is because casual players keep getting put against competitive players who use tactics like tunneling and camping and expert looping or really nasty perk or add-on combinations and it takes the fun out of the game for them because they aren't trying to rank up so going up against higher ranked players usually ends up with a boring game.

It sucks for competitive players too: beating up noobs often doesn't reward them as much and getting flak about it from salty casual players is never enjoyable. It also sucks the fun out of the game for them because they aren't being challenged and they get bored.

So, why are people so against the idea of having Ranked be it's own thing and having an Unranked mode where you still earn BP and XP and Shards? It's really just a win-win for both kinds of players.


  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Cause it will be the same?

    Playing casual - unranked is #########.

    It ll be like in csgo, where casual is just a mess of low and high rank players.

    There will be the same, if you ll not set the ranks. But then you ll just get the same competitive.

    Not gonna say that i dislike your idea, but adding those will make no sense.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    not a big enough player base

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    It will split the queues into one group that wants to play whatever and a group that wants competitive games and they have to wait for hourse to get one.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Wait time already bad

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Because they know SWF has absolutely no place in a ranked setting.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I highly doubt that anybody is truly against having a ranked and unranked option, it's just that a lot of people realize it's not currently possible with where the game is at now. Because there are no rank rewards, nobody would want to play ranked. And even if they added rank rewards, the ranking system and lack of balance in the game would make ranked queues a nightmare. Also, the limited playerbase and matchmaking system would make having 2 queues instead of one devestating for queue times.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    15-30k people isn't enough? How so?

    There are games with smaller populations that have multiple game modes.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    My last 3 games have taken me around 10 minutes since clicking on start to the point where I have a full lobby. You would need to multiply that time by 2 at the very minimum, but in actuality, it would probly be even longer than that. When matchmaking takes longer than the game itself, there's a problem.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Sounds like matchmaking is the problem, not amount of people playing.

    They are doing matchmaking tests for dedicated servers anyway, which is messing up times.

    And that sucks for you. I play at 3am and never have to wait more than 15 seconds.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    There will be no difference between unranked and ranked in this game as people in all different skill brackets are in undeserved ranks due to niche, uncontrollable variables.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Pretty much what others have said

    -It would split the community creating even worse queues.

    -Rank does not really matter in the game at the moment but its get reworked in 6 months.

    -Not a big enough playerbase.

  • DeathDude870
    DeathDude870 Member Posts: 1

    No more than 15 seconds??? You're so full of it lmao.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Tbh I would love to play at no ranking mode.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Queue times can be pretty bad for killers.

    I'd say queue times are the worst for 3-man SWF.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    This changes nothing. Whether ranked or unranked matchmaking would remain the same...so why bother?

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    Wow, I'm glad there has been so much discussion here. Sorry I haven't gotten back to respond to it, busy with stuff.

    So it seems the general consensus is that it would affect matchmaking times and that Ranked has no rewards setup.

    Well first off I would like to say that DBD definitely has a big enough player base, so that isn't the issue for wait times. The issue is not having dedicated servers. What a lot of people don't understand is that DBD has been relying on P2P connections up until trying to work on dedicated servers which are not officially coming until later this year. This testing and transition has lead to issues similar to the ones DBD already has with broken lobbies and players not getting games. So it's not the player base, but problems with the game (possibly netcode or otherwise) that make wait times so long occasionally.

    That said, splitting up players between these modes would in fact reduced the amount of players between these two modes and cause wait times to be worse to some degree, and with the issues the game already has this could end up going poorly. The simple issue to to fix the netcode and server issues first, then implement this system so that casuals can play casuals and competitors can play competitors. Then you would be able to see the actual difference in wait times.

    As for Ranked not having rewards...well...most competitive games don't. You get a badge that shows you what your rank is and MAYBE and additional title for getting that high or getting that high with a character and that's it. Basically, you just flaunt that you are that good.

    I know for a fact that people grind like crazy and perform the best they can to get to Rank 1 in DBD as fast as they can. That competitive spirit already exists, and thus ranked doesn't really need rewards if it's a separate mode. The only reason it needs rewards now is because everyone is forced to play ranked so you have to reward people who don't want to play ranked and hate going up against 'tryhards' so that they keep playing the game when they feel like they want to quit. If they just separated Ranked and Unranked, they wouldn't need such a system.

    SWF isn't really and issue and doesn't need to be separated from Ranked due to the very nature of core gameplay of DBD: you can both get with your pals and have a fun time trying silly stuff and getting spooked, or you can establish your elite team and attempt to take down a Rank 1 Killer who could just as well 4K you all.

    Honestly, you shouldn't let possible wait time increase and rewards for ranking stop people from being able to enjoy the game. I promise you that if they did this, the amount of complaints people about not enjoying the game would drop significantly, although you'd likely still have ranked players complaining about stuff that doesn't work. The casual audience who doesn't care about the small stuff though would only complain about crashes and glitches.

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    Look at matchmaking rn it's basically unranked get the issue now