Just discovered a great use for Furtive Chase for players that like Make Your Choice

Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

Basically, as long as you hook the obsession, Furtive Chase will brand the rescuer with the Obsession effect. This means that there's no more guesswork of "who saved them" now you can just mark your enemies for death.


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    Was thinking this same thing. Using that combo +PWYF as Wraith. EZ PWYF stacks+ a short chase

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Interesting, that's really cool, it doesn't show you where they are but at least you know who it is and who to look out for, I like that.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Question: Is Furtive Chase bugged? The perk description says that the rescuer becomes the Obsession when they rescue the hooked Obsession, but I notice that anyone who performs a hook rescue becomes the Obsession.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I been doing this by default as a part of the plagues kit for early game. But this is a whole new level!

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223


    *murderous desire intensifies*

  • Croquedead
    Croquedead Member Posts: 91

    Ah that’s true. Good find.

    Perk is still horrible tho

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    2 perks just to know for sure who made the save? That isn't worth at all

    Interesting find though

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Well finding out who made the save alone is useless. What makes this combo good is that Make Your Choice is exposing the rescuer. However, up until now your chances of finding the rescuer before the exposed timer ends is rather luck based as almost no indication is given as to who made the save. This is what makes Furtive Chase useful, it removes the guess work from Make Your Choice so as long as you can down the first obsession you can keep tabs on who will go down in one hit to better prioritize your time.