Pip requirements

Every match I get into today the only other red ranked player is the killer. If you insist on continuing with this horrible matchmaking and forcing me to try and carry a team of green and yellow ranked potatoes then my pip requirement should be the same as those potatoes. The matches aren't fun so being able to at least get a pip would be incentive to continue with these awful games.
EDIT: Or you could just, maybe, not match me with them in the first place.
People still care about ranks? Is this 2017? o.O
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Yes. Some of us actually want to rank up and play with other players on our level.
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And you're missing the point. I'm sayin at least give me something for enduring their awful matchmaking.
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Rank doesn't dictate skill these days, bud. Often times people good enough to be in red ranks sit in purple and green ranks. Why? Not necessarily to be gods, but more to have killer variety beyond nurse/billy/spirit.
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If you are trying to imply that every single player in the game is red rank material then you're out of your mind, pal. You should see the utter stupidity that i've seen today from my green ranked teammates.