A killer is not a chapter and that Ghostface isn't from Scream.

Am I nuts or in the upcoming calendar did they not say there was going to be a chapter release, which should have meant a killer, a map, and a survivor?
Calling one standalone character made specifically for camping wusses 'a chapter' feels cheap.
The in game story for legion is almost closer to the story of Ghostface. It was never one guy. Even in just the first movie. Maybe scream 3 and 4? I know I saw them years ago but they both sucked enough not to be worth remembering.
What's next? A candyman that actually gives candy? If you want to hype your game as having all these licensed characters why change the characters so much from original lore?
I've bought every single DLC even Leatherface and Ghostface despite having no interest in killing and quite a few auric cells for costumes. If you're going to jump the shark do it literally and put Jaws in the game.
They couldn't get the license to the killer, so they did the next best thing and got the license to the mask itself. This would mean that they had to make their own GF without infringing on Copywrite. Considering this, they did a damn good job. And I guess Ash can be a surrogate survivor, though there's no map still.
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Pretty sure it was the wikipedias creator that coined the phrase "Paragraph". I don't think the dbd devs ever once called DLC Paragraph, people getting mad at BHVR for someone else coining a phrase is ridiculous.
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I remember during a livestream the devs said that stand alone characters like Bill and LF were paragraphs. It was a long time ago though, I think shortly after LFs release.
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The mask makes the Ghostface, not the person beneath it, that's the entire point.
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Paragraph came from BHVR.
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So a bunch of kids on Halloween are actually Ghostface? No.
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No, but a person donning the mask to kill anonymously IS Ghostface. That's literally the premise of the movies.
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When I started playing the game they called them paragraphs now everyone just says "chapter" - even devs now just say chapter, but they used to say paragraph
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If youve been paying attention, you may notice that some of the upcoming chapters are also smaller than previous ones, reason being there is a lot of focus on getting other aspects of the game up to snuff, which I'd like to point out, despite the fact that people are getting so mad about it now, there were FREQUENT posts demanding that they slow down on new content, and focus more on the game itself... which they are for the next year.
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Ghostface is awesome
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If you read the back story, you can definitely tell they were trying to make it sound as close to the movies as they could. With him stalking victims outside their house, then breaking into their house at night and hiding before he killed them. It even takes place in the 90's for crying out loud. Combine all that with his mori practically being straight out of the first movie , his blade wipe, having the Buck 120 knife, and wearing a long hooded robe with long cloth strands, gloves and boots, the way he holds the knife and runs instead of walking, and even his music in the menus is reminiscent of the films music...it couldn't be more clear. So what you really have here is a Scream dlc, the only things missing are the movie robe, Woodsboro map, and Sidney ...though I will say the devil outfit is pretty close to the movies robe, which is why I'll be getting that, just give it the white mask and Buck 120 knife and you pretty much have it ;)
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Valid point. Between the four Scream movies there was seven different people under that GF mask.
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They couldn't get the entire license so they had to made him into a "copycat" and honestly, DBD version of him looks way better imo.
Also you are looking way too much and over-reacting to the entire thing, and coming from me, that's saying something.
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I honestly like this Ghostface better.
And I liked the four Scream movies after watching all of them to hype myself up.
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The devs got zhe license for the mask from those who produce them Irl.
Its is NOT a Scream chapter bexause they either failed to get the scream license or simply didnt want to.
Also the scream killer was someone else for every movie... sooooo baaaad if its someone else in a movie.
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Well no....Ghostface isn't real....these are games and movies we're talking about.
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Also evidently a Killer IS a chapter now. It's just a word dude.
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I feel that if they couldn't get the license for Scream, they shouldn't have bothered with the Ghostface mask. To me it would be like the could only get the rights to the mask for Myers, so we got an entirely different character.
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They are called Paragraphs officially. Go too the Leatherface DLC page and it says he's the second Paragraph, and Bill is the first and Ashe is the third.
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Don't know who you are. I just love playing this game. So when I've spent time hoarding things to level up Claire in the upcoming chapter, that doesn't feel like over reacting. You can replace anything but time and mine is valuable to me, even if to no one else.
I buy all DLC because I want the people making it to keep making it. Whining about something that I don't like is just that.
I love the game and frankly I'm way more scared of most of the killers they made than any licensing except Myers.
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GF's backstory reminds me of the Gainsville Ripper, whose murder spree inspired the Scream films. Kind of a neat alternative since they couldn't use the film's backstory.
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Don't worry, the devs announced that there would be a lot of stuff to make up for the fact that we're only getting a killer for this "chapter". And unless they straight up lied to us, that means it will be worth having only a killer in the end, right?
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It might say something on PS4 & XB1 but it certainly isn't referred to as a paragraph on steam.
Bills is the only one called paragraph so while I was incorrect, they've only ever used the phrase on one DLC with a single character, everyone else seems to have gotten attached to the word and now get upset about it, they've never called another DLC a "paragraph" from what I can find.
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@AetherBytes I wonder if that gives them free roam to make cosmetics for robes and knives?
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It is considered a chapter as they are working more on the "health" of the game, reducing the number of characters per chapter and maps per chapter is a pretty good idea and this Ghostface is licensed only for the mask
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Yeah, it does. They can even make an entirely new mask without asking the license holder if it doesn't resemble the original. But ironically, they didn't advertise this incredibly useful fact cause they were too busy covering up that they couldn't get the movie license by pretending they didn't want it even though this would be the perfect reason not to get it.
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That's exactly what I did. Hated the fantasy rpg Assassin robe they gave him.
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Is Candyman coming to Dead by Daylight