Buff WGLF, also the mobile forum still sucks

<font color=#00d009> WGLF has bad for basically a year now. It’s much harder to get tokens for, and with competition just results in your team having a guaranteed loss. And of course the obligatory message about how’ve protection is not working whatsoever. Well, it’s somehow managed to get worse, how does that even happen? Now even if I take a take a hit while the person is being carried I don't get a token. Make less tokens needed or something if you can’t fix and make protection events work for once in this games life.
I’d type much more details like in my previous posts, but the fact the forum still takes over two seconds to process each key press is absolutely absurd. I expected mobile users to be able to actually use this website after an entire year. Just like protection tokens, this somehow got worse. For any PC users, try using this forum while typing like even a letter a second and see this horror.
This post took about two minutes to type and thirty to load. When the forum came out mobile typing was lighting fast, what’s happened!?
It's been suggested time and time over again that healing other survivors should give WGLF tokens, but for some reason, I've never seen any response from the devs to that incredibly popular idea.
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Also, Mobile issues are on the full site only it seems.
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Yup, I’ve suggested it previously as well. I used to be very vocal on this forum about it.
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I’ve been suggesting it too.
@Jack11803 your font color doesn’t work anymore.
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I know, it’s reflex at this point, I’ve typed that hexcode literally thousands of times...
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@Jack11803 I am also one of those who've suggested it. Its a very popular idea.
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Nice. Must of missed it though, haven’t been here for a year basically.
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Oooh me likes this! ❤️👍😏
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Killers get a perk that gives them an ez extra 100% that also shows there where more survivors are after a hook, the survivor version is an empty perk slot that requires you to farm before your team mates do
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Haven't had an issue with mobile. Mine has been lightning fast since I started posting.
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@FlamingkittyUmad fun facts:
WGLF was released before BBQ.
WGLF originally had a 200% BP bonus, but had to be nerfed, because survivors would farm each other.
BBQ has its aura reading to reduce camping.
It's easier to get WGLF tokens than BBQ tokens.
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Is it? Some killers carry BBQ to see if there are survivors around to worry about that could endanger their kill xD
Let alone the fact that killers sometimes go for the unhooked person (and then complain about DS), negating the survivor the chance of a token. I don't mind the perk the way it is now but I could see a lot of farming attitude from survivors during the event. Farming attitude, aka, toxicity.
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How is it easier to get WGLF stacks? You should be getting at least 4 hooks a game as killer, lol. WGLF stacks are sometimes impossible to get cause you have other altruistic team mates.
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As of right now, protection is bugged, so only saves give tokens. There’s only 8 hook rescues in a match tops. That’s IF everyone actually gets hooked twice and isn’t camped. 16 tokens total... 8 unhooks IF YOU ARE VERY LUCKY. You compete for 6 unhooks while guaranteeing a loss. What if someone unhooks extra too?
yeah no. This perk is hot garbage. Getting no BBQ due to a DC sucks too. However you otherwise almost always get 3 if not 4, usually 4.
but without DC’s WGLF is much harder and nigh impossible to get all stacks.
LITERALLY impossible this update unless you pallet or flashlight save, which is rare, and sure as hell not happening for 4 people, TWICE EACH
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Yea that's true, I didn't think about dcs, most games I will get 4 stacks on bbq though.
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@Jack11803 as you said, it's a bug. Not a permanent change. Bugs get usually fixed.
OP wants a permanent buff.
WGLF stacks are easier to get than BBQ stacks IF the perks work like they should.
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If you're going to go by "if things work like they should", then BBQ stacks are definitely easier to get since the primary BBQ stack ruining scenario is disconnects which are definitely not intended. Not to mentiong disconnects also cripple the ability for survivors to get WGLF stacks which harder to get in the first place. I'm willing to bet hundreds of dollars if you took average players and had them play an equal number of games as killer with BBQ and survivor with WGLF, then they'll end up with more BBQ stacks than WGLF stacks in the end.
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Yeah. No way is it easier to get wglf stacks than bbq. And I'm a very altruistic survivor and average killer.
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@Dehitay things that give WGLF stacks:
- safe unhooks
- getting hit next to a injured survivor
- getting hit while blocking the killer with a survivor on his shoulder
- flashlight saves
- pallet saves
Things that give BBQ stacks:
- hooking a survivor for the first time
End of list.
There are way more possibilities to get WGLF stacks.
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There is also way more competetion to get those stacks. Getting hit next to a survivor rarely gives you a stack. Also not all hits while a survivor are getting carried work. Now if this list contained code that worked all the time, then maybe you'd have a point. But protection stacks have always been hit or miss (more miss than anything).
Not hard to hook four survivors. Btw.
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Ok I give up. Everyone is telling me WGLF stacks are hard, while the ONLY reason I'll leave a match without full stacks, is when I get tunneled and camped.
I usually get 2 stacks for a not so save unhook with BT.
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Oh, I was unaware that flashlight and pallet saves gave you WGLF stacks. When did they add that? I totally missed the update notes.
If you're consistently getting 4 WGLF stacks, I have to ask, how exactly are you playing? Do you race to the attacked survivor every time they go down or are about to go down? I'll admit that you can significantly increase your odds of getting WGLF if you abandon your standard objectives for them, but that would end up decreasing the amount of base bloodpoints you get that get multiplied post game.
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I always run to the downed survivor to avoid BBQ and to save them if they are moderately close. I mostly leave with 4 stacks under normal conditions too. Sometimes 2 if the killer camps, I take a hit and unhook and hope for the other guy to run as fast as they can.
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We understand there are more ways. Those ways however, are highly competitive and consistently cause a loss. Instead of arguing why it should be changed, let’s flip it.
How is WGLF only requiring 2 tokens NEGATIVE as a change in any way? Let’s say you actually are correct, would making it a bit easier HURT anyone?
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First, you don’t know for sure what any of us main. Tsulan has said he plays survivor a lot. I play Hillbilly, Myers, Doctor, and wraith who are all p3. Legion is too, but I don’t use them. That’s opposite of what’s you thought right?
Second, you encourage the “us vs. them” mentality and YOU are a part of the problem.
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@Dehitay when someone gets downed, depending on the distance, I run straight to that spot. Hide inside the terror radius and depending on the killer I either unhook when he leaves or switch places on the hook if he camps, but I already maxed out objective points.
I use WGLF, BT, Proof Thyself and Lithe or We'll make it.
Proof Thyself maxes my objective points in no time, when I repair with someone else.
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@Jack11803 all the bonus bloodpoint perks need a rework. The bonus should be applied after the match, just like it's the case with WGLF and BBQ.
There need to be more ways to get BBQ stacks as killer and WGLF stacks should be less competitive, so it doesn't turn into hunger games.
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WGLF was changed because survivors kept farming each other with unsafe unhooks. This still keeps happening and thus people don't get their stacks. They are trying to teach you to make calculated safe unhooks. The problem is people are fighting for saves because the emblem system will ruin your rank if you're not getting saves or healing in.
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We should just remove perk tiers. That’d help, without increasing the number of powerful consumables
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Excuse me but why the hell do you guys sill insist on FARMING with killer if u cant even get 4 hooks per game? It would either mean ur consistently tunneling or just doing bad, neither is good for farming bps lol.
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If you're referring to BBQ that's a joke. The amount of games I had where survivors DC which prevent you from getting 100% is ridiculous. At least with WGLF you have multiple attempts to get 100%.
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So you’re saying it doesn’t need tweaks or fixes because it’s not paid?! That’s PtW then.