I was wrong

It is easy to break Father Death out of stalk.
Not that it was hard, but sometimes it's not possible
I don't know if it's an addon that isn't working or if the game is just being wierd
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20% of his body has to be exposed to reveal him.
If he's slightly behind cover, you may not be able to reveal him, and will need to get a better angle.
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I have exposed him during chases, but some of his addons makes it impossible to knock him out before exposure.
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@Ember_Hunter I’ve noticed that the Drivers’s License makes him nearly impossible to break out, wouldn’t the better solution be nerf the add-on?
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That is part of his unfortunate nerf. Really, they just needed to nerf addons, not take out his chase ability. :0
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They absolutly should take out his abilityto stalk you more once you're in exposed. That's my only beef with him.
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Sometimes his entire body is 100% visible and Im staring at him like a maniac but it doesnt work.
Also happens when I play GF.
Its bugged.
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You can be pulled out of Shrouded by the Survivor wiggling on your back, not only that, on Badham, some guy detected me from behind a generator, he was working on it and had no eyes on from me, he could not have because he was behind the gen while I was crouched.
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Aren't they tweaking this in the upcoming hot fix?
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Apparently, this is a big enough issue for the devs to do something about it, but I never understood why this is a problem. If they haven't noticed you yet, the only advantage of continuing to stalk somebody right after you got them exposed is the deviousness points which survivors shouldn't really care about since it doesn't affect them. And if he's stalking to increase the timer, then that means you're likely in a chase in which case, he's just increasing the distance between you to where that very extra gained time will likely be wasted and you can use the distance to get to a better loop. What exactly is it about GF stalking after marking a survivor that makes it so strong? It's been nothing but a hinderance when I do it unless I'm trying to max out deviousness points. Is it because of a certain addon?
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When it works, it's not hard to spot GF but the problem is it's buggy and half the time I'm staring directly at him, center of the screen, like 15 feet away.. nothing happens and I get marked.
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Its not easy cause it just doesnt work properly. You can stand in front of him and nothing happens.
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I love how inconsistent it can be. /s
What I mean is that there's times where I won't see him and break him out then I can be right on him and not break him out. Or my unstealthing of him continues when I know he just hid behind that wall and can't actually still see him.
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You mean Myers, jr.?
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The only problem I’ve noticed is his Driver’s License add on.
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The love child no one asked for but got anyways. xD
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