When Legion Had A Bug, Players Got Banned. When Wake Up Has A Bug. BHVR ignores it. Why not disable?

In the title, why should people that abused Legion's bug of longer mend time get banned, but when survivors abuse this wake up bug they get away with it.
The wake up bug is not nearly on the level of what the Legion bug was. Please, stop comparing the two. The Wake Up bug can be completely countered by being a good killer.
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They banned legion players purposely using it to keep people hostage. There's no reason to ban people for using wake up because it's not on that level of abuse.
Yes it's scummy for people to purposely abuse bugs but then again most of the bugs come from an oversight on the developers part.
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In all fairness, the Legion bug was around for a while before they said anything about it. It was game breaking as well. This is not so game breaking, as I've 4k'd every match tonight with Trapper and at least 3 were running WU in each match.
No comparing the two.
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How can a literal buff to action speed have counterplay?
There is nothing you can do to stop a direct buff to a character.
And yes I do agree that they are not on the same level as the Legion bug could ruin games, its the morality of just letting survivors abuse a bug with no punishment. Because where do you draw the line of, This bug is not significant enough to have us issue punishments to players abusing it and this bug is something significant enough to straight up ban players for doing it.
Also I will say the solution they should have done for both of these situations is disable the addons for Legion and disable the perk until they are/were fixed. But no, its BHVR and they would rather ban people than simply disable the thing.
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You're a killer. Kill them.
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What's the Wake Up bug?
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I feel that this just shows that BHVR 1
Doesn't play test their patches enough before releasing them to have released so many bugs with sound, perks, and mechanics. The PTB helps but even from going from PTB to live there were just different bugs.
And 2 they only care about bugs if they will drive a lot of people away from their game. The Legion one was because a lot of people were playing him and it ruins the fun for the "many side" instead of the "power role". Again like I said the 2 bugs are different but they still allowed them to be abused and instead of simply disabling the bugged stuff they either ignored it or banned people for using it.
They also banned people for the 2 killers in 1 game but I can see that since there really isn't a way to prevent that other than fixing the bug and it must have been complicated so not something they would have tested.
Overall, the main point of this isn't trying to compare the 2 saying a 15% boost to action speed is as bad as having to mend for 5 min, but it does show that they are incapable of finding/fixing bugs before patching and they refuse to simply disable things that can be abused and would rather either ignore it or ban people.
Really showing they don't know what the best solutions to their own problems.
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It buffs all actions speeds by 15% instead of just the exit opening.
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"its the morality of just letting survivors abuse a bug with no punishment. "
This part right here makes me laugh because there has been plenty of killer bugs that went unpunished. Most recently the clowns insta down bottles. And in the past his massive speed increase for abusing his reload add ons.
They ban players when it actually is warranted. And using WU ain't it chief.
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Read the rest of the post, that isn't the point. The point is BHVR doesn't know how to fix their own issues. They either can't find the bugs before the patch goes live, can't fix the bugs before the patch goes live, and if people abuse the bugs they would rather ignore or ban people instead of just disabling the thing that is bugged and people are abusing.
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They are the same mate. One forced games too last years, and one forces games too last 2 minutes. Both should be bannable since both negatively affects gameplay. And not even nurse can counter it if multiple people are running it.
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Thank you for telling me. I hope they'll fix it soon.
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What's the bug?
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They are nowhere near the same. Not even on the same planet. No.
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I almost forgot to mention. If you abusing a bug in-game and get reported, you will get banned.
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Someone with a little bit of a mind could tell what bugged addons or perks are worth banning players...
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But the point still stands, they either ban people or in the case of this they ignored the bug. Now with the clown they probably wouldn't just straight up disable the clown to fix the bug, but something as simple as the add on insta downing without needing the direct hit and the speed bug. Why didn't they find this in QA testing and if they did find it, why did it take so long to get patched into the game?
The way BHVR goes about finding/fixing/dealing with bugs is all wrong. This isn't about the people that abuse it, its about what BHVR does when a bug like this pops up. Their "solution" to the wake up, ignore it until probably either the hox fix with the completely un-needed and jerk reaction nerfs to ghostface. Or maybe even until the mid chapter patch.
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That's not the point. The point is the way BHVR is dealing with the bugs. Banning people for abusing a bug isn't right and ignoring the bug isn't right either. In both of these situations they could have easily disabled Legions add ons and the Wake Up perk so people can't use them. And how both of the bugs slipped into the game is on the QA team not testing the game thoroughly enough or not being given enough time to fix everything. Either way, they should just disable the thing that is bugged, work on a fix, when they get it hox fix it into the game instead of just waiting for the next big patch to fix it and banning/ignoring players.
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The bug is that ^
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Just because the Wake Up! bug isn't as bad as the Legion bug, it doesn't make it right to exploit.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Who wants to bet that the people who downvoted are the ones who are abusing it. I got 10 bucks.
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This is, it's not so much people exploiting it. Wake up, when I play solo, has been part of my personal meta build for almost a year now. Am I exploiting it cause I've been using it for so long? Same goes with a good portion of the streamers you say are advertising it. Look at their old videos - they've been using wake up for a good while.
I also don't believe the ones downvoting are abusing it - I think they are downvoting the notion, or though process behind putting this bug on the same level as the legion exploit like the thread title says. That entire thing is asinine.
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Regardless of whether you use this bug or condemn it, I think we can all agree that the Dev's silence on this issue is deafening
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Oh I get that. It should definitely be fixed. No arguing that. My issue stems from the absolutely ludicrous comparison of the wake up bug to the infinite mend Legion exploit. Which is downright stupid.
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My problem with this bug is not people abusing it, its how it even got bugged in the first place. Wake up (or anything even related to it) wasnt even touched in this patch, how tf did it even get broken??
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Them punishing survivors isn't a thing but for killer sure. They don't even test their own game. Crazy how players find issues more than the QA testers who get paid. They need to revise their QA team considering the massive bugs that get let out within every patch. Even the simplest bugs go unseen that a average Joe can see.