
so just out of curiosity, am i the only one that enjoys All of ghostface's perks? i especially love using im all earns so that when survivors vault windows i can keep track of them better and thrilling tremmors is amazing(if only it had a shorter cooldown or longer duration)


  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    The perks are ok its just ghostface and his legion tier ability

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @spookyface What do you like about Furtive Chase???

    Other 2 are fine i like em.

  • spookyface
    spookyface Member Posts: 7

    Furtive Chase is the one I'm kinda meh on because I don't see a point in reduced terror radius during Chase unless I use it on current freddy

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527


    His ability is close to be OP, are you rank 20?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @AIG1992 its 100% not legion tier. But OP? Also dunno about that part

  • spookyface
    spookyface Member Posts: 7

    I gotta agree I honestly think he is currently around b tier and will be c tier after the sight nerf

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Furtive Chase is amazing and if you’re not using it on your Ghost Face then you’re playing him wrong. Lol

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    You know how many times I’ve crouched in chase around a pallet loop and get the survivor to run right into me because of Furtive Chase???! It’s his best perk! Lol

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    if you use his night shroud ability to get the jump on survivors and then worth the help of furtive chase and how freaked they are by getting spooked the survivors will make mistakes thinking you’re further away or somewhere else around the loop when all you have to do is crouch and catch them off guard as they run right into your lap.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I really enjoy his perks too but they need buffs.

    Furtive Chase needs to affect your terror radius at all times (I would be fine with them lowering the amount of meters)

    I'm All Ears needs a shorter cooldown

    Thrilling Tremors should allow you to kick blocked gens.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Furtive Chase is ass. I'd call it the weakest perk in the game but Boil Over exists.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Lol then you don’t know how to playa ghost face properly

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2019

    How does a ######### perk help me understand a killer powers?

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    He’s really good as is and is getting a nerf for good reason, though I only think the thing they should nerf really is the screen percentage to break him out of his stalk. AGAIN, y’all just don’t how to play him right. Tremors should last a little longer and I’m all ears is fine as is.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @vux_intruder can you tell me how Furtive Chase is good?

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I'm All Ears is decent after the nerf although somewhat situation. It could put a significant power in your hands if it pops when it's a mindgameable loop and if it's off cooldown, but otherwise, not that fancy

    Thrilling Tremors has an unnecessarily long cooldown that it makes the vast majority of the other perks superior to it.

    Furtive Chase is the only one without a painful cooldown, but has the even worse requirement of being in a chase. And if you're in a chase, the survivors already know you're there, so why bother having a stealthy terror radius?

    This might work at low ranks, but if you make it to a loop and the survivor somehow doesn't know you're at the loop, it's mostly due to the survivor being newer to the game than to Furtive Chase. Either that or you're just using Ghostface's lower visibility behind an object you would otherwise be visible while standing, and it has to due with GF's crouching ability and not Furtive Chase.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    I’m only at a lower rank because I haven’t played in a long time, at 12 right now. But even before that I would go up against swf and just random groups of good survivors and got dunked on. It wasn’t until I got good with ghost face and understood how to make us of his abilities that I really started playing well with him against groups, it’s because I learned how you should play him. Even when they know you’re at the loop crouching and furtive will help you. How do you all not understand that furtive chase would help you in a chase? When you get to walls and loops and jungle gyms it throws the survivor off and makes it easier to catch them off guard because of the small terror radius from furtive rather than if you didn’t have it on. That’s the whole reason why Myers can catch people off guard with his already small terror radius and certain add ons. Since Ghost Face has it easier to get one shots they made it so you have to use certain perks and play styles and his ability to get the jump on players. You don’t just inherently have a small TR from the jump like Myers does. AGAIN AGAIN, PEOPLE JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY HIM. Think of Furtive more so as a back up to have a small terror radius if you get spotted or don’t have night shroud activated.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Also if you let the survivor feel like they got away while still knowing their general location and hide after the chase they are more than likely hiding or healing so you then active night shroud and go in that area and wait to hear them healing or follow the marks and get the jump on them because you then activated night shroud to effect your radius. Y’all just don’t know how to play him...

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    It’s called Furtive Chase... why do you all want that? It makes no sense. Haha

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2019

    I also think they need to update the text in the perk description, pretty sure you don’t lose your tokens when the Obsession dies. But even so your obsession jumps from survivor to survivor so more than likely you will still be able to gather tokens throughout the match. And even if you do lose your tokens you should’ve been using the perk to your advantage throughout the match already to the point where you already have such an upper hand that it won’t matter if you lose the perk after the obsession is killed.

  • spookyface
    spookyface Member Posts: 7

    I gotta agree I honestly think he is currently around b tier and will be c tier after the sight nerf

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I'm All Ears is pretty bad though. I don't see the point in seeing a survivors aura for a few seconds when you could just mindgame and track them better, and if they aren't in a chase they shouldn't be performing rushed actions anyways.

    Thrilling Tremors is nice but it should allow you too kick gens, so it has no real synergy besides Corrupt Intervention, which only works for the first 2 minutes.

    Furtive Chase only affects the Terror Radius in chases, which is pointless since survivors are looking for the red stain, not the radius. It really only works on Freddy since Freddy can see asleep survivors.

    Overall, he has 2 ok perks and one bad perk. There's just better perks too use that do what these do better.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    That’s why you moonwalk and hide your red stain. You do that on any killer.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited June 2019

    As lot of people said it here with explaining, I will join as well. His perks are pretty bad.

    I'm All Ears - Even if this perk would have 20 sec cooldown, it would probably still not worth picking, but it would not be that bad as it is now.

    Thrilling Tremors - Interesting idea executed badly because of numbers. Cooldown too long and generator protection too short. Not worth it.

    Furtive Chase - This one is probably the worst one of them all. I have just one question about this perk: WHY? Why would I ever wanted to play this?! You have to even work for this perk to earn it. Some people says it's good combo perk (for example with Make Your Choice), that's nice, but why would you wanted to play this perk when this does almost nothing in almost every single game. You can even lose this perk. Even if that perk would give me passive decreased terror radius in chase without working for it, I would not run it. It would be still bad.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2019

    How would something that decreases your terror radius, especially on a stealth killer be bad? Lol you can stalk people around loops too and build the meter and lean and crouch all while hiding your blood stain when crouching and looking away and then the chase music is phasing in and out all of that is putting pressure on that survivor and keeps them guessing and having to consider multiple things all at once. (x

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    There is big difference between "decreases your terror radius ONLY IN CHASE" and "decreasing your terror radius at ALL TIME". If that would give you passive decreased terror radius, it would be totaly something else. So it's pretty bad at this state.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    You already have night shroud for that?! Lmao I’m coming to the conclusion that people don’t understand that GF is a mind game killer. Haha

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I am talking about this perk in general. Not just for one killer lol.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2019

    So many other perks are only viable for like one to three killers. Some are viable for all. That’s just how it goes in this game. Some perks are almost never used. Lol

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383


    You do lose tokens when the obsession dies. And after the obsession dies you shouldn't be able to get more tokens, BUT because game mechanic/text is broken you do.

    "When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from a Hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession."

    This text. For now it happens to every rescuer that rescues (see latest HybridPanda's video)

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2019

    I really don’t see how you guys don’t realize how Furtive Chase would literally be good on every single killer even. Chase music = terror radius so that means it’s less that they hear to notify them you’re on their ass. Though other killers will benefit much more from other perks, but Ghost Face does really well with Furtive Chase because he also has his Night Shroud ability. Terror radius is at its most intense while in chase, how would that be bad if it’s lessened?

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    That’s the point of the perk, so you can keep gaining tokens throughout the match. What I mean is that while the person is the obsession and they died I still saw tokens on Furtive Chase instead of them disappearing and it was lit up like it’s activated if I recall correctly.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Then the text is wrong.

    Also weird? But again watch HybridPanda's latest video (where he plays trapper). You can exactly see how it worked

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    I’ll check it out to see what you mean. But idk, I use Furtive and not the other perks and constantly destroy swf groups with ds and flashlights and body blocks with only three perks and no ruin on gf.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Just found out in last game that the perk works as should, passes on from survivor to survivor whoever rescues current obsession off the hook, but if the obsession is killed while the obsession then you lose all the tokens and can’t gain anymore throughout the match.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Just found out in last game that the perk works as should, passes on from survivor to survivor whoever rescues current obsession off the hook, but if the obsession is killed while the obsession then you lose all the tokens and can’t gain anymore throughout the match.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2019

    Still getting downvotes even though I pointed out how Furtive Chase is good. (x less terror radius while in a chase is good, this counters survivors who try to hang about and hide. The music fades faster so they get comfortable thinking you’ve gone away to chase another survivor and then bam you pop out behind a wall and surprise them. I wouldn’t be able to make as many clutch plays as I’ve been making on Ghost Face without that perk.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I only like Thrilling Tremors in actual practice

    Furtive Chase in theory and I'm All Ears if it worked on slow actions VS fast.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    Just found out in last game that the perk works as should, passes on from survivor to survivor whoever rescues current obsession off the hook, but if the obsession is killer while the obsession then you lose all the tokens and can’t gain anymore throughout the match.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    I feel that either the length the gens are blocked needs to be extended or the cool down needs to be shortened. I promise that Furtive Chase can help a ton though if you play with that perk in mind and have tokens of course. I’m all ears is really good on certain killers, it’s OP af on Nurse since she can hit someone they run away and quick vault and she can just quickly teleport to them directly seeing where they are.

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    i am assuming how Furtive will work on other killers, I can see it being viable, but so far I have only used it on GF so I’m not certain. But Ghostface has a normal terror radius when not in night shroud like a lot of killers, but then again GF has a terror radius off switch with his ability so that really messes the survivors up matched with Furtive.