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Freddy Add On Question


What exactly does it mean when his add ons descriptions say "... decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World"? Does this mean that the skill checks will occur less frequently when on a generator or does it mean that the safe zones in skill check area are smaller so it's harder to hit (like a weaker version of Overcharge)?


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 191

    Skill checks will occur less frequently.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 836

    It reduces the % chance of a skillcheck occurring every second you do an action, by an amount depending on the add-on.

    Green Dress tremendously reduces skill check chances, which is a -3% skill check chance every second

    There is an 8% chance to get a skillcheck on a generator every second.
    There is a 10.5% chance to get a skillcheck when self healing every second.

    With the Green Dress add-on, the chance to get a skill check is reduced to 5% and 7.5% every second you're doing a generator or healing, respectively.