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Do any rank 1 survivors have any tips?


What are your preferred perks? What are your favorite guides and links? Who do you watch or look up to, where did you learn your stuff from?


  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    From the Killers PoV what I see is Self Care and Sprint Burst or Dead Hard along side things like Sabotage, DS, Borrowed Time, Balanced Landing, Occasionally Urban Evasion and OoO.

    I'm a killer main but that's about what I'm generally against.
  • Perf
    Perf Member Posts: 1

    sabotage in 2018? Kappa

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Sprint Burst, Self Care, Decisive Strike, Urban evasion is the best build to get you to Rank 1. If every survivor uses this build the win rate will skyrocket, and you'll be winning alot and wasting killer's time massively

    Items bring toolbox + repair speed addons, if 4 of you have this you can repair gens insanely fast provided the killers don't dodge, it's a guaranteed win

    As rank 1 you only need to know where to loop and where you can't. once you get spotted run to a loop spot for 2 rounds or so till killer is close, then you drop a pellet, run to the next and repeat. It's the same with how infinite works except pellets don't last forever and you have to keep watch of bloodlust

    type Dead by Daylight looping and see for the guides yourself

  • Yuu_Incredible
    Yuu_Incredible Member Posts: 27

    I guess sprint burst and self care are top tier perks, you can't go wrong with them. probably don't use DS, because some killers love to tunnel their obsession...

    More important than perks are map knowledge, mind gaming and being able to look behind you. Perks are just extras. I play with different perk builds all the time, some of them do not include any meta perks. it works fine and is fun!
    I did learn a lot of stuff watching dead by daylight streamers. Also you learn alot if you play the opposite side.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    My advice is pretty simple :
    Get training wheels until you get good.
    Aka Sprint Burst/Decisive Strike/Self-care/Ironwill (or unbreakable)

    Learn the map pallet positions. Know where they spawn everytime, and the random spots as well.
    The main way to learn survivor is to play killer and to see how survivors are actually juking you. Then you play survivor, try that against killers, get better, see what they do to actually counter your plays. Then you go back to killer, play accordingly, and so on until you understand the mecanics at most spots in the game.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Most rank 1's use crutch perks like crazy, the top tier second chance perks sprint burst which allows you to be safe and run straight into a loop spot especially effective against people who have to charge their power or have a lower movement speed like pig and billy. Selfcare so you don't have to work as a team and makes medkits unneeded. Adrenaline for end game chases and hook saves, dstrike, a free second chance perk. A good survivor is able to survive with no perks anyway, missing dstrike doesn't hurt and a good survivor knows this perk is unbalanced. Non obsession d strikes tend to be the ones that gives them the free escape since the killer cannot confirm that they have it until it happens. 
  • TherapySloth
    TherapySloth Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much for all of your answers! Do you guys have any tips for using sprint burst? Do you try to wait until the last second to use it, or do you run around the map more often?

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Gotten to rank 2. It is impossible to pip because you barely interact with the killer, and if you do you're gonna be focused down. To combat this is to, sadly, play with worse ranked survivors so you have a better chance to get less nurses. Sadly that's the only way to do it without intense grinding. Getting to rank 2 also managed to push me to use crutch perks as well. So...that sucks.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Run the best perks and tryhard, coz all you will get is tryhard killers; At least at R1. Don't fall for this "Second chances or crutch" BS, Killers at R1 will hard camp you with moris, noed, best addons,3 blinks and insta chainsaws.

    Try to manage your exhaustion with sprint burst, if you feel killer is close then save it until you figure out; If not then run freely.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    I have played at rank 1 survivor with no perks and I do just fine. As long as you are aware and know how to play as a survivor you don't need perks.

    Always track where the killer is or about the general area of where the killer is.
    When you spot the killer try to track where the killer has been for most of the game. This info gives you so much knowledge of where pallets might have been used up.
    Scouting is important, knowing what you have around you at your disposal and which windows are opened and closed.
    Realize which areas are safe and which areas are not.

    Now if you are interested in what I use for perks when I actually use them:
    BT, SC, UE, (exhaustion perk of choice)..

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @TherapySloth said:
    Thank you so much for all of your answers! Do you guys have any tips for using sprint burst? Do you try to wait until the last second to use it, or do you run around the map more often?

    whenever I ran sprint burst I never saved it cause I was able to get to gens a lot quicker and by the time the killer found me my sprint burst would already be up or close to up again