I Quit this unbalanced game.

Everytime I play survivor I get tunneled. Everytime I play a killer other than Nurse I can only get one kill at most and every other survivor escapes. I rely on the two perks self heal and ruin to do decent. This game is unfun and unbalanced. I will not miss this game at all. I feel like I wasted a thousand hours of my time just to play the same repetitve matches
Good riddance!
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I could understand unbalance if you lost when playing one side.
Losing on both sides EVERYTIME, like you said, moreso shows me you're inexperienced.
Which is nothing to be ashamed of btw, but just know that i don't think you get why you lose.
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Go play some more Dead by Daylight with your other bummy friends
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I don't have experience? That would explain my red rank last season
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Good luck in the games you move to
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Screenshot or it never happened
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Having enough experience to reach the red ranks isn't what i'm referring to.
The ones who complain about tunneling don't want to make means of not having that happen.
I've seen enough people show off builds of losing the Killer in chases or just not being found at all.
Maybe you can try one of those instead of relying on Self Time-waster & Hex: Already Cleansed. 🤭
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Its literally impossible to get to red ranks on either side if you get tunneled and camped or only get one kill each game. There's a lie in here somewhere
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I thought that but then remembered the "except Nurse" part. I'm still not so sure I believe though.
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It’s not really supposed to be balanced, though. It’s an asymmetric horror game. A powerful Killer against four survivors.
Tunneling is super necessary, true, but at the end of the day what can the devs do about it? Either way someone is going to complain.
EDIT: Misinterpretation on my part.
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But muh fresh meat! :(((
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Self-care? Don’t use it, you’re wasting time.
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Wow because we all know red ranks are so difficult to reach. You could play 24/7 and do absolutely horrendous on both sides but if you played enough matches you would reach red ranks.
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Sounds like you are inexperienced, but your point still stands.
Having to run ruin or selfcare (mainly solo's) every-game is stupid. They are band-aids on a larger problem
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I don’t ever run sc, it isn’t needed.
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Dude, it's not imbalance if you lose on both sides, it just means you've gotten outplayed, whether because you're using old tactics, or bad luck. You just need to find what build works for you. As a used-to-be blendette (before they nerfed us to the point we blend better against white), my perks were nowhere near meta: Selfcare, Empathy, Plunderer's, and Dead Hard or WGLF.
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I recommend getting gud
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Thats the best medicine, and it always works
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This game has a learning curve to it. Personally, I found the process of getting better at this game an enjoyable experience. But yes, it will be frustrating at times. Take a break from it for a while. You might find you enjoy it more after week or two. Maybe watch some videos on YouTube to see what more experienced players do.
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Red ranks LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING. All this post shouts to me is
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Yep, I don't care for rank that much besides "Hey, you're a decent survivor/killer who should be fun to play against!"
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asymmetric not supposed to be balanced we learn something everyday. that's a god damn lie both side have to balanced. what should be unbalanced it's the 1v4 that's it. Perks/survivors/killers should be balanced and we all know that red ranks have no skill except by gen rushing.
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At the end of the day, perfectly balanced games are boring. That's not a matter of opinion, that's a fact based on player numbers of games in popular franchises etc.
A certain amount of balance is required, but fully balanced is fully boring.
@ZzayTtay You're just not good at the game. That's literally what your complaints boil down to.
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Selfcare is a wasted slot and bad for team emblem scores. Ruin like all hex totems is heavily situational based on location and unreliable.
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I don't want to seem disrespectful, but if you can't play the game without Self Care and Ruin, then you're not getting the full experience of the game. Yes, it'll take a bit of time to learn how a survivor hides from the killer, if you'll find a ruin totem or just work through it and as killer how to mind game, put pressure on the survivors and what areas to patrol.
Also, if you say that you're doing bad, but are having to "rely on self care and ruin", maybe your play-style at the moment doesn't work well with those perks. Maybe consider not using them and swapping them out for an alternate build.
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Did he/she left already? One less crybaby player. How many to go? ;-)
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@RoKrueger only 30k+ left to go 😜
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No one said you ever needed to run self care as a solo.
I've never used that perk seriously in the 3 years I've been playing it.
That's probably why so many Survivors are bad. They hold on to self-care instead of continuing to do objectives and utilize perks that help them whilst injured, like Reslience (which is an amazing perk, 9% faster vault speed makes a big difference and nullifies the fact you're injured), and just let a teammate heal them when they find them later.
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@xllxENIGMAxllx The main problem is that Behavior has shown that they honestly can't balance for anything. And it isn't just a DBD issue. Look at Deathgarden: Bloodharvest. They did just as poorly on balance over there, and the relaunch is already dying as fast as the original launch.
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Rank means nothing. Gen rush and you will get high ranks. The fact you loose on both sides, as someone else said, means you don't have enough experience in the game. I also have 1000 and I am no where near as good as most people, but I'm also not trying too be either since I play for fun, not ranked.
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I agree with you, I used to always use it and I’ve become much better since I stopped using it.
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Bye. If you were a true fan, you wouldn't have left. You won't be missed.