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Clown and Plague Have No Powers

Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Are they going to be reworked at any point? Their powers just fundamentally do not work in their current iteration.



  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    The Clown's power takes more effort than it's worth. Throwing bottles slows you down which defeats the purpose of using them, and reloading takes precious time that you could be using for something else

    Plague seems good on paper, but survivors can completely deny half of her power (corrupt purge) just by not cleansing. Although they will be broken if they don't cleanse, they still move at full speed and they can still easily loop since her regular power does nothing to help in a chase

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    Plague: As long as 1 survivor is broken (due to sickness) for 20 seconds, spawn 1 vile purge, up to 2 only. Power is fixed.

    Clown: Increase the effect of the slowdown by 4% more and add 1-2 seconds longer to it. He actually stops long loops now and makes it so you can actually catch a survivor in a jungle gym.

    These are just small changes but make a huge difference. @Leatherbilly What do you think?

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    If they left plague from her ptb she would been amazing but nope.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    The problem is that devs wont give them buff they think there fine where there at bs

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Clown is actually pretty strong, you can use the bottles to break infinite loops and some stupid things that survivors love to do

    Plague... I don't know, they just ignore her power and that's a problem. She needs buffs at least in her vile purge, corrupt purge is ok

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,481

    I don't know. I feel like Clown's power can in fact be quite powerful. Even then he is not quite viable enough at high ranks because of his horrible map pressure.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,221

    Please don't forget our doctor..

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Exactly. When I play plague I'm more than happy to 1hit down people everyone. Good times.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 364
    edited June 2019

    Plague was so good in the PTB. I think the idea someone had above where a survivor being broken from the Vile Purge for X amount of time should lead to one of the fountains becoming corrupt. That gives the survivor however many seconds to get the benefit of the cleanse before one of the fountains becomes corrupt, and if they are too slow then they either a) have to stay broken or b) cause another fountain to become corrupt. That sounds like a brilliant fix to me even without putting her speed while holding a charge back to what it was in the PTB.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    She does though. Her power is completely dictated by survivors, and most survivors at high ranks won't cleanse till the gens are done because she's still just an M1 killer with the possibility of being ranged.

    Clown does need a rework though. His power is made for anti loops but it doesn't work as well as it should since most survivors will still make it too pallets and what not, and this is excluding all the bugs he has. He reminds me of Doomfist in Overwatch, where he was really bad since he had 80,000 bugs but got better once the team decided too fix him.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    How can anyone wish to re-work Clown with a buff? If any re-work is done to him it’d have to be a nerf. He’s the best loop counter killer (excluding Nurse, obviously). Loops are the #1 defense for survivors, not to get away, but to prolong the chase...the clown renders almost everybody loop obsolete.

    You may as well as for X-Men’s Cyclops to be a killer, because any buff to Clown would almost be an insta-down from looking at a survivor (hence, Cyclops).

    And contrary to popular belief, he moved the same speed while holding bottles as he does holding his knife.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    For Clown, i'd wish to be normal speed while throwing bottles, and i wish bottles didn't have gravity like they're on the moon, i want them to go where i aim at normal earth speeds.

  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361

    A buff for Plague could be if a survivor is broken by her sickness they're insta-downed instantly if they don't cleanse for a certain amount of time.

    A buff for Clown could be an extra Hindered effect.

    Overall, Plague is in a bad spot right now and needs a buff, but Clown is in a decent spot but still needs a buff or two.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Simple Logic: They think he is bad and don't understand how to counter loops with him.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,080

    I mean, the devs can see that nobody plays Plague, so they're gonna change her soon I guess.

    Clown is a good Chaser but not a very good gen protector. I use Ruin with the new Pop goes the Weasel and I think he can be a dangerous Killer with those Perks.

    My personal build would be:

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Hex: Haunted Ground
    • Surveillance
    • Pop goes the Weasel

    He doesn't really need anti loop Perks since his whole power is an anti loop. Use the right addons and you'll win with this build.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    Plague is the reason why I no longer buying new content.

    She looked promising on PTB then I used her puke and it slowed her down...

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    This reminded me of this thread:

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I made a Clown related thread a while back where I collected buff suggestions. He definitely needs something because he's VERY underwhelming without add-ons. He doesn't feel like a threat, most of the time.

    Here's a list of all suggestions in the thread:

    • Minor exhaustion debuff part of base gas. Would require survivors to "take a breather", aka stop running away (thus letting the Clown close in faster) if they want exhaustion gone.
    • Intoxication duration increases based upon time spent in the gas.
    • Remove the grunting he makes when he vaults a window. It'd allow him so more freedom when it comes to playing mind-games.
    • Reduced reload duration.
    • Release clouds of gas while reloading.
    • No slowdown while throwing.
    • Increased intoxication duration (Eether 10 or 15 by default).
    • Increased slow effect (Flask of Bleach by default).
    • Generators inside gas automatically start regressing if there's no survivor working on them.
    • More bottles, more fun.
    • Exposure effect on survivors hit by a bottle (Redhead's Pinky Finger add-on by default)

    Here's a link to the thread itself →

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    Last time I heard the devs talking about her in this forum they said that the Plague was getting the highest amount of kills per game out of every other killer. Not so sure they will change her any time soon.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    what rank are you? Clown is slowed down when charging the bottle, and is then slightly faster once its charged. And he is suppose too be for anti loops, but since his slow doesn't last long enough, most survivors will still be able too escape too another loop. He is by far one of the weaker killers in the game. Sure, you can do good with him, but that could be said for any killer with enough time.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Even though they changed the game from "kills = wins" too "playing well = wins" they still feel that kills are what dictate how a killer performs.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Clown have weak gens pressure because his power is made for loops. Even there his power without flask of bleach + intoxication duration combo is weak.

    Like my pal @se05239 mentioned above there is a whole thread dedicated to him. I just want to add that they should remove his self slowdown to start.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602
    edited June 2019

    @se05239 I'm surprised you didn't add anything for hitting survivors with the bottle directly, as of now it does nothing besides gaining extra Bloodpoints and when using that one ultra rare add-on

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @SpacingLlamas No one suggested anything besides having the Redhead's Pinky Finger add-on by default in the thread, so that's the one I put on my list.

    Feel free to leave a suggestion in the thread.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    Clown is a decent chaser, but that's his entire identity and he's not even in the top 5 killers in terms of chase potential. Nurse, Spirit, Hag, a good Billy, and Huntress all chase better than Clown while also bringing other things to the why play Clown?

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    @se05239 I didn't notice you added that the first time.

    Only thing I can think of is, making one of the few options or all of them part of hitting someone directly with bottle.

    Increasing the affect duration(how long it last)

    Increasing the blurry effect

    Increasing the slow down/hinder

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited June 2019

    Clown is actually good in a chase if you know how to play him.

    Plague can hear survivors and defend hook with ease

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    @se05239 I can't think of anything else that would be good or useful

    I think clowns bottles projectile speed is very slow and should be increased. Do you think so too? And it should be something buffed with him

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    During what time of the throw is Clown slowed, exactly? Is he still slowed after he throws?

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    That sounds a little overpowered.

    I'd say do this:

    1) Make it so that if a survivor is sick they immediately become contagious. Everything they touch becomes infected. Infrequently, they sniffle or cough.

    2) If a survivor stays broken infected for a minute, they become weakened and suffer a 10% penalty to all channeled actions (Repairing/healing/cleansing totems/opening gate/hook sabotaging)

    This should encourage survivors to actually use fountains as the penalty for not doing so becomes too great. It still gives a newly infected survivor the time to finish a generator before they hit that 10% penalty though.

    The 10% penalty is there to encourage survivors to use fountains as well as give Plague more time to patrol the map.


  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    I already rate Clown as 5th best. Those changes would be op lol.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I like playing Clown a lot but a nice little qol change would be the ability to drop a bottle at your feet without having to aim. Would be really helpful with loops.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    No, clown's speed was normalized after patch 2.0. He doesn't lose speed using his power anymore.

    SOURCE -

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @FrenziedRoach As someone who plays a lot of Clown, he DOES slow down when you throw a bottle for about a second. The slow is really noticeable.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    But this is not what the Wiki says - and it's usually right. @DocOctober , you still update the wiki? You care to comment?

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819