Buff Legion/Deep Wound?

So I know alot of people hate legion (or atleast hated him pre-nerf) and might oppose the idea of a buff because "oh god don't buff him", but the Deep Wound status effect is almost completely useless and any addon that decreases the deep wound timer is also useless. While in a chase the timer will never go down and (correct me if im wrong) the timer never goes down when mending either. So the only time the timer well ever go down is maybe in the 10-ish seconds it takes a survivor to find a place to mend. When I first started playing I actually thought it was a visual bug that the timer would seem like it would never drop. Another reason I think Legion and or deep wound should be buffed is because using feral frenzy one one survivor is pretty useless because you always have to cancel it after the first hit (unless you're not trying to get this survivor down currently) and even after if you manage to hit all 4 survivors with feral frenzy you have to cancel it because there is nothing else you can do since hitting a survivor with feral frenzy after that point will give the survivor a speed boost, stun you, and completely deplete the power gauge. In my 30 hours of Legion main experience (effectively none so he could quite honestly not need a buff), I feel like he should be able to hit a survivor multiple times while in the frenzy (I mean come on is it even a frenzy anymore?) or atleast make deep wound more then a "haha you have to heal twice now". Feel free to disagree or explain to me why this would be a terrible idea.
