Dissecting Leatherface's Add-Ons & Add-On Suggestions

For those unaware, the Cannibal is slated to eventually receive attention. In light of this, I thought I'd discuss the add-on issue of Leatherface, because although his power is borderline useless without add-ons, the overwhelming majority of said add-ons do absolutely nothing.
Categorical Breakdown
Cooldown Reduction: One of the hold-overs from the Hillbilly, and he makes extensively superior use of it. My Tantrum suggestion makes this entire category of add-on useless.
Verdict: Cut it
Charge Time: One of the Cannibal's two most essential add-ons on live. Charge time doesn't necessarily increase Bubba's efficacy against optimal survivors but it reduces the margin of error by indirectly reducing how much time they have to reach a pallet, window or large prop before they're hit. This also offers utility in breaking pallets mid-chase without losing as much distance, giving further incentive to run it.
Verdict: Mandatory Keep
Noise Reduction: Completely useless in its current iteration. If a stealthy Leatherface is intended to be an alternative playstyle, it needed to bring with it some terror radius reduction.
Verdict: Charge or Scrap It
Meme Limiter: Does what it says on the box, many Killers have one of these types of add-ons.
Verdict: Keep It
Chainsaw Reach: The Long Guide Bar. If Leatherface weren't obliged to run a very specific set of add-ons because his base power is so profoundly crippled, this add-on would be a fantastic addition to his arsenal, facilitating window snipes and punishing late pallet drops and keeping survivors on-edge about what they can get away with.
Verdict: Fantastic Idea, Keep It
Chainsaw Movement Speed: The other of Leatherface's two most essential effects, mostly because he's crippled at base and can scarcely catch up without it. Even still, this effect is always desirable and should stay.
Verdict: Mandatory Keep.
On-Hit Effects: The duration is short, and you're unlikely to hit people anyways. The majority of the duration is wasted with them on a hook since his saw downs instantly anyways and people are shy to save against the Cannibal. His power is so abysmal at base that there's just no room for these on live, but if that were changed they'd be okay.
Verdict: Keep It.
Reduced Tantrum Duration: Useless on live, but with my Tantrum change it'd be considerably more useful.
Verdict: Keep It
Acceleration: The concept is sound, but they literally don't do anything.
Verdict: Fix and Keep It
Other Add-on Effects
Just to enumerate some other statistics that Cannibals would find useful if you make them add-ons:
Increase Movement Speed While Revving
Increases the Chainsaw duration (Additional chainsaw swings)
Baseline Changes
It would be remiss of me to not include buffs he needs at base that he desperately needs:
- Revving down the chainsaw (cancelling the charge-up) is now nearly instant to promote mind games and skill expression as the Cannibal.
- Moderately increases the Chainsaw's movement speed; still offers counterplay with his slow revving to reach safety and charge time is really needed for the utility of fast pallet breaking, but his power now functions at base.
- The Cannibal no longer tantrums from touching a wall; instead, he tantrums at the end of his Chainsaw attack if he fails to hit a valid target (At least one survivor or pallet). This promotes the whole point of Leatherface, to chase around objects in a way the Hillbilly cannot.
I really think just changing the Chili add-ons to your suggested ‘extended swings’ would be a better change than what they currently do. I really like this! Hopefully our boy Bubba can get some love. :)
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That was one of the changes my rework made back in the day, but it unfortunately seems we'll be waiting a while for LF's rework due to his low priority.
I don't think BHVR agrees with the community on how abysmal he really is right now.
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TBH I'd just be happy if we weren't punished for releasing the chainsaw, if they're not gonna let us juggle it like billy's
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Leatherface unfortunately needs substantially more than a single, minor QoL change.
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This was very informative, thank you Leatherbilly.
Honestly, the devs should just put you in charge of reworking Leatherface. Such an iconic killer deserves to be viable in red ranks.
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Leatherface's add-ons also need to be modernized to the new standard, which my old rework did.
I'll just link it below if you're interested:
Revving down the chainsaw (cancelling the charge-up) is now nearly instant
Moderately increases the Chainsaw's movement speed
The Cannibal no longer tantrums from touching a wall; instead, he tantrums at the end of his Chainsaw attack if he fails to hit a valid target (At least one survivor or pallet)
Spark Plug: (Unchanged)
Worn Switch: An old tree branch used for violent reprimand. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's movement speed. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time.
Chainsaw File: Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw. Slightly reduces the Cannibal’s terror radius.
Speed Limiter: Chainsaw does not automatically trigger the Dying State. Chainsaw attacks apply Deep Wounds. Get 50 % more Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Score Events in the Deviousness Category.
Primer Bulb (Unchanged)
Knife Scratches: Slightly increases the Chainsaw's movement speed. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time. Moderately increases acceleration when using the Chainsaw.
Homemade Muffler: Moderately reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw. Moderately reduces the Cannibal’s terror radius.
Long Guide Bar: (Unchanged)
Grisly Chains: The effect’s timer does not begin counting down until the survivor is unhooked/recovers from slugging.
Light Chassis: Slightly increases revving movement speed. Stacks.
Chili: Slightly increases the Chainsaw duration (One additional swing).
Beast’s Marks: Moderately increases the Chainsaw's movement speed. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time. Tremendously increases acceleration when using the Chainsaw.
Rusted Chains: The effect’s timer does not begin counting down until the survivor is unhooked/recovers from slugging.
Carburetor Tuning Guide: Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's charge time. Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw. Slightly reduces reduces the Cannibal’s terror radius.
Award-Winning Chili: Moderately increases the Chainsaw duration (Two additional swings).
Decompression Valve: This valve releases saw compression and allows for an easier start-up. Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's charge time. Slightly increases revving movement speed.
Franklin’s Knife: A memento reminding the Cannibal of the day he failed his family and brought about their undoing. Fills the holder with shame and desperation. Each time a survivor is unhooked, the Cannibal’s anguish grows.
Zero tokens: Tremendously increases the time penalty during tantrums.
One token: Moderately decreases revving movement speed
Two Tokens: Moderately increases the Chainsaw ‘s charge time
Three tokens: Grants the ability to kill Survivors by your own hand
Begrimed Chains: The effect’s timer does not begin counting down until the survivor is unhooked/recovers from slugging.
Short Guide Bar: Lightens and improves the handling of the chainsaw. Slightly reduces the reach of the Chainsaw attack. Considerably increases revving movement speed. Stacks.
Full Chisel Chains: Square-cornered teeth allow for the more efficient cutting of “wood.” Hitting a survivor will reset the chainsaw attack duration. Moderately increases the Chainsaw's movement speed. Tremendously increases the Chainsaw's charge time.
Demolition Chains: A carbide-tipped demolition chain, durable under extended use for the destruction of “buildings.” Destroying a pallet with the Chainsaw will reset the chainsaw attack duration instead of ending it. Slightly decreases revving movement speed. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time. (Whenever Leatherface resets his power, he must re-accelerate from his minimum speed.)
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Some of the add-ons are memes, in traditional BHVR fashion, particularly the ultra rares which have little practical application, but many alternative playstyles are facilitated by the add-on rework and baseline buffs.
That said, with these changes he should be relatively decent at high ranks, barring the fact of course that he'll get genrushed, which is more of an issue of map design and I don't feel comfortable giving LF band-aid fixes for game design that needs to be fixed eventually anyways.
Thanks for your glowing recommendation by the way, I do really appreciate it. BHVR does reply to me sometimes, particularly Peanits. Doing my best, because they really did LF dirty with his add-ons.
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@Leatherbilly My friend, those add ons sound bloody amazing. I can just imagine all the fun I would have playing Leatherface.
Amazing ideas😉
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Much appreciated! You have anything to add? I discuss it with the Basement Discord all the tume.
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That is pretty annoying but after enough trials you eventually get used to it.