So... Ghostface... Lets see your perk builds!

So as a Myers main to Pig Main to Ghostface Main, Here's what I came up with to be the best Perk Build that I have tested at the moment:
So I have:
- Nurse's Calling (Teir 3)
- I'm All Ears (Teir 2)
- Thrilling Tremors (Teir 2 about to be 3)
- & Sloppy Butcher (Teir 2)
As his perk build atm.
And i try to Increase Stalking Speed and/or Crouching Speed while making it possible to recover my Power faster.
So... Let me explain how this Perk Build works...
Nurse's Calling & Sloppy Butcher:
This allows me to see when and where survivors are healing if I broke sight with them, Sloppy Butcher also helps Nurses calling by slowing down even 3 man heals.
So if you heal and I'm in Night Shroud BEWARE! Cause you will most likely die.
I'm All Ears:
Tired of trying to loop 500 times between pallets and/or windows?
This allows you to mind game more efficiently so if they Fast Vault, any time withing the Chase activate Night Shroud and Mind Game em' while you can see their aura can can't see you!
Thrilling Tremors:
This allows you to stall the game if no one is working on any Generator. Especially if they need to get healed. So this buys you time and it is pretty much like surveillance but even better because even if they are only working on 1 Gen they cant work on any other gens while it is active. Allowing you to hook without worry (Plus allows you to control 3 gens if they need 1 more gen done...)
What do you all think?
What are your Perk Builds and explain why you made that build like I did!
I find no real use in I'm All Ears personally, and Thrilling Tremors doesn't feel strong enough to me. My best build with him so far is Discordance (to find 2+ ppl on same gen for easy stalks and to catch the gen rushers), Hex: Ruin along with Hex: Haunted Grounds (slows the game down and prolongs the use of ruin), and BBQ and Chili (find those survivors further away to go after them next).
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This would be my dream build
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Whispers + Ruin + BBQ + Bamboozle
I'm level 28 atm so this is the best all Tier III build I have (aside from BBQ which is Tier I). The other Tier 3 perks I've got are Thanataphobia, Furtive Chase, and Remember Me.
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I use BBQ for BP's mainly
surveillance so I know which gens to stalk and when
nurses for easy downs
and sloppy for longer heals.
Currently grinding bloodwebs to get devour hope and thrill of the hunt,
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ruin, bbq and surveilance seem pretty mandatory on him IMO. not sure what to add as my 4th perk, prolly whispers.
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Ruin, Spirit Fury, Enduring, Bamboozle--probably. Standard pallet-eater build.
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As my red rank wraith it's ruin, surveillance Iron grasp and discordance/ Franklin's demise/stbfl. With the mangled add-on and fast disappear.
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At the moment I use certain Perks:
- Hex: Ruin (cuz it's needed)
- Whispers: (Activate Night Shroud at the start of the Trial, when Whispers lights up I start to crouch)
- Nurses Calling: (To sneak up on healing Survivors)
- Hex: Haunted Ground: To give Ruin a slight chance to survive, also you get free oneshots possibly in the early game)
No addons cuz I wanna see how he is without them and see the true potential in his power and it works very good so far. Did 10+ matches with Ghostface and only 2 were with addons, the other ones without.
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Rn it's BBQ and Chili, Discordance, Hex: Ruin, and Monitor and Abuse
Probably going to replace Discordance with Nurses Calling and Ruin with Sloppy Butcher.
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Surveillance, so i can hear if a gen is being worked on before they hear any sounds from me, even in ghost shroud + the small added map control
Thrilling tremors, its basically bbq and chili for gens + added map control/delay
Monitor and abuse, improves on your power, i feel if im in a chase with Ghostface im losing with ghost face, keep them paranoid.
Overcharge, because paranoid players annoyed with thrilling tremors looking for you while doing gens tend to hit this less + even if they mess up you got surveilance.
It works for me