Game held hostage what to do?


So this is the second occasion now I’ve had survivors refuse to do anything for 10-20 mins. My most recent game I had 2 survivors hide for at least 10 minutes, I’d searched the entire map, they didn’t work on any of the last generators, didn’t move or leave scratch marks, it was impossible to find them and I was so close to DCing but then I would lose all my BP (3 gateaux worth too!).

what can you even do in this situation? There needs to be some kind of timer. If no gen work is done in 10 minutes, the game should end (and everyone gets their BP but lose add ons and items). Why should killers be punished because survivors wanna hide and refuse? And before anyone’s says, no, survs can’t be punished by it because if killer is hiding then cool do gens. This is twice in the last couple games. And downvoting does nothing.


  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    They should get flying crows over their head that make noise and give notifications if they aren't doing anything. That's how that problem is usually solved for me.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I don’t think they kept completely still just crouching around the map hiding when I’m closer by

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    If you can't find some pesky survivors, then you are a lousy killer. You have to think like your prey and check usual hidding places. Playing as survivor once in a while helps.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,004

    A good idea is to fake AFK, preferable near a gen so you can see it. See if they come up to taunt you or to work on the gen. Else a good idea is just to outwait them.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Thanks for the tips. Whispers would definitely have shortened that game by a mile

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    The killer is the hunter, survivors aren't just going to freely go get hooked for no reason.

    So it is clearly a "get gud" situation if the hunter can't find anyone.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    It’s not the case of survivors not getting themselves hooked. It’s survivors most likely SWF making no gen progress for 15 minutes and doing nothing else.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    SWF or not, if you can't find half (50%! 2/4) of the survivor team then thats on you as a killer not them as survivor or SWF.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    while you might know if they did totems, how do you know they not just sabotaged every hook on the map to 99%? Just asking. But for a real answer, which rank were you playing?

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Rank 8 and yeah that’s true they could have but as far as I remember they had no items

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    They aren't holding the game hostage when they're hiding like that. You can still find them and kill them. It's only holding the game hostage if they get to a place where you can't kill them or the killer decides to block in a survivor and wait until they DC (in otherwords, not do anything). Most survivors will get bored eventually. Otherwise I'd look around where the hatch is if the hatch has spawned yet or check around the basement 'cause sometimes people hide there for memes.

    If you're having consistent games where you're having troubles with this, you can bring Whispers so that you know which areas to look in to find them. That way you're not wasting time checking in places where they aren't.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    @fluffymareep I'm pretty sure if the survivors aren't actively working to end the game for an extended length of time, then they're holding it hostage. If they're moving around the map, preventing afk crows from spawning, but not doing anything else, then the only way the game can end is if the killer somehow manages to find them (and there's an entire map to search, they could be literally anywhere on it, there's no way to narrow down their location because they aren't working on the objective) or the killer disconnects.

    If the survivors aren't working on generators but are hiding together on the map, then they can't escape. They can't win. What are they even doing? Nothing except dragging the game out. They're not getting points. The killer's not getting points. At that point, why not just give themselves up to the killer and end the game? If they're not working on gens, then that's how it's going to end, anyway, with them being sacrificed. What's the point of forcing it to continue if no one's making points or having any fun?

    The only reason to keep the game going in that manner is in the hopes the killer will disconnect. There's no other reason to do that.

    I think we need a dev to weigh in on whether or not this officially constitutes holding the game hostage, because all any of us players can do is spout opinions, hearsay, and disinformation.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,004
    edited June 2019

    @TragicSolitude in some cases it's understandable though. I had a 30 minute game once with 2 people left and 1 gen needing doing, but they were playing spirit and we couldn't stay on a gen long enough to do anything.. I spent most of that time looking for hatch, found it, got a key from a chest, and rescued the other survivor into the hatch

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    @AetherBytes It's not going to be the same across every match. In the match I had the other day, there was no hatch. I was playing Ghost Face, who's not able to really apply map pressure on a big map like Red Forest, and the last two survivors hid together in the corner of a map rather than touch a gen because they wanted me to DC. They were doing nothing to further the game. In your case, you were searching for the hatch and a key, so you were attempting to further the game. Different circumstances.

    OP doesn't mention whether or not the hatch had spawned yet in his match, so I can't comment on that.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    @TragicSolitude I'm not sure if you're aware of what you're suggesting. Stealth isn't against the rules. People not working on generators isn't against the rules. You're not holding the game hostage as survivor if you decide to stealth around the map. The killer can still find, catch, and kill you. The game is held hostage when you can't move forward without DCing. You can.

    While it's frustrating to try to find people hiding around the map, it's still possible. Plenty here have given good tips on how to find people and I've added to them. And as I said if you have this issue a lot, just bring Whispers.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    @fluffymareep Dude, I'm one of the people who gave tips. I was able to find the survivors who hid from me. I also usually bring Whispers if my killer has it unlocked. I'm not saying I can't find hiding survivors.

    I'm just saying, if the killer isn't experienced and can't find the survivors, and the remaining survivors decide to hide on the map with no hatch and not touch gens, then how does the match end without someone disconnecting? The killer can't end the game because they're not experienced enough, and the survivors are refusing to end the game. How does that match end?

    Back before the EGC, a survivor was considered to be holding the game hostage if they hid around the map not doing anything after the exit gate was opened. Yes, the killer could still find and sacrifice them, but the survivor could have been hiding anywhere. They were refusing to play the game, and if they did it for an extended period of time they were holding the killer hostage.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2019

    What do you want survivors to do, play the game for you ?

    Want survivors to just give u a free hook ? Not gona happen.

    You queue as killer, its your job to find and kill survivors.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    @TragicSolitude Ohh, I read what you posted, but didn't read the name. Sorry.

    Most people won't wait out for that long and you could just wait for them to slip up or search around the map. DCing should always be last resort and people already DC far too eagerly. I don't think it's justified in a situation where you can possibly still find them. Might be good practice, even.

    Was it something that was actually considered holding the game hostage? Like did anyone get in trouble for it or are we just assuming they did? Did the devs say something against it?

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol but I think the red forest is one of his best realms, you get a large building center stage that can be used as a vantage point to patrol multiple gens with minimal movement, high chances of getting the basement in that same building if you get eng with 3-4 gens right outside and the one on the inside with the basement you are set for life just hope your ruin spawns in there LMAO

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    @fluffymareep No problem. :) I can see how what I'm saying can seem conflicting.

    I would never disconnect in that situation unless I think the game might be glitching. Otherwise, I'll search. I'm stubborn, and I don't like giving up bloodpoints.

    I think it was actually considered holding the game hostage by the devs. Am I completely positive? Well, no. Which is why I think we need a dev to weigh in on this, otherwise it's just a discussion between players, and all we have are opinions, hearsay, and disinformation.

    Back before the EGC, when I was going for an adept achievement as The Nurse, I had a survivor go into hiding with 4 gens left (so no hatch). It took 12 minutes to find and sacrifice them because they were hiding in dead zones refusing to touch a gen. I reported them, and when I did, the devs had me submit a video. I don't know if any action was taken against that player, but the devs didn't tell me "that's not a reportable offense." They treated it seriously.

    Still, anecdotal evidence. We really need official input from the devs themselves.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    @TragicSolitude I don't DC unless the game messes up. I see so many people DCing over everything and anything and it's really annoying, though. Can't wait for dedicated servers where they'll be punishing that more (I believe). Who would we @ to get their two cents? I'm curious on what they think, too.

    They contacted you for a video? I've never been asked for a video in any of my reports. Did they like message you on steam?

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I would just like to add that this post was more for advice than to officially brand this as taking the game hostage. I’m still not entirely sure whether it counts, however in my opinion it does. There aren’t actual guidelines as to what counts and doesn’t, and as @TragicSolitude mentioned, there’s no way for the game to progress. I’m not expecting any survivors to ‘let themselves get hooked’ but I in no way prevented them from working on the gens in fact I wanted them to so I could find them them.

    @fluffymareep stealth is not against the rules, no, however If it isn’t their intention to use stealth to do objectives, then this isn’t as matter of stealth being the issue. And body blocking is a different category, if a killer stands on the basement stairs and traps in survivors, that’s body blocking plus taking the game hostage. However taking the game hostage can exist without body blocking/contact.

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    There should be some kind of timer, that starts endgame collapse after 15 minutes or something.

    It'd be no punishment for anyone l. Just ending the game anytime.

    Actually it'd have the same effect like it has now...

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    I once had a insidious bubba game before EGC where I got last survivor&4 gens.

    This game took place on gideon and it took around 2 hours, because the last survivor had urban&spinechill, so it was pretty hard to find him. He managed to do a gen, but I caught him on hatch.

    I was called tryhard and toxic, LMAO.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Good idea, but what about 3 gen camping killers? I do this sometimes on the doctor with impossible skillchecks build, although I use surveillance instead of lullaby. These games often last more than 30 minutes..

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I think as long as SOME work is done, even just tapping the gen and leaving again

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    @fluffymareep Actually, I'm on PS4. I reported the player in-game, then I submitted a report using the official webpage, which opens a ticket while they investigate the claims. They responded and requested a link to the video showing the incident. It all happens within the open ticket.

    I have no idea who to @ for an official response to the hostage question.

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 I normally like Mother's Dwelling, but I'm not sure it's a good map for Ghost Face. I don't know, I haven't done enough serious matches as him to form a good opinion. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed as Ghost Face in that match on Red Forest, but I also didn't have much for perks on him, yet. No Whispers. I don't run Ruin, anyway, so I definitely didn't have that. After a suicide and a sacrifice, the remaining two survivors weren't working on gens, so using a high vantage point to patrol gens didn't help.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Use killers who let you locate them, like Ghostface, Michael and The Hag (with random traps).

    Also perks like Barbecue add to solving this, have in mind not always it's cause they are taking the game hostage, for example, yesterday, a friend and I brought in keys to open the hatch and the full team looked for the hatch for about 10 minutes without doing the generators.

    DBD forever!

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    The high vantage point provides more than just gen pressure you can see a vast majority of the map from any one spot on that house

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    When you leave a 3 Gen stack to the killer, then this is your fault....

    And exactly in this case this tactic doesn't work. 3 Gen stack is there and you won't win the game. But when egc kicks in then u got a 50/50 to get out.

    You can't camp Gens btw. I know this is some typical surv statement, but it is your job to stop survs doing gens...

    So you get blamed for doing your job...

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    And its the survivors job to do gens and escape... If you refuse to do it, you should simply die cuz of egc. That's why it was released and its a good thing.

    If one of the 2 parties refuse to play the game, then it doesn't work...

    Let's say it this way. Basicly you can hide on senseless positions as a survivor and nobody will find you. The whole game this is OK because this is your problem.

    Even as long as you do this alone this is not a problem, because game will progress and you will propably die during egc, if continue doing nothing. That's intendet and OK.

    So at a point in the game I think it is OK to start egc, no matter how many survs are alive, because they simply refuse to play the game.