Shouldn´t a Fog Whisperer show responsibilities towards this game ?

Hello people of the fog. I really love this game and when I´m not playing I like to watch other people play on twitch. My favorite streamer, who is also a fog whisperer is having a really hard time with the game since a while. He´s a killer main and he get´s streamsniped a lot and people who play against him are dc´ing very often. He´s also very annoyed by the survivors second chance perks, but that´s part of the game as it is. So he´s frustrated with DbD and it´s pretty sad but understandable under these circumstances. He still plays it and streams it on a daily basis but he has discovered Deathgarden for himself and now he starts streaming Deathgarden on a daily Routine as well. That´s his choice and I´m good with that (even though I´d like to watch DbD instead of DG). What really pisses me off though is the fact that he´s always complaining about DbD when he plays it and he presents it to his community in a very trashy way, like there is no fun in playing DbD at all and all the Killers (besides 1 or 2) are all ######### and how much better Deathgarden is. I think he´s trying to get his community into liking Deathgarden so he keeps his channel filled with viewers even if he switches from DbD to Deathgarden (usually half of his vieers leave when he switches). I think it´s total ######### for a Fog Whisperer to trash the game that way. I love DbD and I get´s me so mad that someone who should represent the game (and get´s plenty of benefits like free Auric Cells, free DLC´s and more) trashes it like this. I´m not writing this because I want to get him in trouble. I still love it when he streams DbD and I don´t wish him any bad but this is something that totally pisses me off. Dear Fog Whisperer of my Heart, if you read this please think about it. Play Deathgarden all you want but don´t do it at the costs of Dead by Daylight.