Why should the balance be around the inexperienced players?



  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    The only way to balance around high ranks without cucking low ranks and without making the game play differently depending on rank is to balance around red ranks and then increase the ######### out of the skill cap of pubstomp killers.

    Anyone who's been through the new player experience knows how killer sided the games can be.

    They clearly balance the game around mid green/low purple ranks imo. If you're gonna balance around red ranks, the easier killers will have to stop being as easy as they are. Then we might have a chance of getting a game balanced around the highest level.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Great argument supported by facts and logic. You seem to fail to understand the entire purpose of a game in general, and ALL games, not just video games.

    Again, I will point to Super Smash Bros, a game born to be casual, but still balanced around the top 1% of players.

    Bring substance or just dont bother.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If it makes high ranks moderately balanced without destroying low ranks, I don't see why not.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Any game can be made competitive depending on how seriously people take said game. The purpose of a game is to have fun. That's why they're called games. Can games be competitive? Of course. DbD isn't really a competitive game. Nor is it entirely causal either. It's caught somewhere in the middle.

    To the OP, the game isn't balanced around top players because it's an extreme minority. Also in general new survivors get smashed by new killers. If you made it even worse you'd likely run off any new people from playing. I do think that balance changes are needed, they just need to be done with care so as to not alienate new players.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    You have 2 ranks 20 survivors and 2 rank 1 survivors playing against a rank 10 killer. How would this work in that example?

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    There is a 4vs1 competitive gamemode in Super Smash Bros?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    There are three things that I can think of rn that make it difficult to balance this game around the better players, and those are:

    1) survivor hitbox abusing through looping

    2) how hook states work

    3) and perhaps the most important thing: USING THE S KEY AS A SURVIVOR AND TURNING THE CAMERA AROUND.

    When these are not addressed, you can expect that the developers will never be able to see what they need to do to balance the game around high skill players.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Why do we still compare rank to skill? It kills me...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    When I started this game, i sucked. I lost, i died. Did i give up? No... i improved, i researched, i didnt complain, i tried my hardest.

    If a person cant handle the game, they cant handle the game. you cant balance a game around people who couldn't handle their first few hours on it because it was "too hard". they sure dont balance other games because a new player cant grasp basic concepts.

    I watch friends play that are new/ less skilled and the things they ask for are absurdly ridiculous simply because they don't fully get how to work efficiently in the game. They want things like old D-strike and other mechanics that would break the game for no relative skill cost.

    I am not saying you need to screw over new people and never care about their opinions, its just that as you improve your perspective on the game changes (rather rapidly with this game)

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    Ha, ok got me. I have no clue on SSB. However, just googled SSB Tournaments and mostly see single and double brackets. Does not seem to be the most popular mode in tournaments.