New Killer: Pyramid Head

Daedalus Member Posts: 3

He is perfect for DbD. The design is terrifying and his weapon is pretty cool!

I think he would fit perfectly in the Entity's realm. What do you think?


  • MoonwalkMyers
    MoonwalkMyers Member Posts: 82

    Yeah, he should be in this Game and Heather (SH3) as a Survivor

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,226

    Dont quote me on this but i think aside from konami being idiots (focusing on pachinko), theres an issue with the creator of silent hill.

    I think I read somewhere that he started to dislike Pyramid Head because of his popularity and oversaturastion (Inclusion in the fifth game and the movies)

    While I am also a fanboy too, the license would be hard to get.

    Also another point would be the implementation, PH is known for being slow and oneshotting the player with the knife. Both things not liked on both sides of our community.

    A concept i had for a "generic Executioner" killer (totally not a Pyramid head idea) was for him to spawn giant cages made of walls to confine the survivors with him in a small area. (Similiar to the first battle against him in the game)

    Its probably easier for the devs to make an executioner expy instead of triangle boy.