Please help the Plague

The Plague is one of the easiest killers to absolutely destroy. Everything from her kit to her aesthetics makes her such a bad killer. In fact, she is so bad, everyone I know and I have played with will just laugh at the thought of going against a plague due to how poorly designed she is. The very idea of a killer, who's power is determined by the survivors, is an awful killer.

My Reasoning

1. She is too tall

The Plague towers over every obstacle exposing herself to the survivor and ruining the chance of surprising your target. Any survivor could see her coming from a mile away.

2. No incentive to clean

Just taking the broken status effect is way more beneficial then cleaning off the throw up. There is this idea from a friend that if there was throw up on a survivor, they had X amount of time to clean them self before a fountain would fill with the corrupted purge on its own and the survivor would be stuck with the broken status effect.

3. There is no way for her to stop survivors from looping her

When she is preparing to spit out her throw up, that bar fills up. There is no problem with that said bar, however, when she is holding it, she is so freaking slow. With this negative effect, she is not able to hit survivors with the purge, stopping then from looping. In the PTB, she was able to go at the perfect speed without being overpowered.

4. Her add-ons suck

Her ultra rare add-ons have so many drawbacks that I'm surprised they aren't common! She needs better ultra rare add-ons and better regular add-ons in general.

5. The fountain spawns

When the fountains spawn at the edge of the map, it makes it very hard to use the corrupted purge if the survivors are foolish enough to even cleanse with this current set up.

If there is anything I missed, please comment it down below. This is just a reminder that this is my own opinion.