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Escaping The Entity

Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

There was an apparent way to escape The Entity (honestly how to do this could be a discussion in itself) and it was successfully done.

Would who escaped survivors and Killers included be returned back to their time frames or circumstances before they were taken away.

Basically would people like Min and Kate return to the exact location they were taken at the exact same time they were taken.

How would that work for people like Jane or Adam who's had the aftermath of the disappearances recognised the train crash already happened and we've seen how people reacted to it same thing with finding Jane's car in the water.

If they are sent back at the exact time and place then wouldn't that be like creating a time anomaly.

Then what about those people who actually died when The Entity took them Bill Amanda and Tapp do they come back to life or do they just go wherever you go once you've died.

To my three main questions are basically this.

If people escape The Entity

Are they returned back to the same time and place.

If they are does that mean time as it's already been laid out Is altered to fit with them being back in existence. ( Adam being found in the train crash dead or alive, Jane stopping the car before it crashes)

Also what exactly happens to those who have been taken once they are dead or dying. Do they spring back to life or will they just move onto whatever stage we will go after they die


  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    If they escape, I think that they would probably return to the same place they were, but why not all at the same time? Though it would be weird that some of the survivors are from earlier years, so to find themselves in 2019+ would be a little mindblowing to some of them. Pretty sure Ace is the oldest survivor in terms of what year survivors are taken from.

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76

    Ever since I learned Bill was in the game, I've pondered how that worked, and what I imagine is that in the case of a person who was in their final moments when the Entity took them, the Entity took their consciousness/soul as it left the body. If I recall right, in Left 4 Dead canon, Bill was basically pulverized by three Tank-type special infected, and you can find his body during "The Passing" in L4D2, in the room immediately to the right of the elevator you descend which kicks off the finale sequence of the campaign - seated slumped in front of a machine with a massive pool of blood around his body.

    And for Bill, Tapp, and Amanda, the lore that explains their origins in the Entity's realm says they were already terminal by the time they were taken, so as not to interfere with or contradict the source canon.

    So in the case of these three, I see an actual escape going one of two ways:

    1. They are cast into limbo as their consciousness has no logical place to go.
    2. They awaken in an alternate version of their reality where they haven't experienced the circumstances leading up to their death, and are forced to either relive it, or correct their mistakes.

    In a more humorous light, wherein there's no segregation of gameplay and story, if Bill escaped, he'd just appear in a closet I guess. Probably after Ellis, Nick, Rochelle, and Coach leave the bridge. :P

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    According to lore everyone that was taken their bodies were never found, since bills body was found then he had to escape, as for if you are returned to your time or not is a luck of the draw type of thing (since time doesn't flow normally in the entities realm when viewed by ours) since the entity's realm connects to ours in random points you could come through in 1800s or in year 1 maybe even in 3024 just depends on the connecting point you escape through

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 I think bill can be ignored for this, since his game, with his body shown, came way before DbD, and do remember that everything inside DbD somehow happens in it's own lore. Pig and Shape come from the same world, the same world as macmillian and Mrs "What are pallets?" To retain lore, either Bill has to be treated as an easter egg character, or we have to assume at some point in the entity's universe a zombie apocalypse happened.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Unless you take into consideration the entity has the ability to pull from any universe it sees fit to

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Pretty sure the bodies are just auric clones of the originals, anyway; facsimiles of the beings taken, created to house the spirits/minds/souls of the survivors and killers.

    It explains aura sight, bloodwebs, pretty much everything supernatural about survivors.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    All the survivors are themselves not auric clones, it is even stated In lore

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    When transition happened, mostly in every bio it says that no bodies were found. And also, in Quentin and Kate bios transfer described detailed enough to contradict with your statement.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    They learn the aura related stuff I think because the entity feeds on hope, it gives them skills that will increase their hope so it can feed off them for longer

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 146

    If a character were to leave. You are given infinite possibilities of where they will end up. Seeing as how the Entity has no time in its realm, they could end up physically anywhere. But, if they we’re to escape, they would go back to where they got taken. If you’ve played Bloodborne, I would say it’s like one of the endings. They get taken or died, and they go into the realm. If they escape, they wake up exactly where they got taken/died. Since I one would believe them, they would think it all a mere bad dream. Seeing as how there is no time. That actually allows us to understand where they end up.

    in a timeless realm, you will actually be safe. Nothing ever advances, or goes backwards. So in theory, escaping would drop you back to where you were. Adam would awaken in the train crash perfectly fine. Jane would awaken on the shore in the same town perfectly fine. Death means nothing in the Entity’s realm, so if you escape, death wouldn’t come for you if you leave. No... you would probably then be a gateway. Just like with Kate, she opened the gateway between our realm and the Entity’s, that’s how she got taken. The Entity wouldn’t forget you if you left, it would use you to get into contact with more survivors... or possibly cause you to become a killer. You would be driven insane from trying to think about what happened, then once you snap, and you cause a great deed of violence. You just go back to where you started, except your role has swapped.