Second objective

Azurlynx Member Posts: 222

So you guys know deathgarden?

Its assimetrical game like dbd but with parkour and guns.

The way scavengers [survivors of deathgarden] can escape is by delivering blood at bloodposts.

Kinda like survivors have to repair generators.


Scanvengers first have to colllect that blood.

So imagine : what if survivors first would have to collect parts in order to repair gens.

Parts could be collected from little boxes [or something like that] in form of charges.

There would be maybe about 20 boxes on map. Theoreticaly about 14 boxes would be requered as minimum.

Collecting parts would take about 0-30 seconds depending how many parts you take.

Maximum amount of parts survivor could carry at once would be 30.

Survivors would have another bar, indicating how many charges they have, and maybe little bags [kinda like in deathgarden they have little jars or whatshouldicallem] on them for sake of appeal.

Toolboxes would increase speed at which you install parts into gen [which they pretty much do now], maybe they would increase how many charges survivor could carry.

Also i think brand new part could get change, either small rework or keep it but change its rarity to purple.

i was also thinking that franklins demise should affect charges. Maybe like this 0\-5\-10 charges on hit.
