DBD not designed around SWF



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2019

    Maybe I’m one of the rare ones that doesn’t think SWF is a big deal, I mean I have faced 1 or 2 obnoxious groups but they ended up dying because saving their friends while acting dumb was more important to them than doing gens.

    On this one match one of them was a streamer and I went to check it out (after the match ended) and all I could hear every time I left the gen they were working on was: “He’s gone now” “Nevermind, he is back! I thought you said he was gone” ....so you see you can still mind game to some capacity, plus I was playing as Michael so you better believe I 99’d my Evil Within so when I went back they fell into my trap. XD

    Of course I know not EVERY match is guaranteed this way but just noting that I think some people blow the SWF advantage out of proportion.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Johnny_XMan What you describe are experiences with SWF groups who make big mistakes.

    The problem are those SWF groups who play well. Voice com gives survivors a big advantage if they play smart.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    @NoShinyPony That’s why I said not every match is guaranteed that way, but also not every match is guaranteed a win for survivors just because they are SWF.

    My main point is you can’t play like you play against SWF like you play against solo survivors.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    In one of their Dev-Streams they mentioned that SWF were always a part of the design of dbd. They also talked about the reason why swf wasnt unlocked with the release date.

    So there we go.

    But everyone will agree with "the game isnt balanced around coordinated gameplay". And it starts with: Solo survivor is til today not fixed. You still dont know when someone is in a chase, where your teammates are while someone is on a hook to coordinate a safe and so on. So you have a uncoordinated bunch of fools, and coordinated little Roadrunners.

    Thats the first major thing. The second major thing is that red ranks are..special.. Because not everyone ist just having some fun, some people like it to act perfectly and they wanna learn how to play the game as professional as possible. So you have again: A Bunch of fools from rank 20 to lets say rank 8 and you have the little Roadrunners mainly in the red ranks.

    So from now on you have to balance the game around those 2 majoras things. And there are waaaay more subcategories

    I mean if the devs would just adress the problem with the coordination in the solo lobby they would have one survivor unity. Killer and Survivor^^ and not Killer, SWF, Solo Q

    Instead of balancing 3 main groups, balancing 2 main groups.

    but ay seriously i dont care anymore

    i just love it reading the forums and playing some games once in a while. Im pretty much done with the game after 3 years. The only new good thing since years is the wake up exploit and sadly it isnt a perk, would love play a perk which affects vaults and pallet drops effectively. But it's always too crazy ^^


    for the future

    swf was always part of dbd and will be