Earth, Air, Fire and Water Chapter Fan Made (WIP)

Chapter Name: Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water is a fanmade chapter for Dead by Daylight. This chapter presents to us four unique and magical killers that controls the elements. These four individuals have been granted by Nature herself ancient powers to control the four elements of the world and use them to slaughter helpless survivors who only wish to escape.
The names of the killers are, Othara,, Emthor, Eldmireand Athala. Each elemental can be purchased in the cosmetic store while you only start off with Emthor, and Eldmire.
Their perks are as followed.
Hex Unholy Cleanse; A hex rooting itself on being cleansed, after this false hex has been cleansed, the Entity wraps its claws around another hex found on the map, the Entity can protect this hex totem for a total of 80/100/120 seconds. Survivors may not cleans the protected hex as this perk is active.
False Light: The killer can produce a false beam of light illuminating a selected spot by using the secondary action button. The light lasts for 20/30/40 seconds and will expose any survivor who passes through the light for 5/10/15 seconds.
Killer Biography
Jessica, Annie, Beatrice and Ellizabeth had lived a happy healthy life in the Victorian Age of England. Their father was a Lord and were given pretty much anything they had asked for. But one day, their father who loved bringing old antiques home brought four stone objects that had earth, air, fire, and water inside each stone. The stones were beautiful and each girl had received one as a gift from their dad.
The stones were hypnotically beautiful and each girl that possessed one seemed to stare at it more so than average. One day arrived when suddenly their father took a turn for the worst. He began to drink heavily and was yelling at his wife, abusing her brutally and even yelling and abusing his daughters. The anger drove him insane and soon he shot himself.
The four girls were traumatized by the event, and shortly soon after their mother killed herself after the loss of her beloved husband. She loved him so much that no matter what abuses she had gone through, she knew that it wasn’t her husband something had possessed him to do what he had done. So she joined him in heaven, leaving the four girls alone.
Everything was lost, their home and family the only thing they continued to possess were the stones that their father gave them. Throughout all the trauma the girls made a pact together, using the stones throughout the process. They swore to enact revenge on any and all who do harm to others, and that this oath will last until they are no more. Suddenly strange otherworldly whispers began to surround them. The stones soon began to absorb into their very souls, granting them unearthly powers and control over the elements.
Once possessed by the stones, the girls were no longer the same, killings began to happen in the local residence. But once police began an investigation on the old mansion place in which they had lived, they found it empty and abandoned, unsure as to what happened in the case of the mysterious murders remains open to this very day.
No one was quite sure who was causing them, but they all linked to the house in which the orphaned girls still resided.
The Elemental’s Power: Elemental Summoning: Each elemental can summon her element with their main power Elemental Summoning. Each elemental power differs from each other and are as followed. Each elemental’s power obtains a power bar which drains and fills throughout the trial. Once the bar is filled the power can then be used.
Elemental Earth: The Earth Elemental contains the power called Earth Tremble. Earth Tremble is caused when the killer slams her wooden staff onto the ground, thus causing the ground to shake and quiver. Whomever is caught within the radius of the tremor are affected by the ability and is slowed tremendously. Earth Tremble has a cooldown that replenishes once the power bar refills.
Elemental Air: With the ability to bend and change the very air about her, the Air Elemental can form invisible walls in certain locations. She is capable of placing a total of 10 walls which last for a certain period of time, once the power bar depletes the walls will disappear and she’ll have to replace them. If Survivors hit these walls they will gain a stagger affect and be slowed slightly. Hitting the invisible walls will also trigger a sound notification as well exposing their location to the Air Elemental.
Elemental Fire: The Earth Elemental contains the ability to wield fire. Her ability allows her to place a wall of flames on certain areas of the map such as Window Vaults and pallet locations. If a Survivor was to tread through the fire wall they’ll be Burnt. While they are in burnt a timer will set off and if the timer is filled they’ll be exposed.
Elemental Water: