I like the idea behind the whole DS nerf but I really think it needs to be reconsidered. This whole 60 seconds to use thing is BS. What if I don't get saved, or what if I'm not seen again until the Endgame? It honestly should be reworked to "After being hooked or unhooking yourself the perk becomes active, the next time you're placed into the dying state you'll be given a skill check, etc etc blah blah blah." Same thing should apply for Endgame it should just be an auto thing to activate if you're the only survivor left.
Because then it becomes the original DS, used to bully killers, only that now it takes a hook before you can trigger it.
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Here's an idea, leave it as it is but make it so that it resets whenever another Survivor is hooked.
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The reason DS and MoM were changed was because each gave an extra hit that would reasonably go off in every single match, for every single survivor that brought it. (Depending on the killer for MoM.) It destroyed momentum and broke the already poor time dynamic of the game.
The changed DS is to prevent you being tunnelled, you get unhooked, and if the killer decides to go straight for you and basically ruin your match, you're given a free escape to try to get away, and remind them that they can be punished for getting greedy.
Your suggestion brings back the old issues. If all it takes is a hook, and then any time for the rest of the match you get a second chance, it's just a free extra hit on every survivor every match.
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Here is the common situation - a survivor saves you, the killer is coming back to tunnel cause he wants to catch you close to the hook to speed up the kill. The one that saves takes a hit to protect you and they often will take another hit and go down close to the same hook. Now he is on the hook in exchange for you and the killer is back to following your scratch marks in the direction you were headed listening for injured noises to continue the tunnel on you. Really easy on many maps.
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Then he isn't tunneling. He is playing smart, is he supposed to LET you get away?
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So you were farmed and you believe the killer should be punished for a bad play on your team's part?
Edit: On Second Thought: Why were you so close to the hook at this point in the first place? You have the initial hit for you to start running off with weapon wipe. Them being chased and hit again. The animation of weapon wipe, pickup, walking back and hooking. Then they have to get close enough to you to start seeing the scratch marks again. To me it seems like you camp near where you got unhooked. Seems to me this can be solved with a perk that is fairly never used called Lightweight or the common Urban Evasion to get away quickly.
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Yes, always.
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Hmph. Well if that's the prevailing mindset its no wonder people hate me at Rank 1.
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I would say shorten the timer to around 30 seconds, but if you get chased within that time frame, the timer extends longer.
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30 second timer, but if you're downed it's active and won't turn off until you get picked up.
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Killer can use that 30sec just to chase that survivor, waiting for time off then slide him.
The time can be dropped to 15sec. But its paused if you're below 32m away from Killer or downed. I believe 15sec being faraway from Killer give the survivor another chance to play. The perk activate again if you got unhooked from 2nd time, even though you miss/success skill check from your 1st hook.
At the moment I think this kind ^ of DS should be standard, available for all Survivors (have to give Laurie a different perk). In exchange give survivors 2nd objective. So that Killers have more time because survivors cant gen rush, and survivors have more time play because tunneling is no more possible.
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You had 60 seconds post unhook to get away. If the killer downed you and didnt pick you up you can be saved. For savvy survivour players if someone gets tunneled hop on a gen close by and force the killer to react so you ally can pick the tunneled person of the ground. If the killer chooses to wait out the 60 seconds then you get a free gen. Rinse and repeat until the killer losses all the gens and only kills one person because you can gen rush a tunneling killer.
Remeber dbd is a 1 v 4. The emblem system requires a killer to at least kill 2-3 survivours to pip. If ibe player could consistently run a killer for 5 gens with ds then we will wnd up breaking the balance of the game.
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I would agree with that and be ok with the change provided it also stated
"if another survivor is hooked or put into the dying state your DS becomes inactive until the next time you are unhooked. This perk remains inactive if your the last survivor alive."
That way if your tunneled and good at looping it will remain for the duration, but if your just being stupid and want a free second chance its removed. This also means they can't wait 60 seconds and pick you up.
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It's a good idea, but I do have a minor gripe. The problem with this, though, is what if you have a team of 4 identical survivors?
All Bills with P3 bloody prestige clothing and toolboxes, etc.,
Only the Obsession mechanic gives everyone direct knowledge that the Killer is in a chase with the Obsession survivor.
You won't have any idea as a Killer which survivor you're chasing until you down them and check the status HUD in the bottom left to see who's in the dying state.
This potentially opens it up for Killer misplays on 3 out of 4 survivors, which is mostly beyond their control were we to implement this change to DS.
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Made an account just to say, that DS is just fine and fairly balanced. It's to prevent tunneling and does it well. When I get unhooked and the killer is right there, I have a fair chance of getting away again. The game isn't meant to be super easy so why does everyone try to make it that way.
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Solo survivor's aren't a 'team' we do not get to pick the other survivors to go in with and I certainly get punished for the bad play often costing my life. Killers love to blame survivors for everything - 'it's your fault because your team sucked' 'I'm going to camp you cause rando dude #2 used his insta heal on you' 'I got triggered because you ran in a circle more than once.'
Sick of this killer echo chamber and double standard where anything a killer uses at his disposal is fine and a 'strategy' while anything a survivor uses at his disposal is unfair and needs a nerf or flat out removal.
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You aren't a team?
SO you don't work together on the same goal?
Against the same ennemy?
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Have you even played solo survivor more than just a few times? You would not even be saying that.
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I play EXCLUSIVELY solo survivor.
No matter what you think you are a team.
You not choosing your team mate doesn't make you not a team
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No FFS it's timer needs to be reduced or it should be disabled when another survivor is down. You just want old da back.
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@thekiller490490 what I would suggest is if the person is downed before another survivor is hooked they simply get ds. No timer.... They were slugged and no initiative was done to get someone else aka tunneling. However, if someone is hooked and then they are downed ds is nullified as a non-tunnel hook has been achieved.
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Lmao LW all the way, it s one of the perks Ill never remove from my build, (LW, Spine Chill, SB, and empathy) ive gone entire games on gens without being found once
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I play solo surv to either cool down from sweaty SWF's or to warm up to killing it is not impossible choose a role and stick to it (im the never there Claudette if the killer is in my area im at least 20m from my gen or going to heal my teammate spine chill trumps most if not all killer perks best one being nurses, spine chill procs stop healing then resume when off, killer coming to you? Spine chill warns you before the killer even gets eyes on you, going entire games without being hit with this perk is 100% possible
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Sure, but it doesn't reset if you're slugged since you know...you still tunneled and its an anti-tunnel perk and all.