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Why is it so much easier to pip as survivor than killer?

Member Posts: 529

I'm currently at rank 8 as survivor and a pip away from reaching 7 and honestly I'm really not that good. But you can die and still pip up relatively easy in purple ranks. I feel like I'm a better killer but pipping up just seems so much harder because you can have 4k games and still not pip up. The piping system seems really imbalanced to me.

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  • Member Posts: 77

    Because as killer you need to extend the game, get multiple hooks on everyone, etc. The lore is as the killer you are there to feed the entity with survivor hope and steamrolling to a 4k in 3 minutes with 5 gens up is not entertaining to the entity.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    Because who cares about the pip system. I will try to kill or sacrifice every survivor wherever I see fit (camp, tunnel, mori, etc) and not even The Entity with those silly pips and ranks will stop me

  • Member Posts: 437

    Division of labor. Survivors have more tasks they can do for points to accommodate for the fact that there's four of them. There's only one killer who has to fit the criteria of doing labor that matches against four others. Emblem system also forces killer to determine the pace of the game when it's more in the survivor's control.

  • Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Can we please stop with making lore the reason for ranking? This is bad and terrible game design.

    Back when the Victory Cube was a thing, you were awarded specifically for hooks and kills, nothing more. This was honestly the best way to Rank and rate Killers. Steamrolling was heavily rewarded, and it allowed for multiple playstyles, rather than forcing hard gen stop strategies that are currently required.

    This new system isn't based on the lore at all, it's based on some arbitrary systems the devs made up in order to "gauge' the effectiveness of the Killer.

    A Killer is massively rewarded with Iridsecnt Gatekeeper for killing all 4 with 5 gens still up. How is it that he is rewarded, yet still isn't allowed to pip?

    Don't conflate lore and ranking mechanics please. The lore should compliment the gameplay, not the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Ok, how about this. The devs want the game to be fun and a killer steamrolling to a 4k in 3 minutes with 5 gens up is not fun for any survivor, the largest portion of the playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 833

    So the solution is to continue letting everyone steamroll every single game because they’ll never rank up? Seems bad design

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    The way they determine the pip requirements is by the percentage of the playerbase on each rank iirc. They probably aim to keep a 4:1 survivor to killer ratio.

    I personally think the survivor requirements are fine and the pipping system as it exists is terrible at evaluating killer performance. That's why they're gonna change it later this year.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Besides, survivor being a team game really makes the variance higher. You can have the worst game of your life and still get carried and pip, or you can get a very bad team and nothing you do can stop you from depipping.

    That doesn't happen as killer. Relying solely on your performance to rank up can make it seem tougher. Responsibility for results feels tough in a game like this.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Its actually harder as a solo surv .

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    Sounds like you play survivor better than killer.. gots to play killer properly, the way the Devs want you too... otherwise you don't rank up.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    It's the other way around actually.

    The game is setup right now so that if you steamroll the enemy, you don't get enough chances to score points, so you don't pip.

    The ingame conceit is that you are doing these trials to please the entity, and the entity likes to see the hopes of survivors raised then dashed. So in mechanical design terms, the more make the match a fun, "even" fight the more you will pip.

    Steamrolling on either side does not reward you.

    The killer who steamrolls and gets 4ks without the survivors getting the opportunity to do much gets no pip. Same with the survivors who steamroll the killer and escape in 4 minutes without anyone getting hooked or dying.

    Thus, if the OP like he is saying is getting 4Ks and not pipping, guess what? It's because he was too strong a killer and steamrolled the survivors. And that actually is a pretty common scenario in this game.

    Survivors don't have it easier. Killers do, actually.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I have an easier time pipping as killer.

  • Member Posts: 437

    I'll back up Grootdude on this. I've had an easier time pipping with legion than I do as survivor. Know the scoring events and play how it wants you too. Isn't hard with a game-stalling build and good pressure awareness.

  • Member Posts: 14,110
  • Member Posts: 1,611

    At least I think applying pressure and going after multiple people is more fun for everyone than just slugging and roflstomping a game. Just as going for saves and being chased is more fun than just holding M1 all game long for survivor.

    The pipping system may be bad but at least it enforces gameplay more fun than strictly the win conditions of the game.

  • Member Posts: 833

    That was a joke lol.

    That being said I can easily get to rank 1 perkless as survivor. As killer, I would be impressed to hear a non nurse or spirit got to rank 1 without perks or add ons.

  • Member Posts: 833

    It doesn’t encourage anything other than apathy on the killer end of things.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I have an easier time pipping as survivor don't get me wrong pipping on both is easy for me atleast I am rank 1 on surv and killer but it seems easier to pip as killer to me at least

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm all for rewarding snowballing, but a swift 4 gen remaining victory with a lot of hook actions and injuries should absolutely be rewarded more than one snowball play on the end of the game after you failed to defend gens. So yeah, I see where they're coming from.

  • Member Posts: 946
    edited June 2019

    Ranking for killers, oh I see, you face a survivor team and you curbstombed so you are clearly facing Survivors beneath your skill level, let's give you a pip and let you rank up, so you can face survivors closer to your actual level and stop frustrating the newbies.

    A wait no!

    I daydreamed again!

    You actual black pip!

    And dear Lord if someone DC's during the match you could even lose pips and face even more easy survivors.

    That's a great idea....

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Because the devs care about survivors more then killers since survivors are the majority, so they make it easier for survivors and harder for killers in every aspect. Look at adept achievements and you can see 1 of many one sided things.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Actually it doesn't make it easier for survivors and pipping as a killer isn't that hard have you seen survivor ques in red ranks? It's just a flaw in the ranking system.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    In theory this makes sense, but in practice it doesn't.

    You see, what happens is you steamroll your opponents, you don't pip and you rank down. That means you go down to a lower rank.... where you will fight likely less-skilled opponents, who you will curbstomp even harder. (this works both ways for both killer and survivor).

    So it's a nonsense system.

    The game design needs to be redone so that rank actually measures how well you beat the opposing team, else you get skill mismatches. That is the entire point of a ranking system -- to segregate people of different skill levels.

    That's why ranks should be determined by winning and losing.

    Winning and losing should be tied to killing prowess, survivability and completing objectives. That way, people who are good and can survive, go up in ranks, and killers who can kill effectively go up in ranks. Those who can't, go down and stay with people of roughly the same level of skill.

    BHVR shat on themselves with a stupid system like this. There is a huge disconnect between winning and losing, surviving and killing, and the "ideal way of how the game should be played."

    They need to take a good long look at how they want the game to be played, the mechanics of the game, and the win and loss conditions.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    I can do the same argument to you.

    I am Rank 2 on both sides,btw

  • Member Posts: 833

    Killer pips should go back to the victory cube. Survivors should pip via a combination of chaser, unbroken, and number of gens done by the time you died. Basically current system with pseudo shared lightbringer and no benevolence

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